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Text File  |  1990-01-04  |  159KB  |  2,154 lines

  1.                               Appendix  C
  3.          ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  4.          ║  The specification of Acer BIOS I/O Port Definitions   ║ 
  5.          ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  7.                                Contents
  8.                                --------
  10.    A. System I/O Address Map ................................ AT Compatible
  12.    B. System I/O Port Definitions ........................... AT Compatible
  14.    C. Acer 1100/20/16 model I/O port definition .........1100/20/16 special
  16.    D. Acer 1100/25/20C/33 model I/O port definition..1100/25/20c/33 special
  18.    E. Acer 1125S model I/O port definition ...................1125S special
  20.    F. Acer 1170( 486 AT ) model I/O port definition ...........1170 special
  22.    G. Acer 1100SX (p9) model I/O port definition ............1100SX special
  24.    H. Acer 1100LX model I/O port definition .................1100LX special
  26.    I. Acer 1105 (M1209) model I/O port definition .............1105 special
  28.    J. Acer A1, A2  (M1207) model I/O port definition ........A1, A2 special
  32. A. System I/O Address Map
  34. ┌─────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────┐
  35. │ Port  addr. │         Description                     │    Comment      │
  36. ├─────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┤
  37. │ 000h - 01Fh │ DMA Controller 1                        │                 │
  38. │ 020h - 021h │ Interrupt Controller 1, 8259A, Master   │                 │
  39. │ 022h - 023h │ NEAT chip set controller                │For NEAT system  │
  40. │ 022h - 023h │ M1209 chip set controller               │For 1105 system  │
  41. │ 040h - 043h │ System timer                            │                 │
  42. │    060h     │ Keyboard, Auxiliary device              │                 │
  43. │    061h     │ System control port B                   │                 │
  44. │    064h     │ Keyboard, Auxiliary device              │                 │
  45. │ 070h - 071h │ RTC/CMOS and NMI Mask                   │                 │
  46. │ 080h - 09Fh │ DMA page Register                       │                 │
  47. │ 0A0h - 0A1h │ Interrupt Controller 2, 8259A, Slave    │                 │
  48. │ 0C0h - 0DFh │ DMA Controller 2                        │                 │
  49. │ 0F0h - 0FFh │ Math coprocessor                        │                 │
  50. │ 1ECH - 1EFH │ GC113 Memory Control Register (G2)      │For 1100LX only  │
  51. │ 1F0H - 1F7H │ Fixed Disk Controller                   │                 │
  52. │ 200h - 207h │ Game port                               │                 │
  53. │ 278h - 27Bh │ Parallel port 3                         │                 │
  54. │ 2F8h - 2FFh │ Asynchronous communication (RS232C), 2  │                 │
  55. │    35FH     │ System control register                 │For 1100LX only  │
  56. │    36FH     │ System control register                 │For 1100LX only  │
  57. │ 378h - 37Bh │ Parallel port 2                         │                 │
  58. │ 3B4H - 3B5H │ Video Subsystem                         │                 │
  59. │ 3BAH , 3BFH │       ..                                │                 │
  60. │ 3C0H - 3C5H │       ..                                │                 │
  61. │ 3C6H - 3C9H │ Video Digit/Analog Convert              │                 │
  62. │ 3CAH - 3CCH │ Video Subsystem                         │                 │
  63. │ 3CEH - 3CFH │ Video Subsystem                         │                 │
  64. │ 3D4H - 3D5H │       ..                                │                 │
  65. │ 3D9H - 3DAH │       ..                                │                 │
  66. │ 3BCh - 3BEh │ Parallel port 1                         │                 │
  67. │ 3F8h - 3FFh │ Asynchronous communication (RS232C), 1  │                 │
  68. │ 3F0H - 3F7H │ Diskette Drive Controller               │                 │
  69. │    46E8H    │ Setup Control Register                  │ VGA control port│
  70. │    102H     │ Global Enable Register                  │ VGA control port│
  71. │    103H     │ Extended Enable Register                │ VGA control port│
  72. │    104H     │ Global ID Register                      │ VGA control port│
  73. ├─────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┤
  74. │   02XAH     │ Page Frame base address                 │ M1207 chip set  │
  75. │   02XBH     │ ID Code of EMS (R)                      │ I/O port        │
  76. │ 02X8/02X9H  │ Page Register 0 for SET 0               │                 │
  77.                                                                                   -- to be continued --
  80. │ 42X8/42X9H  │ Page Register 1 for SET 0               │ M1207 chip set  │
  81. │ 82X8/82X9H  │ Page Register 2 for SET 0               │ I/O port        │
  82. │ C2X8/C2X9H  │ Page Register 3 for SET 0               │                 │
  83. │ 12X8/12X9H  │ Page Register 0 for SET 1               │                 │
  84. │ 52X8/52X9H  │ Page Register 1 for SET 1               │                 │
  85. │ 92X8/92X9H  │ Page Register 2 for SET 1               │                 │
  86. │ D2X8/D2X9H  │ Page Register 3 for SET 1               │                 │
  87. │   12XAH     │ Page Register Data                      │                 │
  88. │   FC80H     │ System Clock/Cycle Control Register     │                 │
  89. │   FC81H     │   Memory Control Register 1             │                 │
  90. │   FC82H     │ Memory Control Register 2               │                 │
  91. │   FC83H     │ Shadow RAM Control Register 1           │                 │
  92. │   FC84H     │ Shadow RAM Control Register 2           │                 │
  93. │   FC85H     │ Extend System Control Register          │                 │
  94. │   FC86H     │ Plannar Control Register 1              │                 │
  95. │   FC87H     │ Enable Configuration Register Access    │                 │
  96. │   FC89H     │ Refresh Cycle Option Select             │                 │
  97. └─────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────┘
  101. B. System I/O Port Definitions  
  103. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  104. │                  DMA Channel 0-3 Controller       (see 8237A data sheet)│
  105. │                                                                         │
  106. │ Port 00h         For write -- CH0 base and current address              │
  107. │                  For read  -- CH0 current address                       │
  108. │                                                                         │
  109. │ Port 01h         For write -- CH0 base and current word count           │
  110. │                  For read  -- CH0 current word count                    │
  111. │                                                                         │
  112. │ Port 02h         For write -- CH1 base and current address              │
  113. │                  For read  -- CH1 current address                       │
  114. │                                                                         │
  115. │ Port 03h         For write -- CH1 base and current word count           │
  116. │                  For read  -- CH1 current address                       │
  117. │                                                                         │
  118. │ Port 04h         For write -- CH2 base and current address              │
