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Jump To: Image (16)  |  Document (5)  |  Text (100)  |  Other (47)

Images (16)

Document (5)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
BDEADMIN.HLP Windows Help File 126 128KB 1999-01-12
journals.DB Paradox Database Table 6KB 2001-02-13
sample evolution.DB Paradox Database Table 84KB 2001-03-21
Social Sciences and Biology compiled.rtf Rich Text Format 1 6KB 2001-05-02
Social Sciences and Biology.rtf Rich Text Format 1 6KB 2001-03-01

Text (100)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
Accounts Chemical Res.style Text File 157 424b 2000-11-23
Adolescence.style Text File 206 539b 2000-12-29
Agronomy J.style Text File 157 419b 2000-11-24
AIP.style Text File 157 430b 2000-11-24
Am Heart J.style Text File 157 419b 2000-11-23
Am Psychological Association.style Text File 206 538b 2001-01-19
Amer Historical Review.style Text File 206 553b 2001-01-19
Amer J Political Science.style Text File 206 553b 2001-01-19
Amer Speech.style Text File 206 553b 2001-01-19
American Economic Review.style Text File 206 572b 2001-01-29
American Institute of Physics.style Text File 157 430b 2000-11-24
APA.style Text File 206 538b 2001-01-19
Applied Optics.style Text File 157 430b 2000-11-24
BDEADMIN.CNT Text File 2 23b 1999-01-12
Biochemical J.style Text File 157 420b 2000-11-28
BMJ.style Text File 157 424b 2000-11-23
booledeutsch.txt Text File 4 27b 2001-02-08
booleenglisch.txt Text File 4 23b 2001-02-08
Chaos.style Text File 157 430b 2000-11-24
Chicago.style Text File 206 553b 2001-01-19
Cognition.style Text File 206 538b 2001-01-19
Comparative Lit Studies.style Text File 206 548b 2001-01-19
Contemporary Psychology.style Text File 206 538b 2001-01-25
contents_0.html Hypertext Markup Language File 104 3KB 2001-03-13
contents_1.html Hypertext Markup Language File 123 5KB 2001-03-13
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contents_3.html Hypertext Markup Language File 125 5KB 2001-03-13
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contents_6.html Hypertext Markup Language File 125 5KB 2001-03-13
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contentsimport.html Hypertext Markup Language File 141 6KB 2001-05-07
Current Opinion Biotech.style Text File 157 466b 2000-11-28
Discourse.style Text File 206 548b 2001-01-19
Earth in Space.style Text File 206 530b 2001-01-19
Evidence Based Medicine.style Text File 157 424b 2000-11-23
felderdeutsch.txt Text File 21 222b 2001-01-25
felderenglisch.txt Text File 21 240b 2001-01-25
Functional Ecology.style Text File 157 420b 2000-11-28
Gender History.style Text File 206 548b 2001-01-19
Geophysics.style Text File 206 530b 2001-01-19
German.lmd Text File 73 1KB 2000-11-16
Handbuch.html Hypertext Markup Language File 22 443b 2001-04-06
Harvard.style Text File 207 528b 2001-02-15
Health Economics.style Text File 157 423b 2000-11-28
Heart.style Text File 157 424b 2000-11-23
HNO.style Text File 206 528b 2001-01-19
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inhalt_9.html Hypertext Markup Language File 122 5KB 2001-03-26
inhaltimport.html Hypertext Markup Language File 134 6KB 2001-03-27
Intl J Coal Geology.style Text File 206 530b 2001-01-19
J Applied Physics.style Text File 157 430b 2000-11-24
J Political Economy.style Text File 206 553b 2001-01-19
J Special Education.style Text File 206 538b 2001-01-19
Journal of Health Economics.style Text File 157 419b 2000-11-24
keywords.txt Text File 2 19b 2001-03-27
Leukemia.style Text File 157 423b 2000-11-28
Manual.html Hypertext Markup Language File 22 443b 2001-05-07
Medline_Pubmed_IFF.import Text File 322 951b 2001-03-22
Medline_Pubmed_Sample.txt Text File 406 17KB 2001-03-22
Medline_Remarks.txt Text File 47 1KB 2001-03-27
MLA.style Text File 206 548b 2001-01-19
Modern Fiction Studies.style Text File 206 548b 2001-01-19
Modern Philology.style Text File 206 553b 2001-01-19
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PMLA.style Text File 206 548b 2001-01-19
powerfelderdeutsch.txt Text File 13 149b 2001-01-25
powerfelderenglisch.txt Text File 14 146b 2001-01-25
Proteins.style Text File 157 419b 2000-11-23
ptypdeutsch.txt Text File 11 143b 2001-03-19
ptypenglisch.txt Text File 11 139b 2001-03-19
quickdeutsch.txt Text File 4 36b 2000-12-29
quickenglisch.txt Text File 3 32b 2000-12-29
search_d.html Hypertext Markup Language File 14 677b 2001-04-06
search_e.html Hypertext Markup Language File 13 672b 2001-05-07
Solid Earth.style Text File 206 530b 2001-01-19
Space Physics.style Text File 206 530b 2001-01-19
suche_ein_d.html Hypertext Markup Language File 13 465b 2001-04-06
suche_ein_e.html Hypertext Markup Language File 12 459b 2001-05-07
TextDeutsch.html Hypertext Markup Language File 5,270 238KB 2001-03-27
TextEnglish.html Hypertext Markup Language File 4,771 201KB 2001-03-27
Turabian Bibliography.style Text File 206 553b 2001-01-19
txtformatdeutsch.txt Text File 7 83b 2001-02-07
txtformatenglisch.txt Text File 7 76b 2001-02-07
Water Resources Res.style Text File 206 530b 2001-01-19

Other Files (47)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
BANTAM.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 101KB 1999-06-21
BDEADMIN.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7 989KB 1999-06-21
Bibliographix.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 1MB 2001-03-27
BLW32.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 46KB 1999-06-21
IDAPI32.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 589KB 1999-06-21
IDAPINST.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 3 114KB 1998-06-05
IDASCI32.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 116KB 1999-06-21
IDBAT32.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 139KB 1999-06-21
IDDA3532.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 602KB 1999-06-21
IDDBAS32.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 454KB 1999-06-21
IDDR32.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 168KB 1999-06-21
IDODBC32.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 436KB 1999-06-21
IDPDX32.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 255KB 1999-06-21
IDQBE32.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 422KB 1999-06-21
IDR20009.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 3 117KB 1999-06-21
IDSQL32.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 465KB 1999-06-21
Import.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 803KB 2001-03-22
INET50.BPL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 65KB 1999-08-11
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VCL50.BPL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 2MB 1999-08-11
VCLBDE50.BPL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 300KB 1999-08-11
VCLDB50.BPL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 558KB 1999-08-11
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Applet1.class Java Class File 3KB 2001-03-23
Applet1$SymMouse.class Java Class File 858b 2001-03-23
BDEADMIN.TOC Microsoft Windows Help File Content 2KB 1999-01-12
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
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NGerman.DCT Unknown 99KB 1999-12-17
OTHER.BTL Unknown 60KB 1999-06-21
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USA.BTL Unknown 36KB 1999-06-21