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Int 13 Fn 05  - Floppy - Format Track                                      [B]

   AH = 05h
   AL = number of sectors to format
   CH = track number
   DH = head number
   DL = drive number
   ES:BX -> address field buffer (see below)

Return: CF set on error
   CF clear if successful
   AH = status (see AH=01h)

Notes: on AT or higher, call AH=17h first
   the number of sectors per track is read from the diskette parameter
     table pointed at by INT 1E

See Also: AH=05h"FIXED",AH=17h,AH=18h,INT 1E

Format of address field buffer entry (one per sector in track):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    track number
 01h   BYTE    head number (0-based)
 02h   BYTE    sector number
 03h   BYTE    sector size (00h=128 bytes, 01h=256 bytes, 02h=512, 03h=1024)

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