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FS-PRO Series 9
"For your PC Flying enjoyment"
Joe Lincoln
LINX BBS - (713) 440-7364
"Feel free to pass around"
Here's what you got!
FS-PRO is a series of modules (programs) that allow you to use
Flight Simulator III as an educational tool and still have all of
the fun with PC-Flying. With FS-PRO you can effectively manage
your Flight Simulator 3.0 MODES and create and maintain your own,
personal library of flying scenerios; for yourself or to
share with friends.
FS-PRO has evolved into a PC-Pilot's "dream machine" with many
flight-related modules to discover. Create realistic FLIGHT
PLANS for your flying adventures and play around with a
PILOT'S CALCULATOR. "Fly" your adventures right from the
FS-PRO menu.
We provide you with about 800 Flight Simulator AIRPORTS that are
already in a data base to which you can ADD up to 9,199 additional
entries. You also get a huge selection of READY-TO-FLY ADVENTURES.
We hope that you will enjoy exploring the FS-PRO system and flying
some of the adventures. There are a lot of "doo-dads" to mess around
with and we just hope that they make your day a little more enjoyable.
The modules are:
1. FS-ADVENTURES - Using this module, you can fully document
the MODES that are created by using Flight Simulator III. For
example, when you "fly" a particular setting that you like, you can
save it by using the SAVE MODE function in FS-III. You are allowed
to enter a complete description and a DOS filename for each MODE
that you want to save. Even though this is a wonderful feature, if
you're like me, we end up with hundreds of different MODES and it
can get "hairy" trying to keep up with them and what they do.
Also, it can get tedious setting up a MODE (views, position,
weather, time, etc.) and the ENVIRONS are what set up the flight
in the first place. Since it took me several minutes to set up a
MODE the way I wanted, it made sense to be able to fully document
the MODE for future use and reference.
It soon became apparent that I wanted to share some MODES between
friends and, rather than just send or receive a MODE without
identifying a useful purpose turned out to be useless. So, the
notes and COMMENTS feature was added with a mini-wordprocessor so
that I could "bore" people to death with verbose MODE descriptions.
(See examples included in ADVPAK1.EXE and MODPAK1.EXE
self-extracting data files.)
Our first release of FS-ADVENTURES was based on a marvelous concept
originated by Charles Gulick (COMPUTE BOOKS PUBLISHERS). He went
to the trouble of actually flying and discovering many unique and
wonderful flying adventures and shared them with all of us in his
books... FLIGHT SIMULATOR ADVENTURES. I highly recommend his books.
You can discover a whole 'nuther world of PC Flying fun. And, he
has released a GREAT new book for version 3.0. Check with
your local book stores and computer dealers for Charles
Gulick's books.
With FS-PRO, you can create your own ADVENTURES and share them with
this program was designed to help track and edit all of the
different MODES that can be created using the MicroSoft Flight
Simulator III program. Since we do not write any files that can be
immediately imported by Flight Simulator, we keep a list of small
files that we call ADVENTURES which have the same name as the MODE
except for a different DOS extension.
Back in the old days, we had to enter a lot of data to fly an
adventure (Flight Simulator Adventures 2.00). Thanks to the kind
people at MicroSoft, they included this feature in their new
brainchild so you can save MODES (Adventures) on-the-fly. (Pun
Some of us have more time to "play" and can now share our "set-ups"
with all of those who can only manage 10 to 20 hours a week at the
controls. (Be honest now!) The tedious job of entering all of the
data to set up an adventure is history. And, with this little doo-
dad you will know a lot about the adventure before you fly it.
If you want to keep a complete set of MODES and ADVENTURES as IFR
lessons into every possible ILS airport provided and set up
different possible weather conditions for each, you can begin
flying for a purpose.
When you share MODES with friends, you can tell them about the
adventure so they will be prepared with some idea of what to
expect. For example, general data includes...
Adventure Name (20 character name)
Mode Name (Created by FSIII)
Mode Name (DOS)
North Position
East Position
ILS Frequency
ILS Runway
Beacon Frequency
ATIS Frequency
VOR #1 - Freq
VOR #2 - Freq
Scenery Disk Needed
...and, the list goes on. But, it doesn't stop there. In addition
to outlining the MODE ENVIRONS, you can add a full-page personal
description of the MODE you are about to fly. The mini-
wordprocessor supports most WordStar commands with wrap-around.
