Monster Media 1994 #1
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Text File
408 lines
Please note:
This file does not necessarily document *ALL* the changes to the PMS code, just
the ones I remembered to add!
Host mode interface.
The PMS uses the new BPQ HOST mode interface, rather than the old TNC2
combios (virtual tnc) interface. The BPQ version must be 4.05 (or later).
The old TNC2 combios emulation is no longer supported.
The PMS does not require the BPQHTNC2 or INT14 drivers.
(You do not need to define any COMBIOS ports in the bpqcfg.txt file)
The format of the namelog.sys and msgindex.idx files has been altered from
previous versions of the PMS.
If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.00 you MUST delete your existing
SYS\NAMELOG.SYS and SYS\MSGINDEX.IDX files, and also delete all the files in
the MAIL\ sub-directory.
Failure to do this will just result in corrupted files!
The following files are no longer used and should be deleted if present.
An existing file MUST be renamed.
Sub-directories PMS\AUTO and PMS\LOG are no longer used, and can be deleted.
Version 2.01
All reported bugs, plus a few no-one seemed to notice, have been fixed.
**** XT 8086/8088 support has been removed ****
The PMS is not really viable on an XT machine. The pms is now compiled in 286
machine code. It will NOT work on an XT.
A problem when using the <Ctrl arrow> keys to edit a command line, and when
editing text in the editor, has been fixed. (Only applied to some copies of
the PMS). Pressing <Return> on the last line of the editor screen will now
correctly scroll the screen up one line and place the cursor on the next line.
Several other minor editor bugs have been fixed.
The 'Printer off line' check was disabled by mistake in the source code. The
PMS will now attempt to check for a valid printer signal when the print option
is used. The check is by no means foolproof!
Other changes:
The Monitor function now works independently on each PMS channel. You can, for
instance, set the monitor masks to monitor different ports on each channel.
The AUTOMAIL setting has been removed from the NPFPMS.CFG file. This was not
really required as the automatic functions (Forwarding, Message purge and
AutoList) are enabled if there are times set for them. If no times are set
they do not function anyway!
The Forward, AutoList and Purge sessions no longer write to the log file unless
an error occurs. This should stop the log file from growing quite so fast!
Automatic functions (Mail beacon, Forwarding, AutoList etc.) will now use any
free channel, and are no longer restricted to just channel 0
Memory suggestions:
A few people have reported problems with running out of memory. If the PMS
stops with an ERROR 7 or ERROR 242, or (if DV or QEMM are used) DESQview
terminates the pms window, or QEMM386 reports an EXCEPTION 13 error, then its
likely the PMS is running out of memory.
Try reducing the size of the review buffer, REVIEWSIZE to about 50
Also try reducing the TEXTBUFFERSIZE buffer to as small as you can manage with,
bearing in mind it must be big enough to load the AutoList/Read file. (100 ?)
Do not let the AutoList file grow too large. The bigger it gets, the more
memory it takes to process it.
Reduce the size of the JALISTSIZE buffer to, say, 50
Do not configure the PMS for more channels than you really need. Three (0-3)
should be enough. Each channel takes up memory.
If you have BPQNODESAVE ON, try setting it to OFF.
Restrict the use the editor and review command to one or two windows only.
On a 386 it should be possible to load BPQ 'high'. This saves 100K odd base
memory. If you are using DESQview/QEMM386 make sure you get as big a DV window
as possible for the PMS to run in.
Version 2.01c
As the most common problem people seem to have with running the pms seems to be
running short of memory, which causes unexplained crashes and spurious error
messages, I have stripped out a few of the lesser used functions in an attempt
to reduce the amount of memory the pms requires.
The following have been removed.
The programmable 'soft' keys <Alt>A to <Alt>Z
The 'messages sent/read' and 'files downloaded/uploaded' reporting.
The monitor 'Trace mask' options.
'Set PMS call' function. (Never really worked properly anyway).
Plus a few other very minor functions have been removed.
Major version 2.10a
The PMS now uses a new bulk compressed forwarding system compatible with both
NNA and FBB BBS's. The old style NNA compressed forwarding has been removed.
