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/ Monster Media 1994 #1 / monster.zip / monster / BBS_UTIL / PPOSTV1.ZIP / PROPOST.DOC < prev    next >
Text File  |  1994-01-30  |  17KB  |  208 lines

  1. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2. │                                                                             │
  3. │           ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄           │
  4. │           █ ▄▄▄ █ █ ▄▄▄ █ █ ▄▄▄ █ █ ▄▄▄ █ █ ▄▄▄ █ █ ▄▄▄▄█ █▄▄ ▄▄█           │
  5. │           █ ▄▄▄▄█ █ ▄ ▄▄█ █ █▄█ █ █ ▄▄▄▄█ █ █▄█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █   █ █             │
  6. │           █▄█     █▄█▄▄▄█ █▄▄▄▄▄█ █▄█     █▄▄▄▄▄█ █▄▄▄▄▄█   █▄█             │
  7. │                                                                             │
  8. │                                                                             │
  9. │                                 Version 1.00                                │ 
  10. │                                                                             │
  11. │                            Written by Evan Dupuis                           │
  12. │                                                                             │
  13. │                          (c) Savant Software, 1994.                         │
  14. │                             All Rights Reserved.                            │
  15. │                                                                             │
  16. ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  17. │                                                                             │
  18. │  Unline some other do less/cost more so-called "utilities" out there, this  │
  19. │  program is FREE and is released to the public domain. Donations accepted.  │
  20. │                                                                             │
  21. │  ╔═[ Reaching the Author ]═══════════════════════════════════════════════╗  │
  22. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  23. │  ║ ** I can be reached via the following mediums (netmail preferably) ** ║  │
  24. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  25. │  ║ ╔═══════╦═════════════════════╦═════════════════════════════════════╕ ║  │
  26. │  ║ ║ BBS   ║ The Underground BBS ║ +1 (403) 544-3393, v32bis, Canada.  │ ║  │
  27. │  ║ ╠═══════╬═════════════════════╬═════════════════════════════════════╡ ║  │
  28. │  ║ ║ Email ║ FidoNet             ║ FidoNet Node 1:134/5005.0           │ ║  │
  29. │  ║ ║       ║ Internet            ║ evan_dupuis@lhaven.uumh.ab.ca       │ ║  │
  30. │  ║ ╠═══════╬═════════════════════╬═════════════════════════════════════╡ ║  │
  31. │  ║ ║ Mail  ║ Savant Software     ║ Post Office Box 94                  │ ║  │
  32. │  ║ ║       ║                     ║ Ralston, Alberta                    │ ║  │
  33. │  ║ ║       ║                     ║ Canada  T0J 2N0                     │ ║  │
  34. │  ║ ╠═══════╬═════════════════════╬═════════════════════════════════════╡ ║  │
  35. │  ║ ║ Echo  ║ RADIST SysOp        ║ My friend will forward them         │ ║  │
  36. │  ║ ╙───────╨─────────────────────╨─────────────────────────────────────┘ ║  │
  37. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  38. │  ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝  │
  39. │                                                                             │
  40. │  ╔═[ Requirements ]══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗  │
  41. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  42. │  ║  - FOSSIL Revision 4 or compatable (BNU-David Nugent/X00-Ray Gwinn)   ║  │
  43. │  ║  - SHARE.EXE (for multinode functions, comes with MS-DOS)             ║  │
  44. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  45. │  ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝  │
  46. │                                                                             │
  47. │  WHAT IS PROPOST?                                                           │
  48. │  ────────────────                                                           │
  49. │                                                                             │
  50. │  ProPost is an Autopost door, much like VirtualNet's Autopost or            │
  51. │  Syncrhonet's Automessage facilities.                                       │
  52. │                                                                             │
  53. │  FILES CREATED BY PROPOST                                                   │
  54. │  ────────────────────────                                                   │
  55. │                                                                             │
  56. │  PROPOST.IDX  - Keeps track of the Autopost #                               │
  57. │  PROPOST.DAT  - Where the Autoposts are stored                              │
  58. │  PROPOST.CFG  - Configuration file                                          │
  59. │  PROPOST.LOG  - Keeps tracks of errors, read this if you are having probs.  │
  60. │                                                                             │
  61. ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  62. │ STEP 1 - RUN PROCFG.EXE, the ProPost Configuration Program.                 │
  63. ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  64. ├─────────┐                                                                   │
  65. │Configure│           BBS Name  Put the name of your BBS here.                │
  66. ├─────────┘                                                                   │
  67. │                   SysOp Name  Put your name here.                           │
