• Visas, Embassies & Border Crossings
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    Visas, Embassies & Border Crossings

    According to the French Embassy in Ouagadougou, as well as the Togo Embassy in Accra, you can obtain a 48 hour visa at any border post. This is not correct! We were refused entry at the Shia border post (near Ho) and the officials there told us, only three border posts have authority to order visas: Aflao (Lome), the one on the coast to Benin (Ihilakovi), and the one to Burkina (Senkase) North of Dapaong. In Aflao we were charged 10,000 CFA fir a 7 day visa. It can be extended to one month without charge. The process takes one day and they require 3 photos.
    Jutta Langlotz & Chris Baumgardner (May 1998)

    Travel Tips

    The post office has moved to the intersection of the Rue du 23 Septembre and Ave de 13 Janvier. It is a big white building opposite Bar L'Espoir on the LP map. The former post office is now only a telecommunication building. There is a small post office in the street between the Centre Communautaire des Affaires Sociales and the Women's Weaving Co-op on the right hand side if you arrive from the Centre Communautaire. You can also call overseas from here.
    Christoph Kessel, Germany (Feb 99)

    Moving About

    Kara: the two Gare Routieres in Kara now have different destinations. The one at the Route Internationale only has destinations to the north (Dapaong, etc) and to the south (LomĪ˜, etc). The other station in the town has destinations to the east (Benin border) and to the west (Kadou).
    Christoph Kessel, Germany (Feb 99)

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