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Applicant Tracker
User Documentation
(c) Copyright 1989
Archer Software
All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................... 1
System Requirements ............................... 2
Installation ...................................... 3
Input Applicants .................................. 5
Edit Applicants ................................... 6
Delete Applicants ................................. 7
Editing and Printing Letters ...................... 8
Report Writer ..................................... 9
APPTRAK Q & A ..................................... 10
Special Keys for Letter Edit Screen ............... APDX A
Registration Form ................................. APDX B
APPTRAK is an applicant tracking database system designed to
compliment your paper file system. APPTRAK allows you to track
all personal information such as; name, address, telephone
number and social security number. You can track EEO information
also, such as; age, sex, race, and handicap. Other data you can track
include: position applying for, department codes, current status
codes, applicant's source of information and application date.
Each applicant's file is easily accessible for instant information.
APPTRAK allows you to create and save your own customized reports.
You may also create and save up to three different letters which can
be personally addressed to any applicant on file.
******************* DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY ***************************
APPTRAK System Requirements
IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible computer
512K RAM
Color or monochrome monitor
DOS 2.0 or later
A hard disk is recommended for optimum perfmormance but is not required.
APPTRAK supports most printers.
Diskette based systems
You need to have a file called config.sys on the DOS diskette
with which you boot your system. There should be two lines in
this file similar to the following:
These are suggested settings for optimal performance. Your
settings may vary although we recommend a Files setting of at
least 20 and a Buffers setting of at least 8.
If you already have a "Config.sys" file check to see what the
settings are by using the following procedure:
1. Place Boot Diskette in drive A.
2. Type the following at the A> prompt: "Type config.sys"
The contents of the Config.sys file will be displayed on the
screen. If the Files and Buffers settings need to be changed you
may do so with any text editor or with a word processor that
reads and writes DOS text files.
Included with APPTRAK is a file called config.app. You may
use this file as your config.sys file if do not already have one
or if you wish to replace the config.sys file you currently have.
Use the following procedure:
Two Disk Drives: 1. Place your boot diskette in drive A and
the APPTRAK diskette in drive B.
2. Type "copy b:config.app a:config.sys".
One Disk Drive: 1. Place the APPTRAK diskette in the drive
and type "copy config.app b:config.sys".
At this point drive A will temporarily
be treated as two drives. You will be
prompted to replace APPTRAK with your
boot diskette when necessary.
Hard Disk Systems
You need to have a file called config.sys in the root (main)
directory of the drive which you boot your system from. There
should be at least two lines in this file similar to the
These are suggested settings for optimal performance. Your
settings may vary although we recommend a Files setting of at
least 20 and a Buffers setting of at least 8.
If you already have a "Config.sys" file check to see what
the settings are by following these steps:
1. Go to your root directory by typing "cd ..".
2. Type the following at the C> prompt: "Type config.sys"
The contents of the Config.sys file will be displayed on the
screen. If the Files and Buffers settings need to be changed you
may do so with any text editor or with a word processor that
reads and writes DOS text files.
Included with APPTRAK is a file called config.app. You may
use this file as your config.sys file if you do not already have
one or wish to replace the one you currently have. Use the
following procedure:
1. If you are not already in the root directory of your boot
drive type "cd .." to get there.
2. Place the APPTRAK disk in drive A.
3. Type "copy a:config.app c:config.sys".
Installing APPTRAK on your hard drive:
Use the following procedure to install APPTRAK on your hard
1. Create a directory on your hard drive by typing
"mkdir\APPTRAK" and pressing <Enter>
2. Make "APPTRAK" your current directory by typing
"chdir\APPTRAK" and pressing <Enter>.
3. Place the APPTRAK diskette in drive A.
4. Copy the contents of the APPTRAK disk onto your hard disk
by typing "copy a:*.*".
* Note: Some printers have difficulty printing the character above
which immediately follows "mkdir" and "chdir". This should
be a slash. If you are unsure of this character view the
contents of APPTRAK.DOC on your computer screen.
Input Applicants
Input Applicants is for inputing new applicants into your database.
whenthis is selected the menu will be replaced on the screen by an input
inout form. On the bottom right corner of the screen is a record counter
which displays the number of applicants currently in the database.
Before you can input any data a valid application date must be entered.
Below are examples of valid and invalid dates.
Valid: 01/09/88
Invalid: 1 / 9/88 , 12/33/88 , 10/10/XX
Once a valid date has been input entry fields for the rest of the
data will appear on the screen. Press <Return> after each field to
move on to the next field. While most fields are self explanatory,
the following fields may need some description:
Source - Where did the applicant learn of your company or job
opening (e.g. newspaper, school, personal referral, etc.)
Handicap - Only true/false (T/F) or answers will be accepted in
this field
Position - Job title applying for.
Dept - Department code in which job is located.
Status - Status code of applicant (e.g. A= new applicant,
B= interviewed once, C= rejected, etc.)
The Status and Dept fields accept codes which identify the different
departments and status'. To use these fields properly you should assign
these codes carefully and make sure all users understand the meaning
of each code and the importance of entering each exactly the same.