  68. │                                                                             │
  69. │             Multinode Toggle  Set to "NO" if you only have ONE node,        │
  70. │                               or if you have TWO OR MORE, set to YES.       │
  71. │                               SHARE must be loaded.                         │
  72. │                                                                             │
  73. │            Type of Drop File  Select the type of drop file you want         │
  74. │                               ProPost to use.                               │ 
  75. │                                                                             │
  76. │                               1. DORINFO1.DEF  (DORINFOx.DEF for Multinode) │
  77. │                               2. DOOR.SYS      (Long or short version)      │
  78. │                               3. EXITINFO.BBS  (RemoteAccess 2.00+)         │
  79. │                               4. EXITINFO.BBS  (RemoteAccess 1.11)          │
  80. │                               5. EXITINFO.BBS  (QuickBBS 2.76)              │
  81. │                               6. EXITINFO.BBS  (QuickBBS 2.75)              │
  82. │                                                                             │
  83. │            Path to Drop File  (NOT USED FOR MULTINODE SYSTEMS)              │
  84. │                               What is the path to your drop file (usually   │
  85. │                               where your BBS files are stored, for example  │
  86. │                               C:\RA or C:\QUICK or something).              │
  87. │                                                                             │
  88. ├────────┐                                                                    │
  89. │Settings│ Autodetect Graphics  Should ProPost attempt to Autodetect the      │
  90. ├────────┘                      user's graphics mode (and check for RIP       │
  91. │                               graphics) when a remote caller enters the     │
  92. │                               door?                                         │
  93. │                                                                             │
  94. │         Extend. ASCII Toggle  Allow users to enter extended ASCII           │
  95. │                               characters (ie: ⌡╨)  I RECOMMEND YOU LEAVE    │
  96. │                               THIS OFF, as it GUARDS AGAINST LINE NOISE.    │
  97. │                                                                             │
  98. │           Toggle Status Line  Do you want a status line displayed?          │
  99. │                                                                             │
  100. │           Text File and Path  Path and filename (NO EXTENSION) of the       │
  101. │                               files where you want the Autoposts placed.    │
  102. │                               For example, "C:\RA\TXTFILES\ONCEONLY" would  │
  103. │                               write C:\RA\TXTFILES\ONCEONLY.[ASC/ANS/RIP]   │
  104. │                                                                             │
  105. ├─────────┐                                                                   │
  106. │Utilities│        Set Counter  Use this to change the Auto-Post number.      │
  107. ├─────────┘                     You cannot enter more than 999,999 even       │
  108. │                               though this IS possible. In fact, ProCfg      │
  109. │                               beeps at numbers greater than 99,999.         │
  110. │                                                                             │
  111. │             Change Reset Msg  Change the message which is AUTOMATICALLY     │
  112. │                               POSTED whenever you reset the Auto-Posts.     │
  113. │                               If you have rules, put 'em in here.           │
  114. │                                                                             │
  115. │              Reset AutoPosts  USE THIS TO RESET YOUR AUTO-POSTS (or you     │
  116. │                               could manually do it by deleting PROPOST.DAT) │
  117. │                                                                             │
  118. ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  119. │ STEP 2 - CONFIGURE YOUR BBS SO IT WILL RUN PROPOST.EXE                      │
  120. ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  121. │                                                                             │
  122. │  ╔═[ Command Line Options ]══════════════════════════════════════════════╗  │
  123. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  124. │  ║ PROPOST [options]                                                     ║  │
  125. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  126. │  ║     /N:x           Node Number (Multinode Only)                       ║  │
  127. │  ║     /D:where       Path to Drop File (Multinode Only)                 ║  │
  128. │  ║     /F             Force reading of DORINFO1.DEF                      ║  │
  129. │  ║     /G             Force text file creation & exit                    ║  │
  130. │  ║     /S:where       RemoteAccess Semaphore path (Multinode Only)       ║  │
  131. │  ║     /W             Show exploding window for 1 sec. when not Local    ║  │
  132. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  133. │  ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝  │
  134. │                                                                             │
  135. │  ╔═[ RemoteAccess Recommended Setup ]════════════════════════════════════╗  │
