Breakthrough Promotions

My name is Amber, and this is my promotion website for bands that I support and promote. All these bands are good friends of mine, and basically like family to me. I love them all very much and I'm here to make them successful. This website will have information on all the bands I promote. Updates will be posted daily about all the bands along with all sorts of different information. These boys are all extremely talented and I love doing this for them. NO, I do not charge; I simply do this because I love it. Please support my boys, and show them love.

If you would like to be promoted please contact me as soon as possible. Please rememebr that there are guidelines to be under my promotional company, in that I do not charge bands any fees whatsoever. But with this in mind, i still except bands to do me the favor in promoting me as well. Tell your fellow bandmates, record labels, friends, family, venues, or any one else in the business, to get my name out there too.

Current Bands

Contact Me:

Amber Shaw