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Condensed Installation Instructions

Use this procedure if you are already familiar with using Inst and need only cursory instructions to complete the installation process. The procedure contains references to information in Chapter 5, in case you need more detail.

Note: Inst has an extensive online help feature. To see the list of topics on which help is available, give the command help help.

  1. Become the superuser.

    % su -


  2. Invoke Inst:

    # inst

    After your entry, initial messages appear, including the default location of the software distribution that will be used for the installation. If you plan to use this distribution, omit step 3 and go directly to step 4.

  3. Specify the software distribution source, if you need to:

    Inst> from server:pathname

    Use the from command to specify the location of the distribution that you wish to use if the default is not acceptable. Substitute a local specification, such as /CDROM/dist, if necessary. (See "Step 2: Specifying the Source" for more details.)

    The initialization is performed after your entry. Inst posts messages about reading the installation history and product descriptions; then it performs space calculations.

  4. Display the distribution inventory (optional):

    Inst> list

    Use the list command to browse the software on the distribution. After your entry, you see a display of subsystems, their selection status, installation status, and disk space requirements. (See "Using the list Command" for details.) If you omitted step 3, you see the initialization messages before the software inventory is posted.

  5. Switch to the target view and look at the installed products (optional):

    Inst> view targ

    Inst> list

    To browse the software on the target, use view to change the view to the target and list to display target software. After your entry, you see a display of subsystems that are installed on the target and their removal status. (See "Using the View Commands Menu" for details.)

  6. Step through the distribution inventory to change selections, as needed:

    Inst> view dist

    Inst> step

    After your entries, the first subsystem in the distribution is displayed. Type <Enter> to display succeeding subsystem, checking the selection status in the first column of each subsystem as it is displayed (these selections were made by Inst during initialization). Use the selection commands to change any selections, as needed: Type i to install the subsystem, r to remove it, and k to keep the subsystem in its present condition on the target. (See "Step 4: Making Software Selections" and "Using step to Make Selections" for more information.)

  7. Launch the installation:

    Inst> go

    If there are no conflicts or errors in your selections, see messages about images being removed and installed, followed by a completion message, after you enter go. (See "Step 5: Launching the Installation" for details.) If you see conflict messages, go on to step 8 of this procedure. If no conflict messages are posted, omit steps 8 and 9 and go directly to step 10.

  8. Resolve conflicts, if needed:

    Inst> conflicts num num num

    If you were notified of conflicts, specify the conflict resolution that you prefer from the list of recommendations. (See "Step 6: Resolving Conflicts and Other Errors" for details.)

    If you prefer not to accept the resolutions that are offered in the conflict notice, you can return to step 6 to change your selections. Then, repeat the go command to install or remove the software that is affected by the conflict resolutions.

  9. Remove some selections if there is insufficient disk space.

    If you were notified that your selections required more disk space than Inst can safely use, you must remove some of your selections. Repeat the go command to process your changes.

  10. Quit Inst.

    If there is no more software to install, quit Inst at the quit prompt (see "Step 7: Quitting the Installation Session" for details). Otherwise, return to step 3 to change the distribution source or to step 4 to display the distribution inventory.

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