For example, APPTRAK will treat dept codes "1 " and " 1" and "01" as
three different departments in report filtering.
The Letter field is a special field for determining whether the
applicant has had a letter addressed to him/her. This field may not
be input or deleted but is automatically updated each time a letter
is printed.
After the last field has been input the record will be entered into the
database and a new blank form will appear for the next application.
Pressing the escape key at any time while inputing will also enter the
record. When finished inputing, press <Enter> or <Esc> at the date
prompt to return to the APPTRAK main menu.
IMPORTANT: Do not re-boot or turn off the computer without first exiting
APPTRAK. Doing so may cause damage to the database files.
Edit Records
Any applicant's file may be called up for editing or viewing by
selecting Edit Records on the APPTRAK main menu screen. Doing so
bring up the record search screen.
Input the social security number of the applicant to edit. If the
social security number is not available, enter the letter 'N' and
press <Enter> to search by name. You will be prompted for the appli-
cants first and last name (the names must be spelled EXACTLY as they
appear in the database for APPTRAK to find them). Since APPTRAK will
find the file much more quickly if searching by social security
number you should search by name only when necessary.
The Edit screen is identical in appearance to the Input screen. Any
information on the screen may be changed with the exception of the
Letter field. (Please see Input Applicants on page 4 for an explana-
tion of the Letter field.) Press <Esc> when finished editing or
viewing the file, any changes made to the file will be saved and the
record search screen will return.
To return to the APPTRAK main menu press <Enter> at the social security
prompt on the record search screen.
Delete Applicants
Apptrak can help you keep your paper and computer files clean and
up to date by providing the option of deleting applicants files in
three, six, nine, and twelve month increments. Or, you may choose
to delete all applicants in the database.
To delete files select "Delete Applicants" from the APPTRAK main
menu. This will pop the delete menu up to the screen. Use the arrow
keys to highlight the age of files you wish to delete. Make your
selection by pressing <Enter>. A message bar will appear at the
bottom of the screen asking for confirmation of your delete request.
You must answer either "Y" (yes- proceed with deletion), or "N" (no-
cancel delete request and return to the original menu).
If "Y" is selected a prompt will appear asking if a printout of
deleted files will be necessary. A printout is usually helpful for
the purging of all the paper files which correspond to the computer
files deleted. (Remember that your applicant tracking system will be
much more efficient if you keep your paper files identical to your
APPTRAK files.) If all applicants are deleted from the database nothing
will print out.
Before APPTRAK prints the deletion list it will check to see if
your printer is ready to receive data. If it is not turned on, or
not online, an error message will occur. You will then be given the
option of aborting the printout by pressing <Spacebar> or retrying
by pressing any other key.
NOTE: this printer test will work only with 100% IBM BIOS compatible
computers. If your printer is not 100% IBM BIOS compatible trying to
print while the printer not online may cause an internal error which
would require restarting APPTRAK.
Editing and Printing Letters
Apptrak provides the capability of sending personalized letters
to any applicant on file. Three letters can be stored within
APPTRAK to provide the flexibilty of selecting the letter which
best suits a given situation. To print or edit these letters select
"Letter Writer" from the main menu. The Letter Writer menu will
appear with options as follows:
Edit Letters
Print Letters
Return to Main Menu
To edit a letter select Edit Letters from the menu. You must then
select which letter (1,2 or 3) you would like to edit (with the
left/right arrow keys). Press <Enter> and the letter you chose will
appear on the screen for editing.
At the bottom of the letter edit screen is a small chart detailing
some of the keys used while editing. For example, CTRL-Y = Delete Line.
This means that the <Ctrl> key should be held down while the Y key is
pressed. In Appendix B is a complete list of all commands which can
be used while editing letters. Letters may be edited as often as you
like. Please note that any letter changes must be saved with the
<Ctrl>-W key combination. Pressing <Esc> will abort the edit. If <Esc>
is pressed any changes made will not be saved.
To print a letter select Print Letters from the menu. As in editing,
options will appear at the bottom of the menu from which one of the
three letters may be selected for printing. You will then be prompted
for a social security number. Pressing <Return> at this prompt without
entering a number will cancel the print order and return you to the
main menu.
If a social security number is entered the name of the applicant will
appear below along with a prompt asking for confirmation of the name.
If "Y" (yes) is selected a letter addressed to the applicant will be
printed. If the social security number is not on file you will be
prompted to re-enter it. Before APPTRAK prints the letter it will check
to see if your printer is ready to receive data. If it is not turned
on or not online an error message will occur. You will then be given
the option of aborting the printout by pressing <Spacebar> or retrying
by pressing any other key. NOTE: this printer test will work only with
100% IBM BIOS compatible computers.
After the letter is printed a field called "Letter" will be updated
showing that the applicant has received a letter. This may be useful in
some of the reports that you create later.
