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Summary of Command Monitor Commands

Table 4-1 summarizes the Command Monitor commands and gives each command's syntax.

Command Monitor Command Summary
autoBoots default operating system (no arguments).

This has the same effect as selecting Start System from the PROM Monitor initial menu.

bootBoots the named file with the given arguments.boot [-f ][-n] pathname
dateDisplays or sets the date and [mmddhhmm[ccyy|yy] [.ss]]
eaddrPrints the ethernet address of the built-in ethernet controller on this system.eaddr
exitleave Command Monitor and return to the PROM menu.exit
helpPrints a Command Monitor command summaryhelp [command]
? [command]
hinv Prints an inventory of known hardware on the system. Some optional boards may not be known to the PROM monitor.hinv
initPartially restarts the Command Monitor noting changed environment variables. init
lsList files on a specified devicename
offTurns off power to the
passwdSets PROM passwordpasswd
pathnameGiven a valid file pathname, the system attempts to find and execute any program found at that path. pathname
printenvDisplays the current environment variablesprintenv [env_var_list]
resetenvResets all environment variables to defaultresetenv
resetpwResets the PROM password to null (no password required).resetpw
setenvSets environment variables. Using the -p flag makes the variable setting persistent, that is, the setting will remain through reboot cycles. setenv [-p] variable value
singleBoots the system into single user mode.single
unsetenvUnsets an environment variableunsetenv variable
versionDisplays Command Monitor versionversion

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