Educational and FUN!
Maybe, if I mention some of the ways I use FS-PRO it will be
IFR Lessons
I have already began preparing my own set of lessons for using
avionics in navigation (IFR - to the capability of FS-III). I
rarely see the great graphics because of cloud layers below me and
thunderstorms all around me. I have about 40 different adventures
that set me up in situations that make navigation (without
avionics) very difficult. Winds aloft and on the ground don't want
me to get there from here. Radios fail at horrible times. In other
words, you don't sleep through these flights.
I keep my flight log (FS-III) and point to the adventure name and
track my flight time for that specific adventure. If I have
problems I will note it in my adventure file and print it. When I
get the time, back to the grindstone and practice, practice,
practice. I don't keep fair-weather adventures anymore. Boring! If
I'm going to the trouble of floundering through the FS menus to set
up a MODE, it's gonna be useful, fun and exciting. As realistic as
STUNT Flying
Of course, flying under bridges and landing on a carrier sure is
relaxing. And, for sight seeing I like to use the Lear. Makes for
nice coastal flights trimmed up on autopilot at 1600 feet.
I have a friend who enjoys stunt flying. One of his favorites is
dive-bombing the Golden Gate from 3000 feet and dropping full flaps
to clear the 90' span in a power hungry climb that wrings me out
just watching. He even drops in on the Bird Man of Alcatraz landing
on the tiny island and, taking off successfully only to fly upside
down 90' off the water and under the Golden Gate.
TRAINING Beginners
I would like to see a complete set of private pilot flying lessons
that a beginner could enjoy. From taxiing to cross country flights
with tracking aircraft to show attitude positions in stalls,
flares, etc. The teaching possibilities are the most promising.
This program, FLIGHT SIMULATOR, transcends being a video game if
all of the features are used. It is a marvelous program that, in
my opinion, should win the "Lifetime Achievement" award for
perfection. And, I think the new MicroSoft Flight Simulator III is
a tremendous step forward for this popular program. Yeah, I gripe
about the complexity of learning the menus, so now I catalog my
adventures (MODES) so I don't have to fool with it again.
2. AIRPORT DIRECTORY - With this module you can keep an
airport directory with up to 9,999 listings. You can add and delete
airports and EDIT a generous data base of information on each
airport. You can SEARCH for airports by NAME, STATE or VOR
identifier and list to screen or printer. We provide you with
about 800 airports already installed in a data base. These data
come in a self-extracting file called AIRPORT.EXE and are
extracted automatically during the INSTALL process.
You have certain SEARCH options available in the AIRCRAFT and
AIRPORT data bases.
The search options include:
AIRPORT NAME (or as much as you spell correctly)
STATE OR COUNTRY (only 2 letters)
We have tried to include as many fields as practical
for our airport directory. The 20 individual fields provide
enough information about an airport that we will need for
our series. We have provided you with all of our FSADV
airports that were ever listed in our previous series. This
time, however, they are not sectionalized by scenery disk.
There is a NOTES field in the AIRPORT DIRECTORY that you can
use for mentioning scenery disks, etc.
3. AIRCRAFT DIRECTORY - Being an aircraft buff, I enjoy
looking up facts on different planes, especially vintage and
military. We can keep over 9000 different aircraft types in our
directory and SEARCH for them by NAME, NUMBER, ENGINES or
4. FLIGHT PLANNER - When you are flying for a purpose it is
handy to FILE a realistic FLIGHT PLAN. With this module, you can
fill out a garden variety, VFR flight plan (sans WX information)
including an unlimited waypoint entry. You can select your
we will calculate the distance and general initial heading for your
flight. We now provide you with a 16 point compass display
showing your initial heading and distance for your flight.
You can enter such things as TIMES, FUEL, GROUNDSPEED, etc. and we
will calculate your flight parameters. Then, you can enter all of
your CHECKPOINTS and we calculate each LEG parameter and provide
a screen display or printout. We FLAG some things such as FUEL
A handy feature is the CHECKPOINT SUMMARY option. You can see at
a glance most of your TRIP parameters and notice lapses in your
checkpoints, times, etc.
Finally, you can make the "trip" and write your "actuals" in next
to your printed FLIGHT PLAN.
