Downloading Music to the Portable Player


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Music can be downloaded to your portable player from the media library or directly from a CD through the use of auto-transcoding.

Auto-transcoding is unavailable for SIREN XPress users.

What do you want to do?

Download music from the Media Library

  1. Verify that the portable player is properly connected to the computer, as described in the player's documentation. Note that if the player is turned off, its icon is inactive (crossed-out).

    Note that if the player has a battery save feature and is idle for an extended period of time, it may display as inactive even if properly connected.

  1. From the Portable Player tab, specify the connected player from the drop-down list. The content of the player's internal memory (and removable memory cards) is displayed.

  2. Select the memory or folder to which the selected music will be added. For information on creating folders, click here.

  3. Verify that auto-transcoding settings are configured if you want to convert the music files to a different format or bitrate.

  4. Select the file(s) to be downloaded to the portable player from either the Media Library or Explore Files tab.

  5. Click on the Add to Portable Player List button or choose Add to Portable Player List from the File menu. A message box appears confirming that the selected files were sent to the Portable Player tab.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Select the Portable Player tab to see a list of the songs selected for transfer.

  8. From the Portable Player tab, click on the Transfer to Portable Player button . If auto-transcoding is enabled, the applicable songs will be transcoded before being transferred. A message box appears displaying the progress of transcoding.

    Once all selected songs are downloaded, the message box closes, SIREN's main screen is displayed, and the status of the songs change to On Device.

Download music from a CD

  1. Verify that the portable player is properly connected to the computer, as described in the player's documentation. Note that if the player is turned off, its icon is inactive (crossed-out).

    Note that if the player has a battery save feature and is idle for an extended period of time, it may display as inactive even if properly connected.

  1. From the Portable Player tab, specify the connected player from the drop-down list. The content of the player's internal memory (and removable memory cards) is displayed.

  2. Select the memory or folder to which the selected music will be added. For information on creating folders, click here.

  3. Specify the auto-transcoding settings needed to convert the CD tracks to either .mp3 or .wma.

  4. Place an audio CD in the system's CD-ROM drive and select the Play/Record CD tab. The CDs tracks and database information are displayed. If your computer has multiple CD drives, you must specify the appropriate drive to display the track listing and database information.

  1. Select the tracks to be downloaded and click on the Add to Portable Player List button or choose Add to Portable Player List from the File menu. A message box displays the transcoding progress.

    Once all selected songs are downloaded, the message box closes, SIREN's main screen is displayed, and the status of the songs change to On Device.