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Step 6: Resolving Conflicts and Other Errors

The installations and removals that you specified in step 4 are not performed if conflicts or error conditions are detected during go processing. Conflicts occur if you select software that depends on prerequisites that you did not select, or if a selection is incompatible with other selections or with installed software. Other errors that occur during go command processing are resolved with routine corrective actions (see Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Installations," for additional error-handling information).

Using the conflicts Command

If Inst detects a conflict in the software that you selected, it posts a conflicts message after you enter the go command. Conflict error messages are followed by a description of the conflicts and recommended actions that you can safely perform to resolve the conflicts. You use the conflicts command to select a suggested resolution. You can also enter the conflicts command periodically during the selection process to display any conflicts that might be accumulating as a result of your selections.

Example 4-9 illustrates a message describing two conflicts.

ERROR: Conflicts must be resolved.
Movie Playback, Recording, Conversion cannot be installed because of missing prerequisites:
 1a. Do not install Movie Playback, Recording, Conversion
 1b. Also install Compression Execution Environment
DLPI Execution Environment cannot be removed because other products depend on it:
  2a. Do not remove DLPI Execution Environment
  2b. Also remove 4DDN Software 

Example 4-9 : Sample Conflicts Message To resolve a conflict, enter the conflicts command and your choice of resolutions as command arguments, as shown in Example 4-10.

Inst> conflicts 1b 2a 

Example 4-10 : Sample Entry to Resolve Conflicts When you have successfully resolved all conflicts, Inst posts a success message. Enter the go command after the message to process any new selections.

No conflicts
Inst> go 
If the go command returns a success message (see Example 4-8), you can continue with the session or go on to "Step 7: Quitting the Installation Session".

Correcting Other Installation Errors

If Inst is unable to execute go for reasons other than conflicts, it posts error messages that suggest the cause of the error and presents choices for your next action. Errors can occur during pre-installation checking, while software is being installed and removed, or during exit operations.

Example 4-11 illustrates an error that occurs in pre-installation checking.

Inst> go 
ERROR: Subsystems cannot be installed/removed because they contain files in write-protected directories.
ERROR: Subsystems cannot be installed/removed because they contain files on read-only NFS-mounted filesystems.

Example 4-11 : Sample Error in Pre-Installation Processing Most error messages contain information that suggests the needed corrective action; however, if you need additional information to correct an error, see Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Installations."

Example 4-12 illustrates an error that occurs during installation processing.

Inst> go 
Pre-installation check
Installing/removing software
Upgrading selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected prod1.sw subsystems
ERROR : An error occurred while Installing new versions of selected prod1.sw subsystems 
Archive /swmgr/products/prod1/images/prod1.sw is corrupt
Error/Interrupt Menu
 1. retry            Retry the failed operation
 2. stop             Terminate current command
 3. continue         Continue current command
 4. set[preferences] List all preferences or set/clear a preference
 5. help [topic]     Get help in general or on a specific word
 6. sh [cmd]         Escape to a shell or run a command
 7. shroot [cmd]     Escape to a chrooted shell or run a command

Example 4-12 : Sample Error in Installation Processing Notice from Example 4-12 that if you encounter errors during installation, Inst displays the Interrupt menu (explained in "Using the Interrupt Menu"). This version of the Interrupt menu includes a "retry" choice, which might be used, for example, if the error is caused by a network timeout. If you need additional information to correct the error, see Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Installations."

Example 4-13 illustrates an error that occurs during exit operations.

ERROR : Sub-command "cd $rbase/usr/lib/filetype; ./tagscript $rbase; rm tagscript" returned status 1
100% Done.
Errors occurred executing exit-ops

Example 4-13 : Sample Error in Exit Operations See Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Installations" for an explanation of messages that are generated during exit operations.

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