  119. │                  For read  -- CH2 current address                       │
  120. │                                                                         │
  121. │ Port 05h         For write -- CH2 base and current word count           │
  122. │                  For read  -- CH2 current word count                    │
  123. │                                                                         │
  124. │ Port 06h         For write -- CH3 base and current address              │
  125. │                  For read  -- CH3 current address                       │
  126. │                                                                         │
  127. │ Port 07h         For write -- CH3 base and current word count           │
  128. │                  For read  -- CH3 current word count                    │
  129. │                                                                         │
  130. │ Port 08h         Read Status Register / Write Command Register          │
  131. │                                                                         │
  132. │                  Bit  WRITE operation(for channel 0-3)                  │
  133. │                ----------------------------------------                 │
  134. │                   7   DACK active low-/high+                            │
  135. │                   6   DREQ active low+/high-                            │
  136. │                   5   Late-/extended+ write selection                   │
  137. │                   4   Fixed-/rotating+ priority                         │
  138. │                   3   Normal-/compressed+ timing                        │
  139. │                   2   Controller enable-                                │
  140. │                   1   Channel 0 address hold enable+                    │
  141. │                   0   Memory-to memory enable+                          │
  142. │                                                                         │
  143. │                                                                         │
  144. │                                                                         │
  145. │                                                                         │
  146. │                                                                         │
  147. │        -- to be continued --                                            │
  149. │                                                                         │
  150. │                  Bit  READ operation                                    │
  151. │                ----------------------------------------                 │
  152. │                   7 = 1 channel 3 request                               │
  153. │                   6 = 1 channel 2 request                               │
  154. │                   5 = 1 channel 1 request                               │
  155. │                   4 = 1 channel 0 request                               │
  156. │                   3 = 1 channel 3 has reached TC                        │
  157. │                   2 = 1 channel 2 has reached TC                        │
  158. │                   1 = 1 channel 1 has reached TC                        │
  159. │                   0 = 1 channel 0 has reached TC                        │
  160. │                                                                         │
  161. │                                                                         │
  162. │ Port 09h         Request Register                           (WRITE ONLY)│
  163. │                                                                         │
  164. │ Port 0Ah         Single Mask Register Bit                   (WRITE ONLY)│
  165. │                  Bit                                                    │
  166. │                ------------------------------------------               │
  167. │                   2      = 0 clear mask bit                             │
  168. │                          = 1 set mask bit                               │
  169. │                  1,0     for select channel mask bit                    │
  170. │                          = 00  select channel 0                         │
  171. │                          = 01  select channel 1                         │
  172. │                          = 10  select channel 2                         │
  173. │                          = 11  select channel 3                         │
  174. │ Port 0Bh         Mode Register,                             (WRITE ONLY)│
  175. │                  Bit                                                    │
  176. │                ------------------------------------------               │
  177. │                  7-4     Reserved = 0                                   │
  178. │                  3,2     = 00  verify transfer                          │
  179. │                          = 01  write transfer                           │
  180. │                          = 10  read transfer                            │
  181. │                          = 11  reserved                                 │
  182. │                  1,0     Channel Select                                 │
  183. │                          = 00  select channel 0                         │
  184. │                          = 01  select channel 1                         │
  185. │                          = 10  select channel 2                         │
  186. │                          = 11  select channel 3                         │
  187. │                                                                         │
  188. │ Port 0Ch         Clear Byte Pointer Flip-Flop               (WRITE ONLY)│
  189. │                                                                         │
  190. │ Port 0Dh         Read Temporary Register / Write Master Clear           │
  191. │                                                                         │
  192. │ Port 0Eh         Clears the mask bits of channel 0-3                    │
  193. │                  Enabling them to accept DMA requests                   │
  194. │                                                                         │
  195. │                                                                         │
  196. │        -- to be continued --                                            │
  197.                                                                                                                                          │
  198. │ Port 0Fh         All Mask Register Bits                     (WRITE ONLY)│
  199. │                  Bit                                                    │
  200. │                ------------------------------------------               │
  201. │                  7-4     = don't care                                   │
  202. │                   3      = 0 clear channel 3 mask bit                   │
  203. │                          = 1 set channel 3 mask bit                     │
  204. │                   2      = 0 clear channel 2 mask bit                   │
  205. │                          = 1 set channel 2 mask bit                     │
  206. │                   1      = 0 clear channel 1 mask bit                   │
  207. │                          = 1 set channel 1 mask bit                     │
  208. │                   0      = 0 clear channel 0 mask bit                   │
  209. │                          = 1 set channel 0 mask bit                     │
  210. │                                                                         │
