What went on last week

  • Monday We waved bye bye to the kiddies as they drove off into the sunset on their long and weary way back to Westgate. Mai hadn't been speaking to Dan since early on Sunday and was continuing her mammoth sulk all the way home.
  • Tuesday We watched My Favourite Year on telly - one of my favourite films - but not a lot else happened.
  • Wednesday nights we do T'ai Chi
  • Thursday Yaaawn! Boring! (But Mai started speaking to Dan again - and I thought I could sulk!)
  • Friday Our good friends Tina and Gareth showed up at the office oohing and aahing at the excellence of Future Publishing compared with the company that they - and until recently - I worked for. We went out to a Future party held on a riverboat that evening together with about one hundred and twenty other Futurites and assorted hangers on. A good time was had by all.
  • Saturday We mooched around town for a while with Tina and Gareth, studiously avoiding spending money (of which we had a scant sufficiency) and went out that eveing for an absolutely smashing Thai meal at the Sukhothai restaurant (01225 462463) in Walcot.
  • Sunday After a monster breakfast and cake baking marathon, we started preparing a convivial lunch of roast pork (which I wasn't allowed to eat, being Jewish and all), after which Our Friends from the North had to depart back to the dark satanic mills of Macclesfield. We ended the weekend with a repeat viewing of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and a quick bonk before laying ourselves down to sleep.

last updated: 8th September 1996