Move Texture Axes

The Move Texture Axes are used to specify the texture size and orientation relative to the selected faces.

All models have by default one texture axes. All textures have a basic repeat unit that is the size of the Texture Axis. Some have a definite origin point and orientation such as the Wood texure where the origin point is the center of the rings.

The size and orientation of the texture is manipulated with the Texture Axes' handles.

Top Left (T/L) Handle Anchor handle moves all axes .and sets center of texture.
ex: Sets the center of the rings in the wood texture.
Top Right (T/R) Handle Resizes width of texture.
ex: Resizes the width of the rings in the wood texture.
Bottom Left (B/L) Handle Resizes length of texture.
ex: in the wood texture.


Experiment with the effects of moving the Texture Axes' handles. Choose a texture such as Wood. Move the texture Axes's handles. Right click on the Camera window (OpenGL view must be disabled) and choose Quick Render to view the effect of the change. Note you can Quick Render the change without clicking on the Done button in the Texture Lock palette. Move the axes' handles into a different position. Quick Render. Continue until you get the effect you like. The effects will be different depending on the texture used.

You can also set the position of each texture axis handle at the location of the 3D Cursor by pressing on the corresponding button in the Lock Palette. Note that Texture Axes handles cannot be locked to vertices.

The Texture Parameter slider in the Settings Tab page of the Material Attributes dialog is used to specify the height/depth of the Bumpy, Aztec, Wrinkled, Agate, and Dents bump textures. The larger the slider value the higher/deeper the bumps.