  211. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  213. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  214. │                  DMA  Channel 4-7  Registers      (see 8237A data sheet)│
  215. │                  ---------------------------                            │
  216. │                                                                         │
  217. │ Port C0h         For write -- CH4 base and current address              │
  218. │                  For read  -- CH4 current address                       │
  219. │                                                                         │
  220. │ Port C2h         For write -- CH4 base and current word count           │
  221. │                  For read  -- CH4 current word count                    │
  222. │                                                                         │
  223. │ Port C4h         For write -- CH5 base and current address              │
  224. │                  For read  -- CH5 current address                       │
  225. │                                                                         │
  226. │ Port C6h         For write -- CH5 base and current word count           │
  227. │                  For read  -- CH5 current address                       │
  228. │                                                                         │
  229. │ Port C8h         For write -- CH6 base and current address              │
  230. │                  For read  -- CH6 current address                       │
  231. │                                                                         │
  232. │ Port CAh         For write -- CH6 base and current word count           │
  233. │                  For read  -- CH6 current word count                    │
  234. │                                                                         │
  235. │ Port CCh         For write -- CH7 base and current address              │
  236. │                  For read  -- CH7 current address                       │
  237. │                                                                         │
  238. │ Port CEh         For write -- CH7 base and current word count           │
  239. │                  For read  -- CH7 current word count                    │
  240. │                                                                         │
  241. │ Port D0h         Read Status Register / Write Command Register          │
  242. │                                                                         │
  243. │                  Bit  WRITE operation(for channel 4-7)                  │
  244. │                ----------------------------------------                 │
  245. │                   7   DACK active low-/high+                            │
  246. │                   6   DREQ active low+/high-                            │
  247. │                   5   Late-/extended+ write selection                   │
  248. │                   4   Fixed-/rotating+ priority                         │
  249. │                   3   Normal-/compressed+ timing                        │
  250. │                   2   Controller enable-                                │
  251. │                   1   Channel 0 address hold enable+                    │
  252. │                   0   Memory-to memory enable+                          │
  253. │                                                                         │
  254. │                                                                         │
  255. │                                                                         │
  256. │                                                                         │
  257. │                                                                         │
  258. │                                                                         │
  259. │                                                                         │
  260. │               -- to be continued --                                     │
  262. │                  Bit  READ operation                                    │
  263. │                ---------------------------------------                  │
  264. │                   7   = 1 channel 7 request                             │
  265. │                   6   = 1 channel 6 request                             │
  266. │                   5   = 1 channel 5 request                             │
  267. │                   4   = 1 channel 4 request                             │
  268. │                   3   = 1 channel 7 has reached TC                      │
  269. │                   2   = 1 channel 6 has reached TC                      │
  270. │                   1   = 1 channel 5 has reached TC                      │
  271. │                   0   = 1 channel 4 has reached TC                      │
  272. │                                                                         │
  273. │ Port D2h         Request Register                           (WRITE ONLY)│
  274. │                                                                         │
  275. │ Port D4h         Single Mask Register Bit                   (WRITE ONLY)│
  276. │                  Bit                                                    │
  277. │                ------------------------------------------               │
  278. │                   2      = 0 clear mask bit                             │
  279. │                          = 1 set mask bit                               │
  280. │                  1,0     For select channel mask bit                    │
  281. │                          = 00  --> select channel 4                     │
  282. │                          = 01  --> select channel 5                     │
  283. │                          = 10  --> select channel 6                     │
  284. │                          = 11  --> select channel 7                     │
  285. │                                                                         │
  286. │ Port D6h         Mode Register                              (WRITE ONLY)│
  287. │                  Bit                                                    │
  288. │                ------------------------------------------               │
  289. │                  7-4     Reserved = 0                                   │
  290. │                  3,2      = 00 verify transfer                          │
  291. │                          = 01 write transfer                            │
  292. │                          = 10 read transfer                             │
  293. │                          = 11 reserved                                  │
  294. │                  1,0     Channel Select                                 │
  295. │                          = 00 select channel 4                          │
  296. │                          = 01 select channel 5                          │
  297. │                          = 10 select channel 6                          │
  298. │                          = 11 select channel 7                          │
  299. │                                                                         │
  300. │ Port D8h         Clear Byte Pointer Flip-Flop               (WRITE ONLY)│
  301. │                                                                         │
  302. │ Port DAh         Read Temporary Register / Write Master Clear           │
  303. │                                                                         │
  304. │ Port DCh         Clears the Mask Bits of Channel 0-3                    │
  305. │                  Enabling them to accept DMA requests                   │
