Deleting files safely

You need to take great care when deleting files, since deleting the wrong file can cause an application, or even the whole system, to stop working. SpaceMan 99 has an option to protect the Windows operating system files, which it is recommended you leave enabled. This prevents any files in the Windows folder from being deleted. If you do need to delete a file in this folder, and you are sure that you know what you are doing, use the options panel to disable the protection.

The best rule is: if you donÆt know what a file is for, donÆt delete it!

The recycle bin can give you a second chance if you accidentally delete the wrong file. By default, SpaceMan 99 will send deleted files to the recycle bin, from where they can be retrieved. This does mean that the disk space used by deleted files is not recovered immediately, so you will need to periodically empty the recycle bin. For more information about the recycle bin, see the delete command.

For recommendations on removing whole applications from your system, follow this link.