The PMS supports NNA's new LZH-RLL bulk compressed forwarding protocol. (L)
Also supported is FBB's bulk ascii forwarding (F), and bulk LZH compressed
forwarding (B). It, of course, still supports the standard MBL/RLI forwarding
The PMS now also supports FBB's ACK: type messages. (A)
The message type 'A' which was used for messages read by the AutoRead function,
has been changed to message type 'Z'. This is because FBB ACK: messages are
type 'A' !
Version 2.10e
The files CHANGE.BBS and EXCLUDE.LST should be in the CONFIG\ directory, and
not in the SYS\ directory, as was the case in a few versions of the PMS code.
If you have either of these files in use, make sure they are now in the CONFIG\
Version 2.11
The PMS now supports password protection for users and for PMS<>BBS forwarding
sessions. This will only work with NNA >=2.03 or NPFPMS >=2.11
The SYSOP command also uses the new password matrix.
The old single line password is no longer supported and should be deleted
from the NPFPMS.CFG file.
A few options have been removed from the NPFPMS.CFG file.
PASSWORD (see above)
HISTORYSIZE (now fixed at 15)
BUSYTIME (no longer used)
MAXSIZE (no longer used)
NONEBEACON (no longer used)
If you have a file in the CONFIG directory called EXCLUDE.LST then rename it
to HOLD.LST Also the format has changed slightly. See sample file.
Some SysOp commands have been changed.
LH has been changed to FL (Forward List).
LH is now list messages 'on hold'. (List Held)
ME has been changed to HM (Hold Message)
UE has been changed to FH (Free Held)
Held messages now show as type H, and messages waiting for forwarding show as
type W
Added SysOp commands:
DW Displays White Pages file. (Rather basic at the moment),
EW Edit a users HOME BBS in the WP file.
LY List read, but un-killed personal messages.
KY Kill read, but un-killed personal messages.
Most of these changes have been done to improve compatibility with the commands
used by NNA. Less confusing for me!
The Carbon Copy system has changed to allow more flexibility.
The file CONFIG\COPYLIST.LST is no longer used and should be deleted. See the
NOTES.DOC file for details of the new CC system.
Version 2.11c
A few minor fixes, and some minor changes to a few commands as suggested by
one or two people.
'Phantom message' problem fixed (I think...)
Problem with the 'ACK:' type messages fixed.
Versions 2.12
A few internal changes and minor fixes.
Registration reminder added!
Problem with FBB polling (incoming) fixed.
Password system modified to ignore spaces in the password .MAT files.
Version 2.13
Mainly internal changes to improve the code.
A few minor problems reported by users (thank-you) fixed.
Recently introduced problem, causing problems with YAPP file transfers, fixed.
IMPORT & EXPORT functions added.
Version 2.14
Two recently introduced problems fixed. (REQDIR and Forwarding sessions
crashing the PMS with a 'Missing system file' error message).
The filenames of the 2 main PMS files have changed.
The SysOp version of the SR (Send Reply) command has the new parameters B and Q
See the SYSOP.TXT file for details.
The monitor mask has been extended to allow monitoring of up to 12 BPQ ports,
and to control the display of NODES broadcast, NetRom and supervisory frames.
See the NOTES.DOC file for details.
More 'tiding up' and bug fixing.
Faster searching of message base when forwarding messages.
Editing of message header (EH command) now correctly updates the message BID
A few problems with bulk forwarding of large numbers of messages resolved:
Forwarding scan limit (only scanning the last 50 messages), now removed.
Disconnect after 2 groups of 10 messages forwarded, now removed.
Problem with PMS getting confused by a mixed reply to a proposal (i.e. NNYNYY)
now (hopefully) fixed.
Bulk NNA forwarding now reports rejected (R) messages to the log file.
A few changes to the way the PMS uses the WP (White Pages) file when a user
sends a message. See the NOTES.DOC file for details.
Version 2.15
The PMS documentation has been Spell-Checked!!!!
The usage of the White Pages (WP) file can now be configured with the USEWP
entry in the NPFPMS.CFG file.
BID recording for Carbon Copy messages now works correctly.
BID's are now recorded for Server generated messages.
Better checking of Forwarding parameters to prevent messages being forwarded
incorrectly on rare occasions.
The DW (Display White Page info) now includes the full BBS information, if
known, and can accept a callsign, or part callsign, as a parameter.