  306. │                                                                         │
  307. │                                                                         │
  308. │                                                                         │
  309. │               -- to be continued --                                     │
  311. │                                                                         │
  312. │ Port DEh         All Mask Register Bits                     (WRITE ONLY)│
  313. │                          Bit                                            │
  314. │                        ------------------------------------------       │
  315. │                          7-4     Don't care                             │
  316. │                           3      = 0 clear channel 7 mask bit           │
  317. │                                  = 1 set channel 7 mask bit             │
  318. │                           2      = 0 clear channel 6 mask bit           │
  319. │                                  = 1 set channel 6 mask bit             │
  320. │                           1      = 0 clear channel 5 mask bit           │
  321. │                                  = 1 set channel 5 mask bit             │
  322. │                           0      = 0 clear channel 4 mask bit           │
  323. │                                  = 1 set channel 4 mask bit             │
  324. │                                                                         │
  325. │                  DMA page registers                                     │
  326. │                  ------------------                                     │
  327. │                                                                         │
  328. │ Port 87h         DMA Channel 0                                          │
  329. │ Port 83h         DMA Channel 1                                          │
  330. │ Port 81h         DMA Channel 2                                          │
  331. │ Port 82h         DMA Channel 3                                          │
  332. │ Port 8Fh         DMA Channel 4                                          │
  333. │ Port 8Bh         DMA Channel 5                                          │
  334. │ Port 89h         DMA Channel 6                                          │
  335. │ Port 8Ah         DMA Channel 7                                          │
  336. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  338. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  339. │                  Interrupt Controller             (see 8259A data sheet)│
  340. │                  --------------------                                   │
  341. │ Port 20h         A0 set to 0                                            │
  342. │                  For OCW2                                               │
  343. │                    bit 0-2: L0, L1, L2 -- interrupt level               │
  344. │                            when bit 6 (SL) = 1                          │
  345. │                    bit 3,4 = 0, 0                                       │
  346. │                    bit 5-7: R, SL, EOI -- for select each               │
  347. │                    function (R, EOI) or combinations                    │
  348. │                    R: rotate, EOI: end of interrupt                     │
  349. │                  For OCW3                                               │
  350. │                    bit 0-2: RIS, RR, P                                  │
  351. │                    bit 3,4 = 0, 1                                       │
  352. │                    bit 5,6: SMM, ESMM -- Special Mask Mode              │
  353. │                  If ESMM = 1 and SMM = 1 enter S. M. M.                 │
  354. │                  If ESMM = 1 and SMM = 0 revert to Normal               │
  355. │                  When ESMM = 0, SMM has no effect                       │
  356. │                  Enable Special Mask Mode                               │
  357. │                  If ESMM = 1 enable SMM = 1 or 0                        │
  358. │                  If ESMM = 0 SMM = x                                    │
  359. │ Port 21h         A0 set to 1                                            │
  360. │                  Sets and clears the mask bits in the IMR.              │
  361. │                    Bit 7-0: M7-M0 represent the 8 mask bits             │
  362. │                                                                         │
  363. │ Port A0h         A0 set to 0                                            │
  364. │                  For OCW2                                               │
  365. │                    bit 0-2: L0, L1, L2 -- interrupt level               │
  366. │                             when bit 6 (SL) = 1                         │
  367. │                    bit 3,4 = 0, 0                                       │
  368. │                    bit 5-7: R, SL, EOI -- for select each               │
  369. │                  Function (R, EOI) or combinations                      │
  370. │                  R: rotate, EOI: end of interrupt                       │
  371. │                  For OCW3                                               │
  372. │                    bit 0-2: RIS, RR, P                                  │
  373. │                    bit 3,4 = 0, 1                                       │
  374. │                    bit 5,6: SMM, ESMM -- Special Mask Mode              │
  375. │                  If ESMM = 1 and SMM = 1 enter S. M. M.                 │
  376. │                  If ESMM = 1 and SMM = 0 revert to Normal               │
  377. │                  When ESMM = 0, SMM has no effect                       │
  378. │                  Enable Special Mask Mode                               │
  379. │                  If ESMM = 1 enable SMM = 1 or 0                        │
  380. │                  If ESMM = 0 SMM = x                                    │
  381. │ Port A1h         A0 set to 1                                            │
  382. │                  Sets and clears the mask bits in the IMR.              │
  383. │                    Bit 7-0: M7-M0 represent the 8 mask bits             │
  384. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  386. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  387. │                  System Timer                      (see 8254 data sheet)│
  388. │                  ------------                                           │
  389. │                                                                         │
  390. │ Port 40h         port address of timer 0 (16 bit)                       │
  391. │                                                                         │
  392. │ Port 41h         port address of timer 1 (16 bit)                       │
  393. │                                                                         │
  394. │ Port 42h         port address of timer 2 (16 bit)                       │
  395. │                                                                         │
  396. │ Port 43h         control word register for timer 0,1 and 2  (WRITE ONLY)│
  397. │                  Bit                                                    │
  398. │                ------------------------------------------               │
  399. │                  7,6     Counter select                                 │
  400. │                          = 00  - Select timer 0                         │
  401. │                          = 01  - Select timer 1                         │
  402. │                          = 10  - Select timer 2                         │