Report Writer
When you select "Report Writer" from the APPTRAK main menu. A
second menu will appear which has five selections as follows:
Social Security
Name /Position
Current Status
Create New Report
Return to Main Menu
The APPTRAK report writer has been designed for maximum flexibility.
Since there are no permanent reports, Social Security, Name /Position
and Current Status are merely examples to get you started. Any report
may replaced with a new one at any time by selecting Create New Report
from the menu.
Creating Reports:
Select "Create New Report" from the Report Writer menu. A list will
appear down the left side of screen of all the fields which may be
chosen for your report. Use the arrow keys to select any five. In the
lower right corner of the screen your selections will appear in the
order you choose them. This is the same order which the fields will
appear on the final report.
Your report will be sorted in the order of the first two fields you
select. For example, if the following fields are chosen in order;
Application Date, Last Name, First Name, Position and Telephone - the
report will be sorted first by Application Date then by Last Name.
The maximum number of fields which may be selected is five. If less
than five are desired press <Spacebar> after the last field is selected.
This will terminate the selection process and take you to the next step.
After you have finished selecting the fields for your report you will
be prompted for a name for your report. This is the name which will
appear on the Report Writer menu should you decide to save this report
for later use. APPTRAK will not proceed until a name is entered. Next,
you will prompted for the first and second title lines which will appear
on top of the report. After naming your report you will have three choices as
as follows:
1. Execute and Save Report - Print report and save for
later use.
2. Execute Report - Print report, but do not save it.
3. Return to menu - Leave Report screen and return to
main menu.
If "Execute and Save Report" is selected you must choose a report
which will be replaced since only three may be saved at any one
time. The reports that you save can be replaced as often as you wish
so experiment with different reports until you find the three that
best fit your needs. If you get to this point and decide that you do
want to replace any of the current reports simply select "Exit - No
Changes" to return to the main menu.
One last menu will appear before the report is actually generated.
Using this menu you may filter out certain parts of your database
which you do not want to be reported. You may report on a specific
department code, a specific position, or a range of application
dates. Or, of course, you may report on all applicants in your database.
Once the content of your report is finalized you may choose whether
to direct the output to your printer or the screen. To do this, just
follow the instructions on the screen by pressing <Spacebar> to select
your choice of destinations. Press <Enter> and your report will be
printed. If at this point your printer is not online you will be asked
to correct and press a key. To abort the print request press the
NOTE: The printer test will work only with 100% IBM BIOS compatible
computers. If your printer is not 100% IBM BIOS compatible trying to
print while the printer not online may cause an internal error which
would require restarting APPTRAK.
Q. How can I view the applicant database in order to look up a
social security number ?
A. Create a report using the APPTRAK report writer which lists
the applicants' names and social security numbers. You may then
print this report to your computer screen for quick scanning.
Remember, you can save this report for later use also. For more
detailed information on the Report Writer see page 8 of this
Q. I make changes to my saved letters using the Letter Writer but
later when I print the letter those changes are not there. Why ?
A. Make sure you press <Ctrl>-W to save any changes you make.
Q. Why does the cursor skip over the Letter field when I am inputing
or editing applicant records ?
A. The Letter field will always be "F" (false) until a letter is
printed to the applicant when it will automatically update to "T"
(true). To insure accuracy of this field it may not be changed.
Q. Sometimes the cursor will not move when I'm trying to make a
menu selection. Why ?
A. The most likely cause of this problem is that NUM-LOCK is toggled
"on". Make sure NUM-LOCK is off so that the keypad is not entering
Appendix A
Special Keys Used While Editing Letters
Movement Keys:
Up Arrow............Move up one line
Down Arrow..........Move down one line
Left Arrow..........Move left one character
Right Arrow.........Move right one character
<Ctrl>-Left Arrow...Move left one word
<Ctrl>-Right Arrow..Move right one word
<Home>..............Go to beginning of current line
<End>...............Go to end of current line
<PgDn>..............Go down one screen (longer letters)
<PgUp>..............Go up one screen
<Ctrl>-PgDn.........Go to end of letter
<Ctrl>-PgUp.........Go to beginning of letter
<Enter> or <Return>.Go to beginning of next line
Editing Keys:
<Delete>............Delete character at cursor
<Backspace>.........Delete character left of cursor
<Ctrl>-Y............Delete the current line
<Ctrl>-T............Delete word right
<Tab>...............Insert tab spaces
<Ins>...............Toggle insert mode
<Ctrl>-W............Save letter
<Esc>...............Exit letter edit with no changes
Last name:________________________ First name:______________________ Ini:_____
Title:___________________ Department:______________________________
Company Name:______________________________________________________
Company Address:___________________________________________________
Number of employees: 1-50 ___ 50-100 ___ 100-500 ___ 500-1000 ___ 1000+___
Type of business: _________________________________________________
City:_______________________________ State:________ Zip:___________
Method of payment: Check______ Money Order _______
/ Quantity / / Amount
/ / x $ 70.00 /
/Ohio residents add 5.5 % sales tax /
/ Total /
Send completed registration form and check or money order to:
Archer Software
P.O. Box 1022
Westerville, Ohio 43081