Keynote Act Four

Well, we've got this very complex meeting taking place and different people want to make comments and have side conversations. You're presenting rich types of information, so that the town planners are able to make little annotations to each other. As the questions come in, they're logged together with the slides so that you can go back and the moderator can select the right one, really making this kind of event work well, even allowing people who aren't at the meeting to watch as it goes on and later to come back and capture some of the dynamics of what took place there. Multiple streams of input again are being integrated together, bringing the rich kind of conferencing that can make these meetings more effective.


Another thing that we saw here was the idea of customization. The mayor, Alice, had a third party component that was plugged in that let her see traffic data in a nice map view. She was able to customize that, pull the data in which was probably in an Excel table, and pull it up onto her map. She could then simulate what this new traffic pattern might look like there and see that there was really a problem. You've got lots of end user customization, allowing you to see data in a very new way.

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