Monster Media 1993 #2
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Thσ Exper⌠ System:
You≥ Exper⌠ Helpe≥ [TM]
Thi≤ Exper⌠ System¼ You≥ Exper⌠ Helpe≥ [TM]¼ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ establisΦ u≡ t∩ ì
onσ Billioε queries« EacΦ quer∙ caε havσ u≡ t∩ 2░ answers« EacΦ answe≥ caε ì
havσ u≡ t∩ fifteeε thousanΣ character≤ oµ tex⌠ associateΣ witΦ it« Alonτ ì
witΦ thi≤ copiou≤ text¼ ever∙ singlσ answe≥ caε havσ onσ 'GIF'¼ 'PIC¼ o≥ ì
'PCX'imagσ attacheΣ t∩ i⌠ also«
Wheε useΣ a≤ ß scriptinτ language¼ You≥ Exper⌠ Helpe≥ [TM▌ caε reflec⌠ thσ ì
subtletie≤ anΣ nuance≤ oµ you≥ informationa∞ o≥ marketinτ processes« A≤ ß ì
diagnostiπ tool¼ You≥ Exper⌠ Helpe≥ [TM▌ wil∞ givσ yo⌡ ß leve∞ oµ powe≥ anΣ ì
precisioε unknowε iε off-the-shelµ microcompute≥ software«
Thσ Exper⌠ Systeφ achieve≤ "logica∞ sphericalityó iε it≤ abilit∙ t∩ brancΦ ì
over¼ under¼ around¼ anΣ througΦ thσ queries« Unlikσ thσ mechanistic¼ stair-ì
ste≡ logiπ oµ ß traditiona∞ decisioε tree¼ thi≤ featurσ processe≤ it≤ ì
relationship≤ withou⌠ an∙ presumeΣ prioritie≤ and¼ therefore¼ closel∙ echoe≤ ì
thσ spatia∞ relation≤ tha⌠ characterizσ thσ abstrac⌠ though⌠ processe≤ oµ ì
humaε beings.
| OPTION 1: |
1) Display queries
Displa∙ querie≤ fo≥ thσ Exper⌠ System«
B∙ usinτ thσ lef⌠ anΣ righ⌠ a≤ wel∞ a≤ u≡ anΣ dowε arrows¼ yo⌡ caε scrol∞ ì
acros≤ al∞ oµ thσ querie≤ yo⌡ havσ defined.
| OPTION 2: |
2) Create queries
Create or modify queries for the Expert System.
First¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ promp⌠ yo⌡ t∩ ente≥ thσ valuσ oµ thσ quer∙ yo⌡ wisΦ ì
t∩ edi⌠ o≥ modify« Second¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ displa∙ thi≤ screen:
-- Quer∙ ▒ -- |
| è |
'Responseº i≤ thσ 5░ characte≥ descriptivσ tex⌠ tha⌠ appear≤ a⌠ thσ to≡ oµ ì
tha⌠ quer∙ oncσ selectioε ╕ i≤ invoked.
| OPTION 3: |
3) Delete queries
Deletσ querie≤ fo≥ thσ Exper⌠ System«
Oncσ yo⌡ ente≥ thσ valuσ oµ thσ quer∙ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ delete¼ theε al∞ associateΣ ì
answer≤ arσ deleteΣ also.
ⁿ OPTIO╬ 4║ |
4⌐ Creatσ answer≤
Thi≤ optioε prompt≤ yo⌡ t∩ creatσ o≥ modif∙ answer≤ assigneΣ t∩ queries« Iµ ì
i⌠ canno⌠ finΣ you≥ requesteΣ query¼ theε i⌠ wil∞ asδ yo⌡ fo≥ thσ informatioε ì
i⌠ need≤ t∩ creatσ it« Afte≥ that¼ theε yo⌡ caε definσ thσ answer≤ fo≥ tha⌠ ì
Iε eacΦ answer¼ yo⌡ caε ente≥ thσ followinτ informatioε int∩ thσ Edi⌠ screen:
Description: Picture: Memo: Action:
'Descriptionº i≤ thσ 5░ characte≥ descriptivσ tex⌠ tha⌠ appear≤ witΦ it≤ ì
associateΣ answer.
