T'ai Chi

Yesterday, as is my wont on a Wednesday, I went to T'ai Chi. T'ai Chi is what is known as an internal martial art and concentrates more on balance and meditation than hurting people, although it is very effective at doing that too. I'm only a beginner (our teacher says that everyone is only a beginner though, so I'm not too sure what that means), and I'm studying the right-hand version of the Short Form.

Once I complete my sixteen weeks I will then be able to do the whole Short Form without too much prompting and I will be ready to go on. T'ai Chi is an absolutely superb pastime which really exercises both body and brain and I heartily recommend it to anyone. You don't have to be fit or supple to take part and it will really improve your overall health.

For anyone reading this in the Bath area, you can join up (although it's probably now best to wait for the start of the next beginner's class at the start of September). The sessions take place in the Percy community hall in New King St. in the town centre on Wednesday evenings from about 7:15PM.

last updated: 8th September 1996