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Plugins are small components that are automatically loaded at runtime and contain functionality that enhances the abilities of the program that loads them. DeliPlayer's plugins are Dynamic Link Librarys (DLLs). Using DLLs is quite common on the Windows platform. DeliPlayer's plugins can be split into 3 sections:
  1. Players
    Each of these plugins contains one replay engine. To be able to play e.g. FastTracker2 files the FastTracker2 player plugin for DeliPlayer is necessary. This plugin type is from now on simply called 'players'.
  2. Stream plugins
    These plugins convert the output of the players to something listenable. Examples for 'Stream plugins' are: Mixer, Equalizer and the SoundFX plugin.
    Stream plugins (and visualization plugins) are also called 'Genies'. Don't get confused. Its just a nickname.
  3. Visualization plugins
    This plugins type is not involved in playing nor does it improve the soundoutput. Its purpose is to visualize certain aspects of the music/sound that DeliPlayer is playing. Examples are: Frequency Scope and the Levelmeter.


The player concept is one of the highlights of DeliPlayer. It was introduced by DeliTracker, DeliPlayer's predicessor on the Amiga computer.
After loading a player, DeliPlayer will recognize and play modules of that specific type. When DeliPlayer is started all players in the 'players' directory are automatically loaded. Information like copyright and releasedate of the supported formats can be obtained by selecting a player in the treeview of the configuration window.
Some players (for example the Tracker player) handle more than one format, in which case the treeview entry can be expanded to display the complete list of supported formats.
Basically, there are 3 types of formats/players: The link page of the DeliPlayer website ( is a good starting point if you're looking for any kind of music that is played by DeliPlayer.

Stream Plugins


The SoundFX plugin generates the Wide Stereo and Reverb effects. Wide Stereo manipulates the output waves so that the channels seem to be farther apart. DeliPlayer can generate a 3 tap reverb. The Reverb effect is an recursive echo effect. It uses the output of the echo effect as another tap. You can tune the delay and decay of each reverb tap.
Using too low decay settings results in the tab's volume decaying too slowly and because of the reverb recursion accumulating to an overflow.
To avoid this effect you should enable the Auto Decay option and not set the decay values by hand except you really know what you are doing.


The Equalizer allows you to create your own frequency profile. 10 frequency bands can be amplified and attenuated up to 20 Decibel.
You can shift the whole equalizer profile up and down with the Modify Gains slider. When modifying the equalizer settings the resulting soundoutput might be too low or too loud. In this case you can adjust the overall volume of the soundoutput with the Mastergain slider from -20 up to 20 Decibel.
Actually the output cannot be too 'loud'. When the equalizer settings result in an overall amplification (that is what you usually do) the output begins to saturate. Note that some soundcards do their own sound manipulation and some tend to saturate normalized signals even if all of their effects are turned off. Also, loudspeakers have only limited dynamics and will start saturating the output themselves at some point (especially with loud bass frequencies). This is even worse with headphones. If you are not sure wether Deli creates the satruration or not, you can open the WaveScope plugin and check if the signal reaches the top/bottom borders of the window. If it does, DeliPlayer is responsible for the saturation. To avoid saturation, use the following steps for finding your equalizer settings:
Play one of your favorite tunes. Reduce the mastergain, depending on how strong you want to amplify the bands. E.g.: if you need extra special bass amplification you should start out with about -8dB and increase the volume of your HIFI set so that it is on the same level as before reducing the mastergain. Now start increasing the amplification of the desired bands and verify the result by applying the changes now and then. If the output begins to saturate, reduce the mastergain. 2 equalizer settings can be stored and recalled with the Store and Restore buttons. Zero resets all equalizer bands to 0 Decibel. Amiga sets the equalizer bands so that the resulting soundoutput is similar to that of the Amiga computer. This is just for the hardcore Amiga fans.


The Mixer is a core component of every (multichannel) music player. It is the place where the virtual channels, the instruments, are mixed together. There are different mixing algorithms available. There is no best algorithm, it depends on what format is being played and how you like the 'sound'.
You can select the used mixing algorithm in the Quality droplist.
For MP3s it does not matter what mixing algorithm is used because no mixing is needed.
For multichannel modules like FastTracker2 and ImpulseTracker, interpolated mixing is a good choice.
For 4 channel Amiga modules, oversampling creates a more original sound.
When listening to so called chip modules (tunes with very short/synthetic instruments), scaled mixing creates the charmy, crispy sound these tunes are known for. The Click Removal droplist controls how much effort is taken to remove 'click' noise from multichannels tunes. These 'clicks' are created by carelessly edited instruments and high volume differences.
We recommend using the 'good' setting. It removes almost all 'clicks' while not consuming much performance. The 'best' setting produces optimal results but needs a bit more CPU power. The Stereo Join effect simply adds part of the left stereo channels onto the right channel and vice versa. This effect is very useful when listening to 4 channels modules on headphones. The Volume Level increases the volume of the soundoutput. Normally there is no reason to turn off Auto Boost and set it by hand.

Visualization Plugins

The display plugins visualize different ascpects of the currently playing tune.
All display plugins have the following user configurable attributes:


The Levelmeter displays the volumes of all virtual channels or the output channels (usually stereo) in different ways. When displaying the virtual channels you can choose if you want to visualize the 'virtual' volume of the channels or the 'real' pressure. The 'virtual' volume does not necessarily reflect the pressure but in most cases it gives a good hint and sometimes looks more 'jumpy' than the pressure.
The default configuration displays the channels as ascending bars (the higher, the louder) split into 30 segments. You can configure the number of segments, the segment spacing (the 'empty' space between the segments) and the bar spacing (the empty space between the bars). Setting the number of segments to zero disables segmentation resulting in continuous bars.
Beside ascending bars you can choose to display the volumes as descending bars, two bars, one from the top and one from the bottom, meeting in the middle and as two interleaved bars, one from the top and one from the bottom.
Finally all modes can also be drawn horizontally. This makes ascending bars grow from the left to the right, and so on.
As an option, the Levelmeter can display a peak marker. The time a peakmarker stays at the peakposition can be specied by setting the Hold Time. The drop-down-speed of the markers can be modified in the Drop Speed field.


The Wavescope displays the currently playing waveform. Again you can choose from a variety of displaymodes:


The Frequency scope displays the frequency distribution of what DeliPlayer is currently playing. There are various ways of configuring the look of it.


The sonogram displays the same as the FrequencyScope but in a very different way. Frequencies that are 'loud' (have a high peak in the Frequ.Scope) will be displayed as a 'bright' point, silent frequencies are displayed with a 'dark' point. One frequency analysis is drawn as one line with the frequencies on the Y-axis. The X axis is the time axis. You can swap the X/Y axis. The Sonogram is not 'jumpy' at all. The Sonogograms of some tunes look really crazy, escpecially when pitch slides are used.

Other Plugins

MP3 Info Editor

The MP3 Info Editor is unlike the plugins described above.
It provides an easy way to view and modify MP3 ID3 information.
Its configuration controls when it's window automatically pops up and when it automatically closes itself.

Module Info

The Module Info plugin displays sample, instrument, song and message information that is present in most non-streamed music files, often called 'modules'.
Depending on the format and the 'module', more or less data can be evaluated.
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