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The Server is the main component of DeliPlayer. It is the instance that actually plays the tunes. This is done by utilizing the players and other plugins.
The server has no window that is present all the time, just a small icon in the trayicon bar (the field on the opposite site of the 'Start' button in the taskbar). The Server's trayicon has two menus that are activated by either a single click with the left mouse button (LMB) or with a single click on the right mouse button (RMB).

The Menus

The LMB Menu

Basically this menu controls the replay. Its functions quite explain themselves.

The RMB Menu

The right mousebutton menu provides the ability to launch clients, open the configuration window, open the 'Tip of the Day' dialog and to exit DeliPlayer.

\fbox{\parbox{4cm}{Launch Panel}}
\fbox{\parbox{4cm}{Launch Playlist}}
\fbox{\parbox{4cm}{Launch Timer}} These start a new instance of the respective client or bring the currently running instance to the front.
\fbox{\parbox{4cm}{Launch ExtensionReg.}} Launches the filetype registration tool.
\fbox{\parbox{4cm}{Configuration}} Opens the server configuration window.
\fbox{\parbox{4cm}{User Information}} Displays a window containing information about the registered user.
\fbox{\parbox{4cm}{Help}} Opens a window containig the copyright notice and links to DeliPlayer's WWW-pages.
\fbox{\parbox{4cm}{Exit}} Exits DeliPlayer.

The Configuration

The servers's main configuration window (which is sizeable) hosts all configurationwindows of all DeliPlayer plugins and of course the server configuration itself.
On the left side of the window is a treeview containing one tree for the players, one for the genies (non-player plugins) and one for the server. Expanding the player-tree shows all loaded player-plugins sorted by their names. Some player-plugins have childs themselves, in which case this player does not only play one format but all formats listed in its subtree.
To configure a specific player select its leaf in the treeview and switch to the 'Configuration' page of the register-pane on the right side (the one with the screw image). If the selected player can be configured its config-page will appear in the register-pane.
Switching to the 'Information' page of the register-pane (the questionmark page) displays the copyright information and a description (if available) about the selected player. The same applies to the Genies (non-player plugins) and the server settings. The config window contains 6 buttons in its lower part:
'Show' and 'Hide': These two buttons open and close the UI window of the currently selected plugin. Use it with e.g. the FrequencyScope or the MP3 Info Editor (players and most non-visualization plugins do not have a UI window). 'Restore' will restore the currently active configuration of the plugin/server page you are currently viewing. Once pressed, all changes you haven't applied or saved are lost. 'Apply' applies the configuration changes on the selected plugin/server page. Once pressed, you cannot get back the old configuration with 'Restore'. 'Save' applies and stores the configuration of the selected plugin/server page. Once pressed, you cannot get back the old configuration with 'Restore'. 'Close' closes the configuration window. The configuration windows of the plugins are described (if necessary) in the description of the respective plugins. The Server-Directory page: This page contains the directory names that are searched for plugins everytime DeliPlayer is started. The third directory specifies the drawer where all the configuration files are stored. The Server-Switches page: Exit with last client: Select this switch if you want DeliPlayer to exit automatically as soon as its last client exits. Restart on Songend: If this checkbox is activated, DeliPlayer plays one song over and over again until you explicitly load anyother one, which is then repeated over and over again. If this checkbox is deactivated, DeliPlayer will stop playing the currently playing song as soon as its end is reached. If a playlist is active at that time it will automatically play the next song from the list. Display Load Progress Dialog: Activate this option if you want a see a load requester everytime DeliPlayer loads a file. This requester contains information about the load progress as well as a Cancel button to cancel the Load operation. Display Failure Dialogs: In case of a load error DeliPlayer opens up a requester - if this option is enabled - that informs you about the occurred error. This requester contains two buttons. If you press the 'Ok' button and a playlist is active, DeliPlayer will proceed to the next song in the playlist. Pressing 'Cancel' interrupts the playlist play sequence. Continue progress when not asked: This option comes into play only if you have deactivated the Failure Dialogs. Select this option if you want DeliPlayer to automatically proceed to the next tune in the active playlist when an error occurs. If you want to stop the play sequence simply deactivate this option. Evaluate All Information: Normally DeliPlayer checks all open playlists for information on a song when it is loaded. If you want DeliPlayer to (re)evaluate all information each time a song is about to play then you should activate this option. Auto Launch Panel, Playlist, Timer: When DeliPlayer is started, it will automatically start one instance of each client selected here. The Server-Miscellaneous page: Number of Milliseconds to Scan for Songend: When DeliPlayer loads a tune, it always tries to calculate its duration if no playlist already contain its duration (or 'Evaluate All Information' is switched on in the Server-Switches page). The duration calculation can take up to several seconds on emulated formats, especially on slow computers. You can specify the number of milliseconds that shall not be exceeded in an attempt to calculate the duration. Setting this number to zero (0) disables the duration calculation for all formats. Fade Out Interval in Milliseconds: If you want DeliPlayer to fade out the volume before the end of songs with known duration, you can configure the number of milliseconds of the fade out interval here. Setting the number of milliseconds to zero disables the fade out feature.
(Note that the fade-out sometimes does not work properly after repeating a song that has a 'loop' duration that differs from the 'played once' duration.) Left Doubleclick on Trayicon opens: Here you can specify the action that is performed when you double click the Deli Trayicon (with the left mousebutton).
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