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Errors Loading the Miniroot

This section discusses three types of errors that can occur when you are loading the miniroot. The following types are discussed:

Errors Loading the Miniroot From Local CD

dk<unit> error: unrecognized scsi disk drive
dksc(0,<unit>,8)sash.<cpu>: Command not found

If you see one of these errors while you are using a local CD during a miniroot installation, possible causes are

  1. Check to make sure a caddy with a CD is in the drive.

  2. Press the Reset button on the workstation main unit and begin the installation process again.

  3. Follow the procedure in "Verifying That a CD-ROM Drive Is Recognized".

CD-ROM drive not recognized

If you see this error while using local CD-ROM during an IRIX Installation, a possible cause is that IRIX doesn't recognize that the CD-ROM drive is present.

Perform these actions to correct the problem:

  1. Shut down the workstation, verify that the CD-ROM drive is connected and turned on, and start the installation process over again.

  2. If shutting down the workstation does not correct the problem, try turning the CD-ROM drive off and then on again.

  3. See the section "Resolving Problems With CDs".

dks0d3s8: Unexpected blank media: ASC=0x64
dks0d3s8: Can't read volume header
Error 20 while loading scsi(0)cdrom(3)partition(8)sashARCS

If you see these errors while using a CD distribution source during a miniroot installation, it is possible that the program cdman(1) was terminated, which left the CD-ROM drive in audio mode rather than in data mode.

To correct this problem, use the following procedure:

  1. Quit Inst.

  2. Return to the PROM Monitor.

  3. Press the Reset button on the workstation.

  4. Begin the installation again.

  5. Refer to the section "Resolving Problems With CDs"," if problems persist.

Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host

In addition to the errors discussed in this section, refer to "Network Problem Diagnosis During Miniroot Installation" for a discussion of network problems that may occur during a miniroot installation.

No server for server:path(sash.cpu)
Unable to load bootp()server:path(sash.cpu):file not found


No server for server:CDdir/dist(sash.cpu)
open(bootp)server:CDdir/dist(sash.cpu) failed, errno = 6
Unable to load bootp()server:CDdir/dist(sash.cpu):file not found

If you see either of these errors during a miniroot installation, the cause might be an incorrect specification of the remote distribution source. To correct the error, enter the setenv command again. Specify the full, correct path to the distribution source, and be sure to include the /sa at the end of your specification. Then, enter the boot command again.

TFTP error: I/O error (code 0)
Unable to load bootp()server:path>(sash.cpu): ''bootp()server:path/sa(sash.cpu)'' is not a valid file to boot.


TFTP error: Access violation (code 2)
bootp()server:path/sa(sash.cpu): invalid
Unable to load bootp()server:path/sa(sash.cpu): ''bootp()server:path/sa(sash.cpu)'' is not a valid file to boot.


bootp()server:path/sa(sash.cpu): invalid
Unable to load bootp()server:path/sa(sash.cpu): ''bootp()server:path/sa(sash.cpu)'' is not a valid file to boot.

If you see any of these errors after specifying a remote distribution during a miniroot installation, the problem might be one of the following:

  1. Check server (the installation server name), path (the distribution directory), and cpu (the CPU number) to make sure that you have spelled them correctly and that they exist.

  2. Try to load the miniroot using the instructions in Chapter 3; you may see additional error messages that help you determine the cause of the problem.

  3. Check the inetd.conf file on the installation server. The line containing tftp should be modified and inetd should be restarted, as explained in "Setting Up an Installation Server".

  4. Check the inetd.conf file on each router between the target and installation server systems to verify that it has been modified, as explained in "Setting Up an Installation Server".

  5. Check Ethernet or other network cables and connections on the local and installation servers.

  6. Check the netaddr variable on the target to make sure that it is set correctly (see Step 3 on page 180).

  7. If possible, check the network connection to the installation server from a different system on the same network (see "Checking Network Connections").

  8. If the target system is a router (has multiple network connections) you might need to change its network connections so that the "normal" network device is connected to the same network as the installation server. Booting the miniroot is not supported over FDDI.

  9. If necessary, bring up IRIX on the target system and check the network connection (see "Checking Network Connections").

  10. Check the distribution directory as described in "Checking Distribution Directories and CDs".

  11. Perform any additional procedures that are necessary to identify the problem. See the section "Resolving Network Problems".

file file not found in server:path/sa; directory contains:
Unable to load bootp()...