  403. │                          = 11  - Read-back command (for READ operation) │
  404. │                        *   Read-back command format :                   │
  405. │                             Bit                                         │
  406. │                            ------------------------------------------   │
  407. │                              5   = 0  Latch count of selected counter(s)│
  408. │                              4   = 0  Latch status of selected counters │
  409. │                              3   = 1  Select counter 2                  │
  410. │                              2   = 1  Select counter 1                  │
  411. │                              1   = 1  Select counter 0                  │
  412. │                              0   reserved = 0                           │
  413. │                  5,4     Read/write                                     │
  414. │                            00  -   counter latch command (for READ      │
  415. │                                                             operation)  │
  416. │                            01  -   Read/Write low byte                  │
  417. │                            10  -   Read/Write high byte                 │
  418. │                            11  -   Read/Write low byte, then high byte  │
  419. │                  3-1     Mode number (00h - 05h)                        │
  420. │                   0      = 0  count in binary                           │
  421. │                          = 1  count in BCD                              │
  422. │                                                                         │
  423. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  425. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  426. │       8042 (8041) Keyboard Controller       (see 8042 (8041) data sheet)│
  427. │       -------------------------------                                   │
  428. │                                                                         │
  429. │ Note: (1) 8042 support the  PS/2 MOUSE and KEYBOARD SECURITY            │
  430. │                                                                         │
  431. │       (2) 8041 doesn't support the PS/2 MOUSE and KEYBOARD SECURITY     │
  432. │              (used for supporting the standard PC/AT-compatible machine)│
  433. │                                                                         │
  434. │       (3) Auxiliary Device means the PS/2 MOUSE                         │
  435. │                                                                         │
  436. │ Port 60h         Input/Output Buffer for Keyboard and Auxiliary Device  │
  437. │                  (System control port A)                                │
  438. │                                                                         │
  439. │       * The output buffer is an 8-bit READ ONLY register at Port 60h.   │
  440. │         When the output buffer is read, the 8042 uses it to send        │
  441. │         information to the system microprocessor.                       │
  444. │         COMMAND FROM THE SYSTEM MICROPROCESSOR.                         │
  445. │                                                                         │
  446. │       * The input buffer is an 8-bit WRITE ONLY register at Port 60h.   │
  447. │         When the input buffer is written, a flag is set that indicates a│
  448. │         data write.DATA WRITTEN TO PORT 60H IS SENT TO THE KEYBOARD     │
  449. │         UNLESS THE 8042 IS EXPECTING A DATA BYTE FOLLOWING A 8042       │
  450. │         COMMAND. Data should be written to the 8042 input buffer only   │
  451. │         if the input buffer full bit (bit 1) of Status Port 64h = 0.    │               │
  452. │                                                                         │
  453. │ Port 64h         8042 Command Port (WRITE)                              │
  454. │                                                                         │
  455. │       * 8042 commands written through port 64h :                        │
  456. │         . 20-3F  read 8042 RAM                                          │
  457. │       # . 20     read 8042 command byte                                 │
  458. │         . 60-7F  write 8042 RAM                                         │
  459. │       # . 60     write 8042 command byte                                │
  460. │         . A4     test password installed                                │
  461. │         . A5     load security                                          │
  462. │         . A6     enable security                                        │
  463. │         . A7     disable auxiliary device interface                     │
  464. │         . A8     enable auxiliary device interface                      │
  465. │         . A9     interface test for auxiliary device 'clock'            │
  466. │                  and 'data' line                                        │
  467. │       # . AA     self test                                              │
  468. │       # . AB     interface test for keyboard 'clock'& 'data' line       │
  469. │       # . AC     reserved (8041: diagonstic dump)                       │
  470. │       # . AD     disable keyboard interface                             │
  471. │       # . AE     enable keyboard interface                              │
  472. │                                                                         │
  473. │               -- to be continued --                                     │
  475. │       # . C0     read input port                                        │
  476. │         . C1     poll input port low - port 1 bit 0-3,                  │
  477. │                  in status bits 4-7                                     │
  478. │         . C2     poll input port low - port 1 bit 4-7,                  │
  479. │                  in status bits 4-7                                     │
  480. │       # . D0     read output port                                       │
  481. │       # . D1     write output port                                      │
  482. │                  NOTE: Bit 0 of output port is connected to             │
  483. │                          system reset. This bit should not be           │
  484. │                          written low                                    │
  485. │         . D2     write keyboard output buffer                           │
  486. │         . D3     write auxiliary device output buffer                   │
  487. │         . D4     write auxiliary device                                 │
  488. │       # . E0     read test inputs                                       │
  489. │       # . F0-FF  pulse output port                                      │
  490. │                                                                         │
  491. │ Note: (1) The commands that are not marked '#' are not supported by 8041│
  492. │                                                                         │
  493. │       (2) The definitions of the command byte (for command 20h & 60h):  │
  494. │           Bit     For 8042                    |  For 8041               │
  495. │           ------------------------------------+-------------------------│
  496. │            7     Reserved = 0                 | the same as 8042        │
  497. │            6     IBM translate mode           | the same as 8042        │
  498. │                  = 1, 8042 translates the     |                         │
  499. │                    incoming scan code to scan |                         │