'Picture'¼ iµ used¼ i≤ thσ 1░ characte≥ titlσ oµ thσ imagσ associateΣ witΦ ì
thi≤ answer« EacΦ answe≥ caε havσ onσ uniquσ imagσ associateΣ witΦ it.
èThi≤ featurσ wil∞ displa∙ thσ threσ mos⌠ commonl∙ useΣ graphica∞ formats« ì
Thesσ format≤ arσ supported║
.GI╞ (Compuservσ Graphic≤ Interchangσ Format⌐
.PI├ (P├ Paint¼ P├ Pain⌠ Plus¼ PICTOR¼ GRASP⌐
.PC╪ (P├ Paintbrush¼ Publisher≤ P├ Paintbrush⌐
Iε enterinτ you≥ title¼ pleasσ excludσ an∙ suffix¼ sucΦ a≤ 'GIF'¼ 'PIC¼ o≥ ì
Let'≤ sa∙ tha⌠ thi≤ prograφ wa≤ installeΣ oε drivσ ├ bu⌠ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ ì
associatσ aε imagσ froφ drivσ D¼ "MOTOR.GIF"« Iε tha⌠ casσ yo⌡ woulΣ ente≥ ì
thi≤ tex⌠ int∩ 'Picture':
'Memoº i≤ thσ free-forφ tex⌠ yo⌡ coulΣ ente≥ int∩ eacΦ answer« Iµ s∩ ì
selected¼ eacΦ mem∩ caε havσ u≡ t∩ 15,00░ character≤ oµ text« T∩ signif∙ ì
tha⌠ yo⌡ wisΦ mem∩ t∩ bσ associateΣ witΦ tha⌠ answer¼ includσ '*º iε thσ ì
'Memoº field«
Finally¼ 'Actionº i≤ tha⌠ Quer∙ wherσ yo⌡ wisΦ thσ answe≥ t∩ brancΦ iµ ì
selected« Iµ yo⌡ leavσ 'Actionº blank¼ theε oncσ yo⌡ selec⌠ tha⌠ answer¼ thσ ì
prograφ wil∞ terminatσ it≤ launch.
| OPTION 5: |
5) Display Truth Table
Thi≤ selectioε give≤ yo⌡ ß light-ba≥ displa∙ oµ thσ 40░ 'truthsº yo⌡ define¼ ì
iµ used¼ iε thσ trutΦ table« I⌠ appear≤ iε thi≤ order:
"Truth Query Answer"
A≤ yo⌡ traversσ thσ Exper⌠ Systeφ iε optioε 8¼ thσ prograφ i≤ keepinτ tracδ ì
oµ al∞ you≥ Query-Answe≥ combination≤ iε thσ Histor∙ file¼ a≤ pe≥ optioε 9« ì
Withiε onσ seconΣ oµ sensinτ ß matcΦ betweeε thσ Histor∙ filσ anΣ thσ TrutΦ ì
Table¼ thσ Exper⌠ Systeφ invoke≤ additiona∞ logiπ specifiπ t∩ thσ congruencσ ì
oµ thesσ tw∩ files.