5. PILOT'S CALCULATOR - (new to Series 8 and above)
This doo-dad was added to demonstrate some of the weights and balances
calculations, dew point, time and other simple weather related
considerations. For example, if you selected the NUMBERS
menu item, you can import the AIRCRAFT data into a weights &
balance calculator. When we installed FS-PRO, we added a
single dummy file to your AIRCRAFT data base. (Number 2)
(We didn't give you any airplane data like we did with
AIRPORT data. "Homer, Shame on us and Pshaw!")
You can import the Center of Gravity (CG) arm of the
aircraft, it's fuel and ramp weights into the calculator to
work on the MOMENT and TAKE-OFF weights.
Other options are a simple chain calculator, sunrise &
sunset calculations based on current date and the airport
selected from your AIRPORT records and a simple dew-point
calculator and time-zone display.
6. HELP and MEMO PAD - (new to Series 8 and above)
We had a few requests to put in an on-line HELP routine and there were
several options open on how to achieve this. An OVERLAY was the first
choice (and, perhaps the easiest) but, we wanted to offer the end-user
the opportunity to develop their OWN help screens. This was done
primarily to allow parents to write HELP screens for their children
which would be personal and could be changed anytime.
The entire HELP module is just the same old TEXT editor that you can
use throughout FS-PRO. We have provided the original HELP files and
you can create your own or write a complete FS procedure manual for
your children. You can access the HELP module from the MAIN MENU
"Utilities" selection.
FS-PRO will not run very well on floppy disks. The INSTALL program
requires that you install FS-PRO on a fixed drive ONLY!
Prudent space allocation for the executable files, overlays and
INDEXED DATA BASE DIRECTORIES (Empty) is about 1 meg. As you create
flight plans, adventures and fill the AIRPORT and AIRCRAFT data
bases, you will, obviously, increase disk space usage.
FS-PRO is not a complicated program to use or install. In fact,
INSTALLATION is almost, PARTLY, sort-of, completely AUTOMATIC. We
provide the program FSPI.EXE which will automatically create the
proper directory \FSP on any logical fixed drive labeled C to H.
For purposes of simplification we are going to assume that you
chose to install FS-PRO on a fixed drive E. It can, however, be
installed on any logical fixed drive. The OPTION is available when
If you select drive E:, then the following is created...
I always like to know what some INSTALL programs do before I run
them. They scare me. So, I'm providing a simple explanation.
(Additional INFORMATION is available in each seperate MODULE during
use. We suggest that you read EACH, the first time you use FS-PRO.)
Then, three (3) SUB-DIRECTORIES are created...
The names should be obvious, but we will describe where the INSTALL
program will put things after it makes the proper directories.
Both the AIRPORT and AIRCRAFT directories have INDEXED pointers for
ALPHABETICAL search, etc. They MUST reside in separate directories.
Hence, AIRPORT and AIRCRAFT. It takes no longer to search for ZEBRA
than it does for ACE. Each directory can contain a maximum of 9,999
individual entries. We could have formatted these to a maximum of
100 if we wanted to, however, that's too few, and if you exceed the
limit then better opt for a new job. The empty files don't really
consume any excessive amount of disk space, so we choose 10K.
Finally, the INSTALL program copies the executable files to the FSP
directory and, that's that!
Well, not quite.
Beginning with Series 8 we are going to distribute our data
files in a self-extracting .EXE file for those who are not
familiar with archival schemes or perhaps do not have the
proper UN-arcing program.
Anyway, the concept allows me to write EASY installation
routines and since I'm lazy the whole thing made "horse
sense." This allows us to automate the entire INSTALL
routine with the single exception of extracting the
MODPAK1.EXE file into your Flight Simulator directory. And,
the only reason that we just don't ask ...
"Hey you! What is the PATH to your FS3 directory?"
when you INSTALL the system is because you might not even
have an FS3 directory...YET!
Since we wanted FS-PRO to be passed around freely, we had to choose
the best approach to distribute the series. One way, is to
distribute the files in ARCed format via BBS services. Granted,
most of us have the knowledge to do all of this using DOS-level
commands, but, others are not so skilled...yet! So, we decided to
make FS-PRO as easy to use and pass around as possible.
One of the shortcomings to this approach is the "DREADED SCOURGE"
of PD software authors...that the original ARC's are changed and
things go haywire real quick. The other "SCOURGE" is users who...
"Homer, if I've told you once...I must have
told you a thousand times...READ THE DOCS before
you go erasing my sewing club phone list. If you
had any brains a flea could cart 'em off."