  500. │                    code set 1.                |                         │
  501. │                  = 0, 8042 passes the         |                         │
  502. │                    keyboard scan codes        |                         │
  503. │                    without translation.       |                         │
  504. │            5     Disable auxiliary device     | IBM PC mode             │
  505. │                  = 1, disable                 | = 1, PC keyboard        │
  506. │                                               |      interface          │
  507. │                  = 0, enable                  | = 0, PC/AT keyboard     │
  508. │                                               |      interface          │
  509. │            4     Disable keyboard             | the same as 8042        │
  510. │                  = 1, disable                 |                         │
  511. │                  = 0, enable                  |                         │
  512. │            3     Reserved = 0                 | Disable inhibit switch  │
  513. │                                               | = 1, disable            │
  514. │                                               | = 0, enable             │
  515. │            2     System flag                  | the same as 8042        │
  516. │            1     Enable auxiliary interrupt   | Reserved = 0            │
  517. │                  = 1, enable                  |                         │
  518. │            0     Enable keyboard interrupt    | the same as 8042        │
  519. │                  = 1, enable                  |                         │
  520. │                                                                         │
  521. │                                                                         │
  522. │                                                                         │
  523. │                                                                         │
  524. │        -- to be continued --                                            │
  526. │ Port 64h         8042 Status Port (READ)                                │
  527. │                                                                         │
  528. │     Bit   For 8042                    |  For 8041                       │
  529. │     ----------------------------------+---------------------------      │
  530. │      7   Parity error                 | Parity error                    │
  531. │      6   General time out             | Receive time out                │
  532. │      5   Auxiliary output buffer full | Transmit time out               │
  533. │      4   Inhibit switch               | Inhibit switch                  │
  534. │      3   Command/data                 | Command/data                    │
  535. │      2   System flag                  | System flag                     │
  536. │      1   Input buffer full            | Input buffer full               │
  537. │      0   Output buffer full           | Output buffer full              │
  538. │     ----------------------------------+---------------------------      │
  539. │                                                                         │
  540. │       * PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATION                                       │
  541. │                                                                         │
  542. │         . port 64h (status register) can be read at any time            │
  543. │         . port 60h should be READ ONLY when the output buffer full      │
  544. │           bit in the status register is a 1                             │
  545. │         . the auxiliary output buffer full bit in the status register   │
  546. │           indicates that the data in port 60h came from the auxiliary   │
  547. │           device. this bit is valid only when the output buffer full    │
  548. │           bit is a 1                                                    │
  549. │         . port 60h and 64h should be written only when the status       │
  550. │           register input buffer full bit and the output buffer full bit │
  551. │           is 0.                                                         │
  552. │         . the devices connected to the 8042 should be disabled before   │
  553. │           initiating a command that generates output. if output is      │
  554. │           generated, any value in the output buffer is overwritten      │
  555. │         . an external latch is used to hold the level sensitive IRQ     │
  556. │           until an i/o read from address 60h is executed by the system  │
  557. │                                                                         │
  558. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  560. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  561. │                  Real Time Clock / CMOS        (see NS146818 data sheet)│
  562. │                  ----------------------                                 │
  563. │                                                                         │
  564. │ Port 70h         RT/CMOS RAM address and NMI Mask                       │
  565. │                                                                         │
  566. │                  Bit                                                    │
  567. │                ------------------------------------------               │
  568. │                   7      NMI  (WRITE ONLY)                              │
  569. │                          = 0, enable NMI                                │
  570. │                          = 1, disable, NMI is masked off.               │
  571. │                               This bit is set to 0 by a Power-on reset. │
  572. │                   6      Reserved                                       │
  573. │                  5-0     RT/CMOS RAM address                            │
  574. │                                                                         │
  575. │-------------------------------------------------------------------------│
  576. │                                                                         │
  577. │ Port 71h         RT/CMOS data port                                      │
  578. │                                                                         │
  579. │       * To read RT/CMOS contents, OUT to port 70h to determine          │
  580. │         address first, then read from port 71h.                         │
  581. │       * To write data into RT/CMOS, first determine address by          │
  582. │         port 70h, then OUT data to port 71h.                            │
  583. │       * When performing I/O operations to the RT/CMOS RAM Port 70H      │
  584. │         and 71H, interrupts should be inhibited to avoid having         │
  585. │         interrupt routines change the CMOS address register before      │
  586. │         data is read or write.                                          │
  587. │       * Software sequence for NMI:                                      │
  588. │           The power-on default of the NMI mask is 1 ( NMI disabled).    │
  589. │           POST initializes the parity check and channel check state.    │
  590. │           Enable NMI and immediately read Port 70H.                     │
  591. │       * When writing Port 70H to enable/disable an NMI, a read to       │
  592. │         Port 70H must be accessed immediately.                          │
  593. │                                                                         │
