Aqua DiveLog for Palm OS Documentation

Conduit - Documentation

The Aqua DiveLog for Palm OS / Conduit converts the dives you entered to the Aqua DiveLog to a HTML logbook.

You can view this files with any HTML / Web-Browser of your choice. You can add links to other dives or webpages, add images and even video clips to your logbook. And if you want, you can share this logbook with your friends by makeing public and adding it to your homepage.

Import CSV Data

Thanks to John Meagher the conduit is now also able to import dives from a csv file. Please note that this function is still in beta state.
To import data from another dive logbook application you have to do three steps:
  1. Configure the conduit properly, if you haven't already done it.

  2. Start the other dive logbook and export your dives to CSV files.
    The supported CSV format is very flexible and it should be possible to read dives from any application which is able to export CSV files. However it may be necessary that you adapt the files to the format required by the ADL conduit. Please take a look at the fileformat to see what input is supported.

  3. Launch the conduit with the -importcsv flag and the -metric or -imperial flag.

    java -jar conduit.jar -importcsv your_dives.csv -imperial

  4. Copy the AquaPalm-TableDB.PDB and AquaPalm-DiveDB.PDB files to your PDA. See the divelog.ini file for the path of this files.


You can design your own logbook pages or simply use and modify one of the sample templates.

There are three types of page templates:


The easiest way to design your own logbook, is to create HTML pages with dummy entries of your dive data. So you have a kind of what you see is what you get template.
If you finished the design, you brackets the dummy entries with PDL-keywords and the Dive Log Conduit will replace them with the data of your logged dives.

The syntax of PDL-keywords is similar to HTML keywords.
All PDL-keywords look like:
If you have open a statement with a <PDL_... > keyword, you have to close it right after the dummy data. with the corresponding slashed </PDL_... > keyword. All data between the keywords are replaced by the Conduit with actual dive data. Some keywords can be modified with additional parameters.

There is one exception to this rule: repeat blocks
Repeat blocks may contain text, HTML statements and a specified subset of PDL-keywords within the outer <PDL_repeat_... > keywords.
Dive data of repeat blocks are placed between the next following <PDL_INSERTED> and </PDL_INSERTED> keywords.
To hide the repeat block template line, you can write it into a HTML commentary <!-- and /-->. HTML Browsers will ignore this part and the Dive Log Conduit will write the data between the <PDL_INSERTED> keywords, which have to be outside of the HTML commentary.

list of all PDL-keywords

Conduit Parameters

The program can be started with following parameters:
Use one of this parameters to select the output unit, or none to use the default units from your personal diver info page.
-importcsv (filename.csv) Path and filename of csv file to be imported to the Aqua Divelog database. Togehter with either, the -imperial or the -metric flag.

e.g. java divelog.conduit -bothunits