Anyway, no matter how you get the files, just make sure that you
have the following files on the following disks for the following
ISSUE (May, 1989)
1 - FSPRO9A.ZIP - This is the SYSTEM DISK #1.
The files MUST be un-zipped to a floppy
labeled #1.
FSPI.EXE - Installation program
AIRPORT.EXE - Self-extracting Data Base
ADVPAK1.EXE - Self-extracting adventures
MODPAK1.EXE - Self-extracting .MOD files
HELPPAK.EXE - Self-extracting HELP files
2 - FSPRO9B.ZIP - This is the SYSTEM DISK #2.
The files MUST be un-zipped to a floppy
labeled #2.
FSAC.EXE - Aircraft Data Base
FSAP.EXE - Airport Data Base
3 - FSPRO9C.ZIP - This is the SYSTEM DISK #3.
The files MUST be un-zipped to a floppy
labeled #3.
FSFP.EXE - Flight Plan Module
FSPC.EXE - Pilot's Calculator
4 - FSPRO9D.ZIP - This is the SYSTEM DISK #4.
The files MUST be un-zipped to a floppy
labeled #4.
Another software profile that I like is the ability to choose my
own directory names and set my own paths. Software that "locks" you
into what the authors liked might be perfect or might make me
nauseous. This can cause some novices a real nightmare, however.
Most of the problems associated with FS-PRO can be directly
attributed to improper pathways.
We provide you with a small selection of OPERATING PARAMETERS that
you can change or amend anytime. But, the FIRST TIME is the
We create a small file called PARM.OVL when you first run FS-PRO.
It contains the proper PATHS to the various directories, your name
as you want it to appear on printouts and menu headers, your phone
number and the screen color selections.
It is very important that you CHECK the default path settings
before you attempt to use FS-PRO. Be sure that you change
the path to Flight Simulator and the MODE files. We call it
FLY in the default and you need to change it to match the
location of your FS program MODE files.
The DEFAULT settings are: (Created by the INSTALL routine)
We do NOT create the following directories:
MicroSoft Flight Simulator C:\FLY\
MODE Files(keep with FS) C:\FLY\
If the file PARM.OVL is missing, FSPRO will create a new one. You
MUST run FSPRO and edit this file to match your system.
Select SETUP from the main FSPRO menu and use the UTILITY
You can change paths to your Flight Sim MODE files, ADVENTURE files,
Airport Directory, etc. You can change the colors you want to use,
add your name for prompts (and, future printing use) and phone
number. Select this item from the MAIN MENU the first time you
run FSPRO. You can edit or change data anytime. Some color
selections will cause "blinking"...if you like it, it's all yours.
Play with the selections until you get something pleasing. I like
hi-white on blue on my VGA which is a FORECOLOR = 15 and BACKCOLOR
= 1...
We provide a few very simple MODES, ADVENTURES and DESCRIPTIONS.
The MODE files should be put in with all of your other MODE files
and Flight Simulator III. These were created with Flight
Simulator III and are ready to fly. You can read about the
ADVENTURE and then go fly the thing. These do not require any
additional scenery disks to operate. They use the FS-III default
system scenery disk that comes with your purchase.
We already extracted the ADVENTURE files that match MODPAK1 so all you
need to do is copy MODPAK1.EXE into your Flight Simulator III
directory and RUN the program by typing MODPAK1 and pressing ENTER.
This will EXTRACT all of the adventure files so you can now hop in
your favorite Cessna or Lear and fly off into over a hundred wild and
crazy flying adventures.
Once your PATHS are properly identified, then you're ready for a
"Alright, youse guys...Homer is on your case...What, no
downward compatibility?... Youse outta be whipped."
I wish life were easier. Beginning with Series 9, we started
reading data directly from MODE (.mod) files to create the
ADVENTURE files used by FS-PRO. Earlier versions had to be
tediously entered from scratch. Now...all we gotta do is
"tag" an existing .MOD file (Main Menu Selection #2)
and...wonder-of-wonders...the ENVIRONS data is ready to
review, edit or print. Of course, we can also leave a
graphic comment about the ADVENTURE and a FLIGHT PLAN for realism.
"Okay you freeky, code-toads...what's the bad
news for poor old Homer's eyes...?"
Sigh! Alas! and Pshaw! Any previous .ADV files distributed
with earlier MODPAKS are just so much "junque" and need to
be DELETED forthwith. Why? You murmer... Well, just because.