  594. │NOTE:                                                                    │
  595. │       The data of CMOS refer to cmos.spc                                │
  596. │                                                                         │
  597. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  599. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  600. │              Hard Disk Control Port                                     │
  601. │              ----------------------                                     │
  602. │   1F0h       Data Register                                         R/W  │
  603. │   1F1h       Error Register                                        R    │
  604. │              bit 7  BBK --  bad block mark                              │
  605. │              bit 6  UNC --  non_correctable data                        │
  606. │              bit 5  reserved                                            │
  607. │              bit 4  IDNF -- ID not found                                │
  608. │              bit 3  reserved                                            │
  609. │              bit 2  ABRT -- abort                                       │
  610. │              bit 1  TK0 --  track 0 not found                           │
  611. │              bit 0  reserved                                            │
  612. │   1F2h       Sector Count Register                                 R/W  │
  613. │              The register defines the number of sectors of data         │
  614. │              to be read or written.                                     │
  615. │   1F3h       Sector Number Register                                R/W  │
  616. │              This register contains the starting sector nimber          │
  617. │              for any disk access.                                       │
  618. │   1F4h       Cylinder Low                                          R/W  │
  619. │              The register contains the low order 8 bits of the          │
  620. │              starting cylinder number for any disk access.              │
  621. │   1F5h       Cylinder High                                         R/W  │
  622. │              The register contains the two high order bits of           │
  623. │              the starting cylinder number for any disk access.          │
  624. │                                                                         │
  625. │   1F6h       SDH Register                                          R/W  │
  626. │              This register contains the drive and head numbers.         │
  627. │              bit 7  reserved                                            │
  628. │              bit 6  0                                                   │
  629. │              bit 5  1                                                   │
  630. │              bit 4  DRV --  drvier selected                             │
  631. │                             0 -- Fixed disk C                           │
  632. │                             1 -- Fixed disk D                           │
  633. │              bit 3 - 0  Head no.                                        │
  634. │   1F7h       Status Register                                       R    │
  635. │              This register contains the drive/controller status.        │
  636. │              bit 7    busy                                              │
  637. │              bit 6    Ready                                             │
  638. │              bit 5    write fault                                       │
  639. │              bit 4    seek completed                                    │
  640. │              bit 3    data request                                      │
  641. │              bit 2    data corrected                                    │
  642. │              bit 1    index                                             │
  643. │              bit 0    error status                                      │
  644. │                                                                         │
  645. │        -- to be continued --                                            │
  647. │              Command Register                                      W    │
  648. │              bit 76543210   command                                     │
  649. │                  0001XXXX   recalibrate                                 │
  650. │                  001000LR   read sector(s)                              │
  651. │                  001100LR   write sector(s)                             │
  652. │                  0100000R   read ver sector                             │
  653. │                  01010000   format track                                │
  654. │                  0111XXXX   seek                                        │
  655. │                  10010000   exec. drv diag                              │
  656. │                  10010001   init drv. params                            │
  657. │                  1110PPPP   power commands                              │
  658. │                  11100100   read setor buffer                           │
  659. │                  11101000   write sector buffer                         │
  660. │                  11101100   identify drive                              │
  661. │               note:                                                     │
  662. │                   L -- long bit                                         │
  663. │                   R -- retry bit                                        │
  664. │                   P -- valid bit for power command                      │
  665. │                                                                         │
  666. │   3F6h       Alternate Status Register                             R    │
  667. │              This register contains the same informatios as the         │
  668. │              Status Register in the Task File.                          │
  669. │                                                                         │
  670. │              Digital Output Register                               W    │
  671. │              bit 7 - 3     reserved = 0                                 │
  672. │              bit 2         s/w reset                                    │
  673. │              bit 1         enable IREQ                                  │
  674. │              bit 0         reserved = 0                                 │
  675. │                                                                         │
  676. │   3F7h       Drive Address Register                                R    │
  677. │              This register loops back the drive select and head         │
  678. │              select addresses of currently selected drive.              │
  679. │              bit 7  reserved                                            │
  680. │              bit 6  WTG -- write gate                                   │
  681. │              bit 5 - 2  -- HS3 - HS0                                    │
  682. │                            0011 -- head 3 select                        │
  683. │                            0010 -- head 2 select                        │
  684. │                            0001 -- head 1 select                        │
  685. │                            0000 -- head 0 select                        │
  686. │              bit 1  DS1 -- drive 1 select                               │
  687. │              bit 0  DS0 -- drive 0 select                               │
