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Errors While Starting an Installation Session

The error discussions in this section are grouped as follows:

In general, check what Inst is using as the default distribution. You may have to use the from command to point it at the desired distribution.

Wrong Diskless Modes

ERROR : Unable to start inst: The target appears to be a diskless client tree, since the file /root/var/inst/.client is present. Restart in client- mode using client_inst (1M). If you are certain that you want to run in non-diskless mode, remove the client file /root/var/inst/.client and restart inst.

FATAl ERROR : Unable to start inst: The target appears to be a share tree for diskless client, since the file /var/inst/.share is present. Restart in share-mode using share_inst(1m). If you are certain that you want to run in non-diskless mode, remove the file /var/inst/.share and restart inst.

These messages mean that Inst believes that the target is a diskless client tree, because in a previous installation Inst was invoked in "diskless" mode reserved for the diskless installation tools share_inst and client_inst (see the share_inst(1M) and client_inst(1M) reference pages).

If the target has been previously created as a diskless tree, then continuing with a normal (non-diskless) installation would severely corrupt the installed software. You should only attempt diskless installations using share_inst and client_inst (see the share_inst(1M) and client_inst(1M) reference pages).

However, if you are certain that the target is not used for diskless installations, remove the files /var/inst/.share and /var/inst/.client (or, if in the miniroot, /root/var/inst/.share and /root/var/inst/.client). Then restart Inst.

If you are performing a miniroot installation, Inst will exit abnormally and prompt you to restart the system (y), enter Inst (n), or start a shell (sh). Choose sh:

Ready to restart the system? (y, n, sh) sh

# rm /root/var/inst/.share

# rm /root/var/inst/.client

# exit

(You use only the /root prefix to the path for miniroot installations.) Then return to Inst:

Ready to restart the system? (y, n, sh) n



Errors Starting Live Installation

These errors occur when starting Inst from IRIX.

Sorry! The system is not set up for non-miniroot installations of all the selected subsystems, since the configuration file /var/inst/inst_special is missing. Try the installation again from the miniroot.

You may not perform a live installation of some subsystems (labeled with b by the list command) without the inst_special configuration file present. If you are unable to obtain this file from another system, you must perform the installation from the miniroot.

Another inst is currently running

You may not have two copies of Inst running in read/write mode to the same target simultaneously. The second session is run in read-only mode.

Inst determines this by looking for a file called $rbase/var/inst/inst.lock. ($rbase is the root directory for the current software installation.) In rare cases, it may be necessary to remove this file by hand.

A previous installation session was not completed successfully.

This error means a previous version of Inst was interrupted or killed before it completed all the actions requested by the user. Information on the state of the last session has been saved in the file $rbase/var/inst/.checkpoint. For more information on recovering from the checkpoint file, see "If Inst Is Interrupted".

Inst Library Errors

The Inst products--inst, swmgr, showfiles and showprods--all link with the dynamic object. If, when starting one of these programs, an rld error appears regarding, it is probable that you have an incompatibility between the binary and In this situation, it is best to reinstall eoe.sw.unix from the miniroot to get the latest versions of these products.

26379:inst: rld: Fatal Error: cannot map soname '' using any of the filenames
-- either the file does not exist or the file is not mappable (with reason indicated in previous msg)

This error message means the file is missing.

852:swmgr: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in swmgr:

This error message indicates that the file is present but not the right version.

Errors in the Distribution

ERROR : No such host: host

This error can appear after executing a command that requires access to a distribution through the network.

The most likely cause is a bad hostname. Check the hostname and use the from command to set the correct distribution location.

If the hostname appears correct and there was a delay before the error message appeared, it is possible that your system is experiencing network problems. See the section "Resolving Network Problems" for information on resolving this problem.

ERROR : The distribution dist:/pathname does not exist.

This error occurs when a command attempts to reference the distribution, but the distribution path references a non-existent directory or a product file. For example:

Inst> from dist:/sgi/baddir

Connecting to dist ...

ERROR : The distribution dist:/sgi/baddir does not exist.

Inst> from dist:/sgi/hacks/badprod

Connecting to dist ...

ERROR : The distribution dist:/sgi/hacks/badprod does not exist.

Inst> from /host/dist/sgi/baddir

ERROR : The distribution /host/dist/sgi/baddir does not exist.

Determine the correct pathname and use the from command to set the correct distribution location.

ERROR : The product host:/path/sc is bad.

This error occurs if the distribution specified references a file that is not a valid product file. For example:

Inst> from /usr/tmp/file

ERROR : The product /usr/tmp/file is bad.

Note that when referencing an individual product, the product file must be used. In the following error, the product was incorrectly specified using the idb file:

Inst> from dist:/sgi/hacks/sc.idb

Connecting to dist ...

ERROR : The product dist:/sgi/hacks/sc.idb is bad.

The product sc should be specified as follows:

Inst> from dist:/sgi/hacks/sc

Connecting to dist ...

ERROR : The distribution host:/path does not contain any products.

This error results when the distribution directory specified does not contain any product files. You must specify the correct distribution directory.

Missing products in listing

If a product prod appears in a distribution directory along with its idb file (prod.idb) and image files (prod.image ...), but does not appear in the product listing in Inst, then the product files may be corrupt.

Use ls to make sure that the product files are in the distribution directory. Make certain that you are viewing all of the products in the distribution by executing the following commands:

Inst> view dist

Current Location : distribution

Inst> view filter all

Inst> list

If the product is still not visible, the product was not read in and the product files are probably corrupt. See the section "Checking Distribution Directories and CDs" for more information.

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