Acceleration Software Presents MP3 Creator
MP3 Creator by Acceleration Software
This product has been prepared for use with a "homepageware" homepage.
Load Audio File
Click on the triangle on the lower right.  Select the MP3 or WAV files to be opened.  You may also drag and drop MP3 or WAV files onto the MP3 Creator display.  If you choose a WAV file you will first be prompted to save it in MP3 format.
Playback Control
Click on the left four buttons to control play or stop, pause, previous song, and next song.
The left vertical dial controls volume.  Click on the dial and slide up or down.
The right vertical dial is used to skip forward or backwards in a song.  Click on the dial and slide up or down.
Click on the buttons under the time display window to enter the Playlist Manager.

Repeat and Shuffle
Click on the circling arrow to repeat.  One click will repeat a single song and two clicks will repeat the entire playlist.  The word "all" will appear in the display window when the entire playlist is scheduled to repeat.  

Click on this button to randomly shuffle the order of play.
    MP3 Creator Interface Control
Use the "-" or the "x" to minimize or close the interface.  Drag the interface to position it on your desktop.
Time Display Mode
Click on the time display area to change between 3 modes: total time, time remaining, or current time used.
Click on the tab at the lower right to drop down the visual display screen.  This will give a graphic accompaniment to your music.  The Synaethesia screen will open automatically when you drop an MP3 file onto the MP3 player.  You may adjust the brightness or close the screen with the controls at its base.
Ripper Button
In the Synaesthesia display the Ripper button near the top of the display opens an interface which will allow you to convert your CD tracks into MP3 files.
About MP3 CreatorTechnical SupportFrequently Asked Questions
About HomepagewareInstalling and Uninstalling MP3 Creator

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MP3 Creator is a Trademark of Acceleration Software.