This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-03-21 at 12:00 p.m.
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What You Get Is What You CSS, With Style Master 4.0

by Matt Neuburg

Western Civilisation's flagship product, Style Master, is a CSS editor. You don't use it to create Web pages; you use it to create the look of Web pages - the font, size, color, and layout of the various elements that constitute your Web pages, as dictated though a CSS "style sheet." Style Master is my ideal of a program that knows a big complicated language so that you don't have to; you do see the actual CSS, but you can interact with it through pop-up menus and checkboxes that list the appropriate options and generate the correct syntax.


The big question as you work with CSS is always how your CSS code is reflected in the appearance of an actual page as rendered in a browser. Style Master has always permitted you to preview your style sheet in conjunction with any Web page in any browser; but the new version, 4.0, goes one better. The rendering of a Web page can be previewed in conjunction with your style sheet right in Style Master's own window (the Design Pane), and then, when you click a rule in your style sheet, any regions affected by that rule in the Design Pane preview are highlighted. Furthermore, it works the other way as well: click anywhere in the Design Pane preview rendering, and Style Master tells you whole containment hierarchy of elements for the spot where you clicked, plus it highlights in the style sheet all the rules that govern the appearance of that part of the Web page.

So, now you've no excuse for not generating gorgeous Web pages, gorgeously coded; plus Style Master itself is also more gorgeous than ever, thanks to numerous interface improvements. Style Master 4.0 is a $30 upgrade for current users; a new copy costs $60. A 30-day demo is available for download.
