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Text (26)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ESSAY.BUS Text File 8 136b 1986-12-04
ESSAY.SOC Text File 52 921b 1986-08-30
EXPLAIN.BUS Text File 15 560b 1988-10-12
EXPLAIN.SOC Text File 15 564b 1990-04-29
GLOBALS Text File 4 120b 1987-07-10
HELP.BUS Text File 136 6KB 1990-04-30
HELP.SOC Text File 144 7KB 1990-04-30
INSTALL.BAT DOS Batch File 141 4KB 1990-09-29
MACROS.BUS Text File 5 228b 1988-08-29
MACROS.SOC Text File 18 918b 1988-09-04
MANUAL.TXT Text File 1,515 68KB 1992-02-02
MENUS.BUS Text File 16 507b 1990-04-30
MENUS.SOC Text File 16 526b 1990-04-30
MULTIPLE.2 Text File 25 548b 1990-03-06
MULTIPLE.BUS Text File 43 812b 1988-08-29
MULTIPLE.SOC Text File 139 3KB 1989-01-07
NEWS Text File 8 162b 1990-08-22
ORDER Text File 18 307b 1990-06-17
PARAMS.BUS Text File 95 6KB 1990-07-21
PARAMS.SOC Text File 95 6KB 1990-07-21
PROMPTS.BUS Text File 1,056 19KB 1990-10-13
PROMPTS.SOC Text File 1,095 21KB 1990-10-13
PUBMAIL.BUS Text File 31 1KB 1990-04-30
PUBMAIL.SOC Text File 61 3KB 1990-04-29
README.1ST Text File 163 9KB 1992-02-02
STRINGS Text File 56 2KB 1990-08-13

Other Files (7)
ASKYN.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 117b 1990-04-29
BRAND.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 812b 1993-01-07
CV_PUBM.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 21KB 1990-04-11
DLX.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 202KB 1991-06-29
PACK.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 28KB 1989-01-08
TEST232.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 915b 1984-12-15
USERLIST.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 24KB 1989-01-08