
RISC World



Chapter 12


Almost all the icons in the main panel window have keyboard equivalents and some of the menu options also have short cuts. They are all listed below. In some cases, adding <Shift> changes the selected symbol or the way the symbol is inserted. These keys are indicated with an asterisk (*).

12.1 Cursor movement keys
        <-              Move cursor one slot left
        ->              Move cursor one slot right
        Up arrow        Move cursor arrows up one line
        Dn arrow        Move cursor arrows down one line
        Shift <-        Move cursor to beginning of bar
        Shift ->        Move cursor to beginning of next bar
        Shift Up arrow  Move cursor arrows up one octave
        Shift Dn arrow  Move cursor arrows down one octave
        Ctrl <-         Move cursor to beginning of score
        Ctrl ->         Move cursor to end of score
        Ctrl Up arrow   Move cursor up one stave
        Ctrl Dn arrow   Move cursor down one stave
12.2 Selection keys
        F1 - F8                 Select notes
        Shift F1 - Shift F8     Select rests
        Ctrl F1 - Ctrl F7       Select accidentals
        F9                      Select single dot
        Shift F9                Select double dot
        Ctrl F9                 Select triple dot
        F10                     Select tie
        Shift F10               Select slur
        Ctrl F10                Select triplet
        ~`                      Select barline
        1                       Select 1st time bar
        2                       Select 2nd time bar
        3                       Select rehearsal letter
        4                       Select half barline
        5                       Select double barline
        6                       Select end barline
        7                       Select start repeat barline
        8                       Select end repeat barline
        9                       Select double repeat barline
        10                      Select empty barline
        _-                      Select segno/coda wheel
        +=                      Select Da Capo/Da Capo al Fine
        £                       Select Dal Segno/Dal Segno al Fine
        BACKSPACE               Select Fine/Coda
        Shift ~`                Select staccato
        Shift 1                 Select spiccato
        Shift 2                 Select marcato
        Shift 3                 Select sforzato
        Shift 4                 Select glissando
        Shift 5                 Select quaver tremolo
        Shift 6                 Select semiquaver tremolo
        Shift 7                 Select demisemiquaver tremolo
        Shift 8                 Select trill 1
        Shift 9                 Select trill 2
        Shift 10                Select trill 3
        Shift _-                Select trill 4
        Shift +=                Select trill 5
        Shift £                 Select trill 6
        Shift BACKSPACE         Select trill definition
        Q                       Select text
        E                       Select voice change
        R                       Select pedal
        T                       Select pause sign
        Y                       Select octavo sign
        U                       Select bowing marks
        I                       Select grace note
        O                       Select guitar chord
        C                       Select clef
        K                       Select key signature
        N                       Select number of beats in a bar
        M                       Select beat value
        G                       Select tempo
        Ctrl G                  Select change in tempo
        V                       Select volume
        Ctrl V                  Select change in volume
        Z                       Select time for tempo/volume change
                                (when changing tempo or volume)
12.3 Action keys
        <,                      Insert selected symbol before cursor
        Space                   Insert selected symbol at cursor
        >.                      Insert selected symbol after cursor
        ?/                      Delete selected symbol
        Insert                  Insert selected symbol at cursor
        Delete                  Deletes all notes and rests at cursor
        Shift Delete            Deletes everything under the cursor
        Ctrl Delete             Deletes the whole cursor slot
        Print                   Format score and show print window
        Tab                     Show/toggle panel
        Ctrl E                  Restore autochecking
        Ctrl R                  Join two notes
        Ctrl T                  Split note
        Ctrl Y                  Split note with tie
        Ctrl U                  Split note with rest
        Ctrl I                  Split dotted with dot
        Ctrl O                  Split note with syncopation
        Ctrl L                  Insert barline after cursor
        : ;                     Move note cluster up
        Shift : ;               Move individual note up
        " '                     Move note cluster down
        Shift " '               Move individual note down
        {[                      Move note left
        }]                      Move note right
        |\                      Align bar
        S                       Swap tail of note cluster
        Shift S                 Swap tail of note at cursor
        F                       Force beam
        Shift F                 Remove force beam
        B                       Break beam
        Shift B                 Remove break beam
        W                       Widen slot
        Shift W                 Narrow slot
        Ctrl W                  Widen slot at the front
        Ctrl Shift W            Narrow slot at the front
12.4 Menu short cuts etc.
        Ctrl A                  Open Add Stave window
        Ctrl Q                  Open Reassign Stave Data window
        Ctrl S                  Open/Close Stave Data window
        Ctrl F                  Format current score
        Ctrl C                  Copy block
        Ctrl D                  Clear block / clear stave
        Ctrl X                  Delete block
        Z                       Insert block marker
        Ctrl Z                  Remove block markers
        H                       Step time capture
        Shift H                 Real/step time capture
        J                       Real time capture
        P                       Start/stop playing
        Shift P                 Start playing or skip 5 bars on
        Ctrl P                  Start playing or skip 5 bars back
        Escape                  Stop playing and goto bar
12.5 When entering text
        Ctrl Shift Left arrow   Move cursor left one slot
        Ctrl Shift Rt arrow     Move cursor right one slot
        Return                  Enter text and move cursor right
        Shift Return            Enter text and move cursor left
        Escape                  Toggles auto-spacing on and off

