/* Embedded string when message forwarded to database adaptor */
"selector forwarded." = "selettore inviato";
/* Embedded string when message not supported by database adaptor */
"selector not supported." = "selettore non supportato";
/* Message when an attempt to load a mismatched adaptor is encountered */
"Requested adaptor name does not match adaptor already loaded for database." = "Il nome dell'adattatore specificato non corrisponde a quello dell'adattatore già caricato per la base dati.";
/* Message when adaptor not found or not loadable */
"Cannot load adaptor:" = "Non riesco a caricare l'adattatore";
/* Affirmation */
"OK" = "OK";
/* Refuse choice */
"Cancel" = "Annulla";
/* Title of alert panel for notification from database adaptor */
"Database" = "Base dati";
/* Name of untitled default database file */
"Untitled file" = "File Senzatitolo";
/* Go ahead despite alert warning */
"Continue" = "Continua";
/* Abort in response to error situation */
"Abort" = "Interrompi";
/* Skip this record in response to error situation */
"Skip" = "Ignora";
/* Shown to user when overwriting changes with a new fetch */
"Changes will be lost if you do this." = "Se esegui questa operazione le modifiche andranno perse.";
/* Shown to user when an unrecognized read or save error occurs */
"Error %d occurred during transaction." = "Errore %d in fase di esecuzione dell'operazione";
/* Shown to user if primary key is missing for an entity */
"Save failed on %s entity because no key is defined." = "Non sono riuscito a salvare l'entità %s perché non è definita nessuna combinazione.";
/* Shown to user if a duplicate key is encountered for an entity */
"Duplicate key encountered while saving %s data." = "Mentre salvavo i dati %s ho individuato una combinazione doppia";
/* Shown to user if record in the database has been changed (by another user) */
"%s record has been modified in the database since the last fetch." = "La registrazione %s è stata modificata nella base dati dall'ultimo prelievo";
/* Shown to user if record in the database is locked (by another user) */
"%s record is in use and can't be saved or locked." = "La registrazione %s è in uso e non può essere salvata o bloccata";
/* Shown to user if an unusually large number of records has been fetched. User is prompted to continue or abort. */
"%d records have been fetched so far:" = "Finora sono state prelevate %d registrazioni:";