File CDdir/dist/sa not found on server server
Unable to load bootp()server:CDdir/dist/sa(sash.cpu): no such file or directory

If you see either of these errors during a miniroot installation, possible causes are

  1. Examine the last command you entered and look for a spelling or capitalization error, the wrong CPU in the sash.cpu portion of the command, sash.IP12 rather than sashIP12, sash.IP17 rather than sashIP17, or any sash command with IP19, IP20, or IP22 rather than sashARCS. Enter the command again with the correct spelling.

  2. Check /var/adm/SYSLOG on the installation server to see whether it contains bootp messages. If SYSLOG contains bootp messages, bootp is running. The likely cause of the problem is that netaddr is set incorrectly on the target system.

  3. If the installation server has multiple network interfaces, try specifying the hostname for each interface alternately. This sometimes resolves routing problems. To display the hostname for each interface, enter this command:

    % /usr/etc/netstat -i

  4. The Address column in the output contains hostnames.

  5. Perform additional checks, as described in "Resolving Network Problems".

Installation tools not found at server:CDdir/dist


Installation tools not found at server:path

If you see either of these errors during a miniroot installation from a remote distribution source, the CD or distribution directory that you specified might not contain installation tools. To correct this problem, confirm that the distribution source contains the installation tools (the sa file).

bootp()server:path/sa/(sash.cpu) is not in a.out format

If you see this error message after you initiate miniroot loading, it may have one of the following causes:

Other Errors Loading the Miniroot

Unable to load dksc(cntlr,unit,8)sashcpu: file not found


dksc(cntlr,unit,8)sashcpu: invalid
Unable to load dksc(cntlr,unit,8)sash.cpu: file not found


open(bootp()server:CDdir/dist/sa(sash.cpu)) failed, errno=2
Unable to load bootp()server:CDdir/dist/sa(sash.cpu): file not found

If you see any of these errors during miniroot installation from CD, it may be that you are trying to load the miniroot from a CD that does not contain installation tools.

Switch to a CD that includes installation tools to load the miniroot, then switch back to your original CD.

root and swap are on the same partition. Either the system is misconfigured or a previous installation failed. If you think the miniroot is still valid, you may continue booting using the current miniroot image. If you are unsure about the current state of the miniroot, you can reload a new miniroot image. Finally, you may abort the installation and return to the PROM; in this case you will need to use the 'fx' program to correct the disk label information. See the 'Software Installation Guide' chapter on Troubleshooting for more information.

Enter 'c' to continue booting the currently loaded miniroot.
Enter 'r' to reload the miniroot.
Enter 'a' to abort the installation.
Enter your selection and press ENTER (c, r, or a)

This error message occurs only with the Indy workstation. If you are not using an Indy workstation but see a similar error, refer to the discussion of the next error. This error (or the next one) occurs when you try to load the miniroot after a power failure or if system restart has occurred during an installation. If you had attempted a system restart instead of loading the miniroot, you would have automatically been placed in the version of Inst that is in the previously-installed miniroot.

Take one of the following corrective actions:

  1. Enter c if you want to install software with the currently loaded miniroot.

  2. Enter r if you want to reload the miniroot. You might want to do this if, for example, the current version of the miniroot is corrupt, or if you want to load another version of the miniroot.

  3. Enter a to abort the installation and to go back to the command monitor. You can do this, for example, if you want to use the fx command to correct boot information and boot from the root partition, or if you want to abort the installation and restart the system.

    Note: Entering c and quitting Inst fixes the boot information. You can then restart the system after Inst is loaded without using the fx command. If you are familiar with fx and want to use it, refer to the procedure documented in "Using fx to Restore the Swap Partition".

root and swap are on the same partition. This is most likely because a previous installation was in progress. If so, you may continue the boot into the miniroot. Otherwise the partition info needs to be corrected. Do you wish to continue booting (y or n)

This is the version of the previous error message for systems previous to the Indy. If you see this error after you entered the command to copy the miniroot to the swap partition, it may be that the power failed or the system was reset during installation, and the miniroot is still in the swap partition.

First decide whether you need to return to Inst to complete your installation, or are ready to restart your system. If you need to return to Inst, answer y to the question. The Inst Main Menu should appear, and you can finish your installation. To restart your system and cause it to boot normally from the root partition, enter n and you will be returned to the PROM Monitor where you can choose to start the system.

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