Aqua DiveLog for Palm OS Documentation

Conduit - Keywords

simple keywords
keyword description parameter
<PDL_air_temp > air temperature all
<PDL_buddy > dive buddies all
<PDL_current > current during dive all
<PDL_date > date of dive all
<PDL_dive_depth > maximal depth of dive all
<PDL_dive_number > number of dive in logbook all
<PDL_dive_rating > rating of dive 1 (worst) ... 5 (best) all
<PDL_dive_time > duration of dive all
<PDL_location > global location of divesite all
<PDL_notes > notes all
<PDL_place > place of divesite all
<PDL_place_altitude > altitude of divesite all
<PDL_place_latitude > latitude of divesite all
<PDL_place_longitude > longitude of divesite all
<PDL_place_rating > rating of divesite 1 (worst) ... 5 (best) all
<PDL_place_description > description of divesite all
<PDL_place_depth > max. depth of divesite all
<PDL_place_water > sea water or fresh water all
<PDL_place_type > type of divesite all
<PDL_profile_png > dive profile as PNG image all
<PDL_suit > name of divesuit all
<PDL_suit_type > type of divesuit all
<PDL_suit_weight > weight typically used wearing this divesuit all
<PDL_tank_count > number of tanks used for this dive all
<PDL_time > time the dive started all
<PDL_userdef_1_label > user defined field all
<PDL_userdef_1 > user defined field all
<PDL_userdef_2_label > user defined field all
<PDL_userdef_2 > user defined field all
<PDL_visibility > visibility during dive all
<PDL_water_temp > water temperature all
<PDL_weight > weight used for this dive all
<PDL_workload > workload during dive all
repeat blocks
keyword description parameter
<PDL_repeat_index> logbook index block none
keyword description parameter
all simple keywords see keywords all
<PDL_repeat_location> logbook index location / place block none
keyword description parameter
<PDL_location > global location of divesite all
<PDL_place > place of divesite all
<PDL_place_* > divesite related data all
<PDL_repeat_schedule> dive schedule block none
keyword description parameter
<PDL_schedule_depth > depth of scheduled stop all
<PDL_schedule_gas > gas used at this stop all
<PDL_schedule_runtime > over all runtime all
<PDL_schedule_tanknumber > number of tank used at this stop all
<PDL_schedule_time > duration of this stop all
<PDL_repeat_tank> uesd tank block none
keyword description parameter
<PDL_tank_gas > gas in tank all
<PDL_tank_in > preassure at start of dive all
<PDL_tank_name > name and type of tank all
<PDL_tank_number > number of tank all
<PDL_tank_out > preassure at end of dive all
<PDL_tank_type > type of tank (steel or aluminium) all
<PDL_tank_volume > volume of tank all
<PDL_INSERTED> used to indicate where to insert a repeat block none
reference keywords
keyword description parameter
<PDL_html_index > reference to logbook index (default caption: index) ref or forceref + all
<PDL_prev_dive_number > reference to previous dive (default caption: previous dive number) ref or forceref + all
<PDL_next_dive_number > reference to next dive (default caption: next dive number) ref or forceref + all
<PDL_prev_divesite > reference to previous divesite (default caption: location-place) ref or forceref + all
<PDL_next_divesite > reference to next divesite (default caption: location-place) ref or forceref + all
statistical keywords
keyword description parameter
<PDL_avg_depth > average depth of dives all
<PDL_avg_time > average time of dives all
<PDL_cum_time > cumulated dive time all
<PDL_max_depth > maximal depth all
<PDL_max_time > maximal dive time all
<PDL_number_dives > number of dives in the logbook all

parameter description
imgalign=" ... " alignment of image (left, right, top, bottom)
imgsrc=" ... " inserts a image to a field or link (filename and path of the image)
imgsrcnb=" ... " inserts a image to a field or link (filename and path of the image),
this version doesn't display a border to the image to identify it as link
prefix=" ... " prefix field with text
text=" ... " appends text to the field
overwrite overwrites the field with the spezified text
ref indicates this field as a hyperlink / reference
forceref indicates this field as a mandatory hyperlink / reference
if no reference information exists, the field won't be displayed

keyword description default
TablePDBFile path and filename of the divelog table file TablePDBFile = C:\Palm\USER\Backup\PalmDiveLog-TableDB.pdb
DivePDBFile path and filename of the divelog dive database file DivePDBFile = C:\Palm\USER\Backup\PalmDiveLog-DiveDB.pdb
IndexTemplate path and filename of the loogbook index template IndexTemplate = .\template\sample_index.html
LogTemplate path and filename of the loogbook page template LogTemplate = .\template\sample_log.html
PlaceTemplate path and filename of the divesite template PlaceTemplate = .\template\sample_place.html
LogbookPath path to the HTML-logbook (directory must exist) LogbookPath = .\log\