  136. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  137. │  ║  Configure ProPost to write a file that is displayed to a user when   ║  │
  138. │  ║  they log in (the best would be ONCEONLY[.ASC/ANS/RIP], since it is   ║  │
  139. │  ║  only displayed to a user when it has changed, but WELCOME or NEWS    ║  │
  140. │  ║  will work file).                                                     ║  │
  141. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  142. │  ║ ╓─ Single Node Systems ─────────────────────────────────────────────╖ ║  │
  143. │  ║ ║                                                                   ║ ║  │
  144. │  ║ ║  Add the following to your main menu, bulletin menu, or wherever. ║ ║  │
  145. │  ║ ║                                                                   ║ ║  │
  146. │  ║ ║  User Display:  "(^A^)uto-Posts"  <or whatever>                   ║ ║  │
  147. │  ║ ║  Optional Data:  C:\RA\PROPOST\PROPOST.EXE *M                     ║ ║  │
  148. │  ║ ║                                                                   ║ ║  │
  149. │  ║ ╙───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╜ ║  │
  150. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  151. │  ║ ╓─ Multinode Systems ───────────────────────────────────────────────╖ ║  │
  152. │  ║ ║                                                                   ║ ║  │
  153. │  ║ ║  Add the following to your main menu, bulletin menu, or wherever. ║ ║  │
  154. │  ║ ║                                                                   ║ ║  │
  156. │  ║ ║                                                                   ║ ║  │
  157. │  ║ ║  User Display:  "(^A^)uto-Posts"  <or whatever>                   ║ ║  │
  158. │  ║ ║  Optional Data:  C:\RA\PROPOST\PROPOST.EXE /n:*N /d:C:\RA\NODE*N  ║ ║  │
  159. │  ║ ║                                                                   ║ ║  │
  160. │  ║ ║ ╓─ Or use a batch file: ────────────────────────────────────────╖ ║ ║  │
  161. │  ║ ║ ║                                                               ║ ║ ║  │
  162. │  ║ ║ ║  Optional Data:  C:\RA\PROPOST.BAT *N                         ║ ║ ║  │
  163. │  ║ ║ ║                                                               ║ ║ ║  │
  164. │  ║ ║ ║ ┌─PROPOST.BAT────────────────────┐                            ║ ║ ║  │
  165. │  ║ ║ ║ │                                │   Don't forget to change   ║ ║ ║  │
  166. │  ║ ║ ║ │ @ECHO OFF                      │     the batch file to      ║ ║ ║  │
  167. │  ║ ║ ║ │ CD C:\RA\PROPOST               │     fit your system.       ║ ║ ║  │
  168. │  ║ ║ ║ │ PROPOST /N:%1 /D:C:\RA\NODE%1  │                            ║ ║ ║  │
  169. │  ║ ║ ║ │ CD C:\RA                       │   For additional help,     ║ ║ ║  │
  170. │  ║ ║ ║ │ EXIT                           │  contact the support BBS.  ║ ║ ║  │
  171. │  ║ ║ ║ │                                │                            ║ ║ ║  │
  172. │  ║ ║ ║ └────────────────────────────────┘                            ║ ║ ║  │
  173. │  ║ ║ ╙───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╜ ║ ║  │
  174. │  ║ ║                                                                   ║ ║  │
  175. │  ║ ║  NOTE:  RemoteAccess will replace "*N" with your node number.     ║ ║  │
  176. │  ║ ║                                                                   ║ ║  │
  177. │  ║ ╙───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╜ ║  │
  178. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  179. │  ║ If you are having problems, type "SET JP_DEBUG=ON" at the DOS prompt  ║  │
  180. │  ║ before running ProPost to create "DEBUGxx.JPD" which should give you  ║  │
  181. │  ║ a better idea on the problem.                                         ║  │
  182. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  183. │  ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝  │
  184. │                                                                             │
  185. │  ╔═[ Beta Testing ]══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗  │
  186. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  187. │  ║  My special thanks goes out to Jim Canning, SysOp of The Underground, ║  │
  188. │  ║  who helped me test it out, implement new ideas, and get it out.      ║  │
  189. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  190. │  ║  Thanks also to Ken Short, SysOp of MegaCorp BBS, who helped me test  ║  │
  191. │  ║  it under Synchronet and OS/2.                                        ║  │
  192. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  193. │  ║  Beta testers are urgently needed!  Please support this FREE program  ║  │
  194. │  ║  by becoming a beta-test site.  See PROCFG.EXE for more information.  ║  │
  195. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  196. │  ║                            ╔═════════════╗                            ║  │
  197. │  ║                            ║ Support BBS ║                            ║  │
  198. │  ║  ╔═════════════════════════╩═════════════╩═════════════════════════╗  ║  │
  199. │  ║  ║ The Underground BBS, (403) 544-3393, FidoNet 1:134/5005, v32bis ║  ║  │
  200. │  ║  ║ Member of RADIST, Cypress SysOps Association, 1.2 Gigs. Online! ║  ║  │
  201. │  ║  ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝  ║  │
  202. │  ║                                                                       ║  │
  203. │  ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝  │
  204. │                                                                             │
  205. │                             End of Documentation                            │
  206. │                                                                             │
  207. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