Breakthrough Promotions

My name is Amber Shaw. I'm 18 years old and been a part of the music scene for a little over 4 years. My first show I ever went to was Warped Tour 2006 in Carson, CA. And ever since then I have found a love and interest in the music field. To this day I've been to over 100 shows in countless of different cities, in different states, and have seen over 500 bands.

I began promoting when a band from Madison, AL called The Arrival contacted me. They asked me different stuff about a local festival coming up and what they should do to try and get on the bill to play. I gave them a bit of advice and wished them the best of luck. A few weeks later I crossed my fingers, and sure enough they were going to play. After that my next big oppurtunity was with my good friend Ryan deAmaral. he was in a band called He Said She's Dead, and he was starting a new project. He sent me a demo of his new stuff he's creating with his other 2 friends, and I fell in love. I promised to promote his band and get their name out there. And I did just that. Next Stop Mars, as they are now called, is my main focus and my number one band.

At the moment, i'm trying to get my Associate's degree at Moorpark College. After that I hope to continue with promoting into a career. I'm going to be attending Full Sail university to get my Bachelor's degree in Music Business. One day I want to make a full time career out of this and one day change the industry.

Work I've done

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