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Int 13 Fn 05  - Fixed Disk - Format Track                                  [B]

   AH = 05h
   AL = interleave value (XT-type controllers only)
   ES:BX -> 512-byte format buffer
       the first 2*(sectors/track) bytes contain F,N for each sector
          F = 00h for good sector, 80h for bad sector
          N = sector number
   CH = cylinder number (bits 8,9 in high bits of CL)
   CL = high bits of cylinder number (bits 7,6)
   DH = head
   DL = drive

Return: AH = status code (see AH=01h)

Notes: AWARD AT BIOS and AMI 386sx BIOS have been extended to handle more
     than 1024 cylinders by placing bits 10 and 11 of the cylinder number
     into bits 6 and 7 of DH
   for XT-type controllers on an AT or higher, AH=0Fh should be called
   the IBM AT BIOS and many other BIOSes use only the low four bits of
     DH (head number) since the WD-1003 controller which is the standard
     AT controller (and the controller that IDE emulates) only supports
     16 heads

See Also: AH=05h"FLOPPY",AH=06h"FIXED",AH=07h"FIXED",AH=0Fh,AH=18h,AH=1Ah

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