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Pre-Installation Check Errors

When you enter the go command, Inst executes the pre-installation check before installing any files. If any errors are detected during this check, Inst lists the problems and returns to the main menu without installing or removing software.

Not enough space on / for the new unix kernel
Not enough space on /usr for requickstart overhead (see rqs(1))
Not enough space on /usr for the installation overhead
Not enough space on / (additional 85kbytes required)

These errors mean that you need to make more disk space available (in these examples on the / and /usr filesystems), or select fewer subsystems for installation.

Note: A live installation usually requires extra temporary disk space. Because some of the files to be upgraded are currently in use, either by the operating system or by running applications, Inst must maintain multiple copies of these files during a live installation and, in some cases, until you reboot the computer.

If you are running a live installation, you may encounter a situation where there is enough available disk space for all the new software, but not enough additional temporary disk space to accomplish the installation. In this situation, try closing some applications, and then giving the "go" command again. If there is still not enough space, you may have to run the installation in the miniroot.

The installation request will install or remove files in the following nfs-mounted filesystems:

Please cancel or confirm the request.
1. Cancel the installation request
2. Continue the installation request
Please enter a choice [1]:

Inst issues these warnings to protect against accidental installation of files into NFS mounted directories. Normally software installations are made on the local host. If you really want to install across an NFS mount, choose 2, otherwise cancel the installation (1), return to the Main Menu, and use the keep command to install fewer subsystems.

Note: To disable this confirmation, set the preference confirm_nfs_installs to off.

ERROR: Subsystems cannot be installed/removed because they contain files on read-only NFS-mounted filesystems. You may de-select these subsystems for install/remove; or, if you wish to install these subsystems locally, you must first unmount these filesystems, or remove any symbolic links pointing into them (check the pathnames of the Files listed below); or, if you wish to install these subsystems onto the remote filesystems, you must unmount them and then re-mount them as read-write.

Filesystem: /usr/share NFS-mounted, read-only
  Subsystem          File    /usr/share/Insight/lib/addBooklist     /usr/share/catman/a_man/cat7/vino.z

Installations and removals canceled

ERROR: Subsystems cannot be installed/removed because they contain files in write-protected directories. You may de-select these subsystems for install/remove; or, if you wish to continue with the current selections, you must first change the directory permissions using the chmod(1M) command.
  Subsystem           File
  ViewKit_dev.sw.demo /usr/share/src/lib/ViewKit/Utilities/list.c++
  dwb.sw.dwb          /usr/share/lib/tmac/tmac.e

Installations and removals canceled

Any of these messages mean that you lack the appropriate permission to install all the files in the selected products.

This is usually an indication that you are using NFS to share filesystems on a remote host, and some of the subsystems selected for installation install files into those remote filesystems.

Check your selections to make sure you are not installing or removing "shared" software, such as online books or manual pages. Use the keep command to de-select those products.

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