| OPTION 6: |
è 6) Edit Truth Table
Simila≥ t∩ optioε 5¼ optioε ╢ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ edi⌠ o≥ creatσ u≡ t∩ 40░ 'truthsº ì
iε thσ trutΦ table« Oncσ iε thσ edi⌠ screen¼ thi≤ selectioε display≤ 2░ a⌠ ß ì
time¼ witΦ thi≤ phrasσ oε thσ bottoφ oµ eacΦ screen:
"Pleasσ pres≤ [PgDn▌ t∩ g∩ t∩ nex⌠ screen╗ [ESC▌ t∩ terminate"
ⁿ OPTIO╬ 7║ |
7) Paging preview
Paginτ previe≈ oµ Exper⌠ System«
Thi≤ selectioε give≤ yo⌡ ß Query-by-Quer∙ previe≈ oµ thσ Exper⌠ System« ì
Beginninτ witΦ thσ firs⌠ quer∙ yo⌡ havσ defined¼ optioε ╖ wil∞ displa∙ al∞ ì
answer≤ associateΣ witΦ tha⌠ query¼ theε pagσ t∩ thσ nex⌠ query¼ witΦ it≤ ì
associateΣ answers.
Whilσ iε selectioε 7¼ thσ followinτ tex⌠ appear≤ oε thσ bottoφ oµ eacΦ ì
"Please press [Enter] to go to next screen; [ESC] to terminate"
| OPTION 8: |
8) Launch
Launch Expert System.
Startinτ witΦ thσ firs⌠ quer∙ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ defined¼ optioε ╕ present≤ thσ 2░ ì
answer≤ associateΣ witΦ tha⌠ query.
Iµ thσ answe≥ yo⌡ selec⌠ ha≤ aε associateΣ 'Actionº a≤ pe≥ optioε 4¼ theε thσ ì
Exper⌠ Systeφ branche≤ t∩ tha⌠ query« Otherwise¼ i⌠ interpret≤ thσ '0º iε thσ ì
'Actionº fielΣ a≤ ß terminatioε oµ thσ launcΦ process.
Thereafter¼ thi≤ optioε perform≤ it≤ processinτ b∙ relyinτ oε thσ ì
relationship≤ yo⌡ havσ defineΣ betweeε 'Answersº anΣ 'Actions'.
| OPTION 9: |
9) History
Displa∙ Histor∙ oµ las⌠ launch« è
Optioε ╣ display≤ al∞ oµ thσ Query-Answe≥ combination≤ iε ascendinτ orde≥ ì
executeΣ thσ las⌠ timσ yo⌡ launcheΣ thσ Exper⌠ System«
Let'≤ say¼ fo≥ example¼ tha⌠ yo⌡ observσ thi≤ light-ba≥ display:
1 4
500 3
700 1
800 1
900 0
Wheε quer∙ ▒ wa≤ displayed¼ yo⌡ answereΣ '4'« Wheε quer∙ 50░ appeared¼ yo⌡ ì
respondeΣ witΦ answe≥ '3'¼ anΣ s∩ on« Iµ ß quer∙ i≤ presenteΣ withou⌠ ß ì
selectioε beinτ make¼ theε tha⌠ '0º i≤ placeΣ int∩ thσ ANSWE╥ columε alonτ ì
witΦ thσ quer∙ numbe≥ madσ a⌠ thσ timσ ß zer∩ selectioε wa≤ made«
Iε thσ examplσ above¼ thσ quer∙ oµ '900º witΦ aε answe≥ oµ '0º mean≤ tha⌠ n∩ ì
answe≥ wa≤ giveε fo≥ thi≤ query¼ hencσ signifyinτ thσ enΣ oµ thσ Query-ì
Answe≥ sessions.
Thσ '900'/'0º pai≥ mean≤ tha⌠ thi≤ wa≤ thσ las⌠ ste≡ iε thσ sequence¼ thougΦ ì
thσ ascendinτ orde≥ oµ al∞ pair≤ doe≤ no⌠ iε an∙ wa∙ corresponΣ t∩ thσ orde≥ ì
iε whicΦ thσ answer≤ werσ firs⌠ made.
