Media Manager Panel

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The Media Manager Panel contains tabs that provide easy access to common SIREN tasks, including access to Internet media and radio sites.

The following tabs are included in the Media Manager panel



Media Library

Includes the entire video and music library, categorized by artist, album, and genre. From this tab, you can play music, create and manage playlists, and add to the Burn List and portable player. More...

Play/Rip CD

Displays the CD drive(s) attached to your computer. From this tab, you can play CDs and rip songs from a CD to your computer. More...

Explore Files

Displays the contents of the computer's file system, including network connections, hard drives, and CD drives. More...

Internet Media

Launches an internal browser, enabling you to search the Internet for music and videos. More...

Internet Radio

Launches an internal browser, enabling you to listen to Internet radio stations. More...

Burn CD

Allows you to create custom CDs from your music collections. Custom CDs may consist of songs from personal CDs as well as .wav, .mp3, and .wma files recorded or downloaded from the Internet. More...

Portable Player

Allows you to download .mp3 and/or *.wma files to portable players, as well as manage these files once they are in the player. More...