• Country Updates
  • Visas, Embassies & Border Crossings
  • Moving About
  • Gems, Highlights & Attractions

    Country Updates

    Ryohaengsa (Korea International Travel Company), the government tourist agency in Beijing has moved to Yanxiang Hotel, 3rd floor (Qionghuating), No. A2 Jiangtai Rd, Chaoyang District Beijing China. Phone: (86-10) 6437-6224; fax (86-10) 6426-9089.
    Masato Asaga - Japan (Aug 97)

    There are now only two kinds of money - one for foreigners and the other for locals. The foreigners stuff is blue for jon and brownish purple for won and comes in 1, 5, 10 and 50 jon notes and 1, 5, 10, and 50 won notes. The local's stuff is brown/green and comes in a 10 jon note, 50 jon coin, and 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 won notes.

    There are different tokens for the bus, metro and phones. There are some which work for both metro and buses, some for phones only and some for all three.
    Stuart Malcom (Jun 97)

    Ryohaengsa, the government tourist agency, has changed its telephone and fax numbers.
    Phone: (8502) 381 7201; fax 8502 381 7607.
    Joachim Bergmann - Germany (Apr 97)

    Visas, Embassies & Border Crossings

    Both the DPRK embassy in Beijing and VNC can organise tours for any number of people, starting with one person. Thus you need not be concerned about having to form or join a group.
    Multiple entry Chinese visas can sometimes be difficult to obtain but fear not because another single entry visa can be bought in Pyongyang with very little effort (US$70 for same day issue transit visa, valid for a week).
    Stuart Malcom (Jun 97)

    Moving About

    The Chinese trains leave Beijing on Monday and Thursday (train number 27) at 5:36pm. Expect delays on the tour to Pyongyang because the train cannot travel fast due to bad rails and tracks.
    Joachim Bergmann - Germany (Apr 97)

    Gems, Highlights & Attractions

    Since October, 1996, another building has become part of the International Friendship Exhibition (IFE); a two storey palace dedicated to the Dear Leader Kim Jong 11 and the presents given to him. The latest attraction in the palace for the Great Leader Kim 11 Sung is the Great Leader himself in wax, positioned in a beautiful landscape of green meadows, blue lake, singing birds and murmuring water. The tour guides and I bowed respectfully. Beware of turning your back on the wax figure - we moved backwards to the door solemnly.
    Joachim Bergmann - Germany (Apr 97)

    For more news, views and the odd bit of gibberish, drop in on the soc.culture.korean and newsgroups.

    Check out Lonely Planet's detailed travel information in Destination North Korea.

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