Because, we eliminated some data that was unnecessary to the
operation of FS-PRO and we wanted to eliminate the need to
enter each goodie by hand...one by one...blagh! Besides, you
can hop in your favorite plane and FLY the ADVENTURE right
from the FS-PRO menu.
"Cut the Mars-Talk and get to the bottom line..."
All pre-Series 9 .MOD files are perfectly, perfect. Keep
'em. So are the .DAT files that contain your comments. But,
TRASH the old .ADV files and begin making new ones as you
fly a MODE setting and want to save the ADVENTURE
description and flight plan. It's automatic and painless.
You can operate The FSPRO ADVENTURE MODULE in 2 general ways.
First, you may go fly a scenario and save the MODE from FS-III.
After you save the MODE you can run FS-PRO and search for the new
A "scrolling" window appears with all of your MODES listed
alphabetically. You position the highlight bar over your selection
using the arrow keys and press ENTER (Return).
When it finds it, you will be asked if you want to create a new
adventure file (if none exists). If (Y) yes, you can then EDIT the
ENVIRONS (Data information such as position, avionics, etc.) and
a full page description (narrative) of the flight MODE/ADVENTURE.
FSPRO reads the data out of the MODE file and presents it to
you for editing. Once you read the comments you may then
select FLY and we will run Flight Simulator using the MODE
you selected.
(NOTE: We do NOT alter your DEFAULT STARTUP MODE. If you
wish to save the adventure as the startup sequence the next
time you run Flight Simulator then you will have to select
the mode from FS III and save it as the startup MODE.)
Second, you may create an ADVENTURE from your sectional
information, and then go set up the MODE and fly it. Of, course,
if you want to keep the MODE, you can save it using FS-III after
you fly the thing. This is starting from SCRATCH and you
must enter ALL of the appropriate data. However, you will
have to use FS III to create the initial MODE for the NEW
You may PRINT, RENAME and/or DELETE any ADVENTURE and MODE (no
delete). When you RENAME an adventure, the MODE is also renamed
along with other associated pointer files.
If you DELETE an adventure, the MODE remains intact. Only, the
adventure files are deleted.
When you elect to PRINT an adventure from the menu, it will also
show you the DESCRIPTION FILE before printing. If you don't want
to change anything, just press ESCape and it will print the entire
adventure (LPT1).
When you elect to DELETE, you don't get a second chance. Be sure!
We have tried to provide realism to our modules so that students
will have an opportunity to get used to normal, run-of-the-mill
stuff required to fly a plane. Obviously, some of our calculations
are not within VFR guidelines and should not be used to post a real
FAA certified flight plan. (I can't imagine who would try...)
The AIRPORT DIRECTORY feeds information to the FLIGHT PLANNER with
the WORLD COORDINATES used by Flight Simulator #2 and III. Flight
parameters concerning location, great circle distance and initial
headings are calculated from this data. Without it, you might as
well "hang-it-up" and toss this VAPORWARE. That's why we provide
so much airport data in AIRPORT.EXE. Kinda saves you some time to
kick things off.
I really enjoy keeping flight plans for each of my
ADVENTURES. Unless I am just doing "touch 'n goes" I usually
file a flight plan. Then I set up my weather conditions and
file accordingly so that my "actuals" are fun to meet (or not
meet, as is my usual case).
The INFORMATION windows (when offered on a menu) provide additional
information about the particular module.
"Good Heavens Homer! Look at the time! If I have to listen to
Off-We-Go one more time you and your computer are going have more in
common then you can imagine..."
The INFORMATION windows tell you how to get "noiseless" versions
of FSPRO by registering. This time around, I want to hear from
users. I put the NOISY version out as public domain and request
a $2.00 contribution which is cheap enough to attract those who
DO NOT (yet) support ShareWare type programming and just enough
to attract real Flight Sim Nuts like me.
The TWO buck deal does offer access to the Flight Simulator
Conference on LINX where a lot of goodies can be found including
the silent and enhanced versions of our "CheapWare" doo-dads.
For those of you who hate noisy logo's and buzzing machines as much
as I do, then you can send me $2.00 and when you log-on to LINX you
will have access to the "goodie" drawer where you can get the
latest versions of "silent" and "secret" stuff. The best of the
MODPAKS will also be kept in the conference. Developed by users, these
MODPAKS are available for EUROPE scenery disks and others.
