This is a great recipe given to me by my tiny Armenian landlady when I used to live near Slough. I've tested it on Fi and the guys at the office and they all gave it a big thumbs up... (and at only 900000000000 calories a portion!)


8oz. Carrot
2oz. Walnuts
10oz. Self Raising Flour
6oz. Soft Light Brown Sugar
2oz. Sultanas
2 Eggs (size 3)
6fl. oz. Vegetable Oil
1 Large Ripe Banana
1 teaspoonful Baking Powder

For the Frosting
2oz. Butter
3oz. Cream Cheese
Few Drops Vanilla Essence
6oz. Icing Sugar


  1. Peel and grate carrot, chop walnuts, sift flour with baking powder. Stir into the flour the sugar, carrots, sultanas and most of the walnuts.

  2. Beat the eggs with the oil. Mash the banana, then stir the eggs and banana into the flour mixture. Beat them together until smooth. Spoon the mixture into three greased and lined 7.5" sandwich tins and level the tops (you can also just put all the mixture into one deep 8" tin and bake it for about one and a half hours and slice the resulting cake in half so you can put the icing inside too).

  3. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 to 30 minutes or until firm, then remove from oven and allow them to cool.

  4. For the frosting Beat the butter, cream cheese and essence together then stir in the icing sugar. Beat until smooth and then spread over the cakes. Sprinkle the remaining nuts over the top for a final touch.
Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Serves: 6

Source: Alice Gregory

last updated: 8th September 1996