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/ Software of the Month Club 1995 March / SOFM_Mar1995.bin / pc / bus / drform

Jump To: Image (2)  |  Document (2)  |  Text (39)  |  Other (30)

Images (2)

Document (2)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
newinst.cfg Excel Spreadsheet 7 6KB 1995-01-27
upgrade.cfg Excel Spreadsheet 6 6KB 1995-01-27

Text (39)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
apex.prt Text File 35 170b 1995-01-27
asp.doc Text File 13 639b 1995-01-27
bbs_vend.doc Text File 115 4KB 1995-01-27
canonbj1.prt Text File 35 186b 1995-01-27
canonbj2.prt Text File 35 167b 1995-01-27
df.ini Text File 23 111b 1995-01-27
dfhelp.hlp Text File 609 50KB 1995-01-27
disk_1 Text File 2 24b 1995-01-27
disk_2 Text File 2 24b 1995-01-27
epsn2500.prt Text File 35 164b 1995-01-27
epsn5000.prt Text File 35 175b 1995-01-27
epsnfx86.prt Text File 35 152b 1995-01-27
epsnlx8.prt Text File 35 149b 1995-01-27
epson950.prt Text File 35 172b 1995-01-27
epsonfx.prt Text File 35 136b 1995-01-27
file_id.diz Text File 9 350b 1995-01-27
foreign.doc Text File 61 2KB 1995-01-27
history.doc Text File 43 1KB 1995-01-27
hpdesk.prt Text File 35 234b 1995-01-27
hplaser.prt Text File 35 270b 1995-01-27
hplaser4.prt Text File 35 285b 1995-01-27
hplaserc.prt Text File 35 278b 1995-01-27
hplaserx.prt Text File 35 281b 1995-01-27
hppaint.prt Text File 35 235b 1995-01-27
ibmgraph.prt Text File 35 147b 1995-01-27
ibmpro.prt Text File 35 135b 1995-01-27
ibmpro2.prt Text File 35 154b 1995-01-27
ibmpro24.prt Text File 35 188b 1995-01-27
ibmps1.prt Text File 35 212b 1995-01-27
manual.doc Text File 1,679 75KB 1995-01-27
packing.lst File List 77 3KB 1995-01-27
print.bat DOS Batch File 24 392b 1995-01-27
readme.doc Text File 63 2KB 1995-01-27
register.doc Text File 113 5KB 1995-01-27
starsg10.prt Text File 35 139b 1995-01-27
tandy9.prt Text File 35 142b 1995-01-27
theclub.bat DOS Batch File 4 33b 1995-01-27
theclub.txt Text File 24 916b 1995-01-27
winset.doc Text File 24 1KB 1995-01-27

Other Files (30)
browse.com MS-DOS COM Executable 958b 1995-01-27
df.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 43KB 1995-01-27
df.pgm MS-DOS/Windows Executable 180KB 1995-01-27
install.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 54KB 1995-01-27
winset.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 39KB 1995-01-27
df.pif Microsoft Windows Program Information File 545b 1995-01-27
drform.grp Windows Program Group 1KB 1995-01-27
ascii.fm_ Unknown 2KB 1995-01-27
contract.fm_ Unknown 9KB 1995-01-27
dayplan.fm_ Unknown 10KB 1995-01-27
df.cfg Unknown 76b 1995-01-27
fedexp1.fm_ Unknown 7KB 1995-01-27
lesson1.fm_ Unknown 7KB 1995-01-27
lesson2.fm_ Unknown 6KB 1995-01-27
lesson3.fm_ Unknown 6KB 1995-01-27
lesson4.fm_ Unknown 5KB 1995-01-27
lesson5.fm_ Unknown 6KB 1995-01-27
lesson6.fm_ Unknown 6KB 1995-01-27
lesson7.fm_ Unknown 8KB 1995-01-27
monthpl.fm_ Unknown 10KB 1995-01-27
orderfm1.fm_ Unknown 10KB 1995-01-27
overlay.fm_ Unknown 10KB 1995-01-27
prttest.fm_ Unknown 5KB 1995-01-27
purchod1.fm_ Unknown 7KB 1995-01-27
qk_ref.fm_ Unknown 8KB 1995-01-27
register.fms Unknown 6KB 1995-01-27
saleord1.fm_ Unknown 9KB 1995-01-27
salrevw.fm_ Unknown 9KB 1995-01-27
schedule.fm_ Unknown 15KB 1995-01-27
servinv.fm_ Unknown 8KB 1995-01-27