Other users are maintaining the FS-PRO airport data base
with ALL airports from ALL scenery disks. Some are even suggesting
contests for the best collection of COMPLETE MODPAKS to share with
others. And, still others are suggesting an aircraft data base
like "JANES."
Incidently, LINX (Lincoln's eXchange) has been on-line since
January 1, 1983. Each user gets 100 minutes on-line every day, FREE
and without any upload obligation. We have over 8,000 users from
13 foreign countries and all of the United States. (4-15-89)
We maintain the most current and useful public domain software
available. No games...except for those who would stoop low enough
to refer to our Flight Simulator Add-Ons as "games"....Are you
listening Betty?
In January we celebrated 5 years of continuous public service with
only 21 minutes of downtime (lost service due to thunderstorm)
during the last 3 years.
You can meet some of the best users of any BBS in the world.
Interesting and stimulating conversations in our PUBLIC DISCOVER
conference. Scientific discussions on astronomy, amateur radio,
flying, business, life forms, etc.
And, if you're into driving airplanes and the smell of cockpit
smoke, then the 2 buck registration for the FLY conference is your
very best PC Hobby purchase anywhere. You can join pilots who drive
jumbos and old 1940 TaylorCrafts; vintage aircraft buffs and WWII,
Korea and Vietnam pilots.
You're certainly invited to hop on board. Even if you don't join
the FLY conference, there is enough there to keep you off the
streets for awhile.
Just DON'T UPLOAD any games or GIF pictures. Other than that, you
have 100 minutes each day at 1200-2400 baud and we are most
certainly PURSUITABLE (whatever that means). 300 bauders can use
the system from 00:01 to 05:00 CST.
We do seem to stay busy, so please keep trying.
Updates are already in the works. Will correct bugs and boo-boo's
as I hear of them.
I suppose that I should have prepared for the onslaught of requests
for floppy disks, considering the size of the series and some slow
modems. (We are considering going to 9600 baud)
Our little handle "CheapWare" is based on a distribution system
using the BBS networks. Please don't expect us to mail you 4
disks for $2.00. However, if you just can't do without the latest
registered version on "factory-fresh" disks then send me $28.00
and I'll mail you the set of 4-disks (360K). This also gets you FLY
CONFERENCE privileges, registered versions of FS-PRO, our newsletters
and a VOICE support line. Plus, a collection of ADVENTURES
that you will keep you occupied for days. ALL NEW! ALL REAL!
I have a lot of people to thank for helping us achieve a workable
program. First to Doug VanDerbur with the original beta service of
earlier versions and a wealth of exciting adventures. Many of those
found in our series were originally written by him for the earlier
FSADV200 series. I just like watching this guy fly.
Joe Testa certainly offered me many valuable suggestions and
corrections early in the development of this doo-dad and he
has converted all of the old FSADV200 adventures contained in the
ADVPAK1.EXE data package that comes with the PD Series #8.
Bless his heart, he did it before we automated the process.
Jeff Bingham, the director of the Computer Pilots Association of
America, has been extremely helpful in offering valuable suggestions
for improving things and he also made major corrections to an earlier
AIRPORT data base that had boo-boos. Incidently, I realize that we
could "dues" ourselves BANKRUPT by joining every organization vying
for our pocketbooks. BUT! Alas, I think Jeff's organization is doing
a supurb job of addressing the real good stuff for those of us who
are serious CRT-Jockies.
Art Zorka (GA), has been working hard to update the FS-PRO
airport directory with EVERY airport on EVERY scenery disk
properly listed and ready-to-use. He's a magician and is a
self-motivated, Flight Sim, fanatic. And, a good Pal.
...AND, MY BRIDE...BETTY. I haven't figuered out whether she enjoys
being ignored or prefers to see me happy writing software. I
couldn't do without her.
Sure hope YOU can join us in the FLY conference.
Hope you like the little doo-dads. Let me hear from you.
Joe Lincoln
(713) 440-7364
300-2400 8N1 24 Hrs
Flight Simulator is a trademark of SubLOGIC Corporation used under
license by Microsoft Corporation. (Right off the Flight Sim Box)
PKWare ZIP2EXE is a trademark of PKWare
FS-PRO (Series 9)
Copyright 1988, 1989 - Joe Lincoln - All Rights Reserved
15307 Parkville - Houston, Texas - 77068