(See DW command description in the SYS\SYSOP.TXT file)
New NPFPMS.CFG config commands
Sets the number of incoming connects allowed per user. (Normally 1)
SCREEN 25/43/50 (Experimental)
The number of lines displayed on the screen. Currently, this command calls the
external dos command MODE, and may not work with all versions of dos. I hope to
re-code it to set the mode directly from the PMS code, when I get the time....
(Make sure that MODE.COM/EXE is available in the PMS directory, or in a
directory listed in the PATH= line in your CONFIG.SYS file)
Note: You can only use screen modes that are supported by your display adapter!
See the NOTES.DOC file for details of the new config commands.
Added an optional connect command (normally C or X) to all 'Connect Paths' to
enable cross-connecting via KA nodes. See the NOTES.DOC file for a description.
You can edit your existing connect paths to include the connect command.
The things to look at are the AUTOROUTE setting in the NPFPMS.CFG file,
and the CONFIG\FWDFILE.LST file.
If the connect command is not specified, then a normal connect 'C' is assumed.
The editor TAB key now inserts spaces up to the next tab position, rather than
just moving the cursor.
Minor changes to 'error detection' routine.
List order (LR)
The default setting of OFF now displays messages from oldest to newest.
Turn LR ON to display messages in 'new to old' order.
New/Changed SysOp commands.
LQ List all bulletins unread by the SysOp. (New)
RQ Read all bulletins unread by the SysOp. (Was RB)
VQ Verbose RQ (Was VB)
LZ,RZ,VZ and LQ,RQ,VQ commands only scan recent messages, to speed up searches
by not searching the entire message base. If you wish to force the command to
search the entire message base, add an 'A' parameter to the end of the command.
i.e. RQ A
General tidy-up of a few loose ends.
It seems a few copies of 2.15k went out with a corrupted command look-up table.
The obvious (only?) effect is that the L> L< L@ commands actually read the
messages, rather than list them.
Added config commands to specify colours used in 'keyboard input' line, as
requested by a couple of users.
KEYBOARDCOLOUR (Default white)
INSERTCOLOUR (Default white)
Added the facility to configure the keywords to look for in the text returned
when connecting to other nodes, to determine if the connection was successful
or not. This is to help cope with connects made to node alias's or through
KA nodes, where the text returned can be verbose and variable!
(See description in the NOTES.DOC file)
Fixed a bug that caused multiple disconnects (stuck in a loop) if automatic
password verification is in operation when connecting to a BBS, and the PMS
can't load the appropriate matrix file. (i.e. if the file does not exist)
Fixed a bug in the REQFIL server, which could cause a 'Library Malfunction'
error with certain files.
Also fixed the bug that would fail to kill the server request message, and thus
produce duplicate replies.
Added PMS message re-number external program 'renumber.exe'
Close down the PMS before using this program!
Re-coded the routine that flashes the Scroll-Lock LED when the sysop has a new
message, in an attempt to resolve the problem of 'sticking' SHIFT ALT and CTRL
keys when the LED is flashing.
(If you have has this problem, please let me know if this helps or not.)
Re-coded file handling routines to avoid un necessary opening and closing of
frequently used files. (nxtmsg.num, namelog.sys & msgindex.idx)
Yet more re-coding to reduce memory usage.
Added the command SC (Send Comment). A simple way to comment on an existing
message. Only available to the SysOp (or a remote SysOp).
'Tidied up' the various parameters used in the SR command.
When sending a message, the option to specify a different FROM field
(<callsign) is now restricted to the SysOp only.
When Listing messages, you can now use the R parameter to restrict the search
to new messages only. The R parameter is the inverse of the A (ALL) parameter.
(See the description for the List command)
Carbon Copy file server now works correctly with lower case callsign's in
the .cc file.
Format of forwarding switches tidied up. See the section about forwarding
switches in the NOTES.DOC file.
Bug introduced in 2.16b, that causes the 'Message Purge' to skip messages if a
REQFIL/REQDIR request is processed during the purge, now fixed.
Automatic acknowledgement of incoming messages.
If the last line of an incoming message is /ACK (and ACKENABLE is set ON in
the npfpms.cfg file), then the PMS will automatically generate a brief
acknowledgement reply message.
Added an automatic screen blanker. Blanks the screen after a set time elapses
without a key being pressed.
Added the sysop command AM (Archive Message).
This will save a message's contents to a file, in the PMS\ARCHIVE directory.
Unless you are installing the PMS from scratch, you will need to create the
directory PMS\ARCHIVE