A) Override
Precedence Override
Thi≤ selectioε give≤ yo⌡ thσ optioε t∩ overridσ thσ orde≥ oµ precedencσ iε ì
thσ executioε oµ thσ Exper⌠ System« B∙ default¼ picture≤ arσ displayeΣ ì
beforσ memos« You≥ option≤ iε thσ overridσ men⌡ are:
░ ╜ N∩ override¼ usσ defaul⌠ order║ picture≤ first¼ theε memos
1 = Exclude all pictures, include memos
2 = Exclude all memos, include pictures
3 = Exclude both memos and pictures
4 = Reverse default order:
Display memos first, then pictures
Thesσ overridσ selection≤ refe≥ t∩ Querie≤ anΣ t∩ thσ TrutΦ Table.
| OPTION B: |è ==============
B) Sound
Turε sounΣ Oε o≥ Ofµ whilσ displayinτ memo≤ a≤ Expert System i≤ launcheΣ iε ì
option 8.
C) Truth Table Logic
Activate Truth Table Logic
Thi≤ selectioε turn≤ Oε o≥ Ofµ thσ TrutΦ Tablσ Logic« Iµ turneΣ On¼ theε ì
thi≤ logiπ wil∞ bσ invokeΣ whilσ yo⌡ launcΦ thσ Exper⌠ Systeφ iε optioε 8.
D) Edit Truth Table
Edit Truth Table Message, Image, and Memo
Optioε ─ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ edi⌠ thσ message¼ image¼ o≥ mem∩ showε wheε thσ ì
'truthsº arσ satisfieΣ whilσ selectioε ╕ i≤ running«
| Other: |
| Structure of the Files |
These data files are contained in You≥ Exper⌠ Helpe≥ [TM▌:
Structure for database: QUERIES.DBF
Field Field Name Type Width Dec
1 QUERY Numeric 10
2 ANSWER Numeric 3
3 RESPONSE Character 50
4 ACTION Numeric 10
5 PIC Character 10
6 MEMO Character 1
** Total ** 95è
Structure for database: EXPHIST.DBF
Field Field Name Type Width Dec
1 QUERY Numeric 10
2 ANSWER Numeric 3
** Total ** 14
Structure for database: TRUTH.DBF
Field Field Name Type Width Dec
1 TRUTH Numeric 10
2 QUERY Numeric 10
3 ANSWER Numeric 3
** Total ** 24
Structure for database: TRUTHTXT.DBF
Field Field Name Type Width Dec
1 QUERY Numeric 10
2 ANSWER Numeric 3
3 RESPONSE Character 50
4 ACTION Numeric 10
5 PIC Character 10
6 MEMO Character 1
** Total ** 95
'QUERIES.DBFº contain≤ thσ querie≤ fo≥ thσ Exper⌠ System¼ anΣ i≤ accesseΣ o≥ ì
displayeΣ iε option≤ 1¼ 2¼ 3¼ 4¼ anΣ 7.
'EXPHIST.DBFº contain≤ al∞ oµ thσ Query-Answe≥ combination≤ iε ascendinτ ì
orde≥ executeΣ thσ las⌠ timσ yo⌡ launcheΣ thσ Exper⌠ System« Seσ optioε 9«
Int∩ 'TRUTH.DBFº i≤ placeΣ thσ 40░ 'truthsº yo⌡ define¼ iµ used¼ iε thσ trutΦ ì
table« Seσ option≤ ╡ anΣ 6.
'TRUTHTXT.DBFº hold≤ thσ memo¼ text¼ anΣ picturσ informatioε displayeΣ oncσ ì
thσ 'truthsº arσ satisfieΣ iε optioε 8.
Iµ no⌠ used¼ You≥ Exper⌠ Helpe≥ [TM▌ take≤ u≡ aε inconsequentia∞ amoun⌠ oµ ì
spacσ oε thσ harΣ drivσ sincσ thσ datß i≤ storeΣ iε i⌠ dynamically.
You≥ Exper⌠ Helpe≥ [TM▌ i≤ ß trademarδ oµ Pau∞ Sa° anΣ ACS