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Verifying That a CD-ROM Drive Is Recognized

The procedure to verify that a CD-ROM drive is recognized depends on your situation:

When a CD-ROM drive is not recognized, it usually because the CD-ROM drive was not powered up properly. If it is an external drive, the CD-ROM drive must be powered on before the workstation main unit is powered on.

The procedure for making the system recognize the CD-ROM drive depends on whether you are running IRIX or the miniroot:

  1. If you are running IRIX, exit Inst if it is running, warn other users, shut the workstation down with shutdown (see the shutdown(1M) reference page) or use System Shutdown on the System menu, then reboot the workstation to bring up IRIX again.

  2. If you are in the miniroot, get back to the PROM Monitor, press the Reset button on the workstation main unit, and then bring up Inst again. If this does not fix the problem, turn the CD-ROM drive off and then on again.

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