  688. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  690. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  691. │                  Parallel ports                                         │
  692. │                  --------------                                         │
  693. │                                                                         │
  694. │        Line printer interface via Intel 8255 with                       │
  695. │        control signals at base I/O address +2                           │
  696. │        status  signals at base I/O address +1                           │
  697. │        data    signals at base I/O address                              │
  698. │                                                                         │
  699. │                                            ┌──── For  1100SX ────┐      │
  700. │ Port 3BCh-3BEh   Parallel Printer Port 1   ├─>  Parallel port 3  │      │
  701. │                                            │                     │      │
  702. │ Port 378h-37Ah   Parallel Printer Port 2   ├─>  Parallel port 1  │      │
  703. │                                            │                     │      │
  704. │ Port 278h-27Ah   Parallel Printer Port 3   ├─>  Parallel port 2  │      │
  705. │                                            └─────────────────────┘      │
  706. │                                                                         │
  707. │   Control : (3BEh for printer 1, 37Ah for printer 2, 27Ah for printer 3)│
  708. │             (For 1100SX :  .. 3         ..        1          ..       2)│
  709. │          Bit                                                            │
  710. │        ------------------------------------------                       │
  711. │           4    +IRQ7 enable (interrupt on -ACK true to false)           │
  712. │           3    +SELECT IN  (true for printer select)                    │
  713. │           2    -INITIALIZE (minimum 50 microsecond true to false pulse) │
  714. │           1    +AUTO FEED  (true makes printer LF after CR)             │
  715. │           0    +STROBE     (1/2 microsecond minimum false to true pulse)│
  716. │                                                                         │
  717. │   Status : (3BDh for printer 1, 379h for printer 2, 279h for printer 3) │
  718. │            (For 1100SX :  .. 3         ..        1          ..       2) │
  719. │          Bit                                                            │
  720. │        ------------------------------------------                       │
  721. │           7      -BUSY   (true indicates printer may not accept data)   │
  722. │           6      -ACK  (false indicates printer ready to accept another │
  723. │                         byte)                                           │
  724. │           5      +PE     (true indicates paper out conditions)          │
  725. │           4      +SELECT (true means printer selected)                  │
  726. │           3      -ERROR  (false means error condition detected)         │
  727. │                                                                         │
  728. │   Data : (3BCh for printer 1, 378h for printer 2, 278h for printer 3)   │
  729. │          (For 1100SX :  .. 3         ..        1          ..       2)   │
  730. │                                                                         │
  731. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  733. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  734. │                  Serial Ports                                           │
  735. │                  ------------                                           │
  736. │                                                                         │
  737. │ Port 3F8h-3FFh -- Serial Port 1              x = 3 for port 1           │
  738. │ Port 2F8h-2FFh -- Serial Port 2                = 2 for port 2           │
  739. │                                                                         │
  740. │     I/O address  register selected                 DLAB state           │
  741. │    -----------------------------------------------------------          │
  742. │        xF8h      TX buffer                         0(write)             │
  743. │        xF8h      RX buffer                         0(read)              │
  744. │        xF8h      Divisor latch LSB                 1                    │
  745. │        xF9h      Divisor latch MSB                 1                    │
  746. │        xF9h      Interrupt enable register         0                    │
  747. │        xFAh      Interrupt identification register                      │
  748. │        xFBh      Line control register                                  │
  749. │        xFCh      Modem control register                                 │
  750. │        xFDh      Line status register                                   │
  751. │        xFEh      Modem status register                                  │
  752. │        xFFh      Reserved                                               │
  753. │                                                                         │
  754. │ Port xF8h - Transmitter Holding Register                                │
  755. │          Bit                                                            │
  756. │        ------------------------------------------                       │
  757. │           7      Data bit 7                                             │
  758. │           6      Data bit 6                                             │
  759. │           5      Data bit 5                                             │
  760. │           4      Data bit 4                                             │
  761. │           3      Data bit 3                                             │
  762. │           2      Data bit 2                                             │
  763. │           1      Data bit 1                                             │
  764. │           0      Data bit 0                                             │
  765. │                                                                         │
  766. │ Port xF8h - Receiver Buffer Register                                    │
  767. │          Bit                                                            │
  768. │        ------------------------------------------                       │
  769. │           7      Data bit 7                                             │
  770. │           6      Data bit 6                                             │
  771. │           5      Data bit 5                                             │
  772. │           4      Data bit 4                                             │
  773. │           3      Data bit 3                                             │
  774. │           2      Data bit 2                                             │
  775. │           1      Data bit 1                                             │
  776. │           0      Data bit 0                                             │
  777. │                                                                         │
  778. │                                                                         │
  779. │                                                                         │
  780. │        -- to be continued --                                            │
  782. │ Port xF8h - Divisor Latch LSB                                           │
  783. │          Bit                                                            │
  784. │        ------------------------------------------                       │
  785. │           7      Bit 7                                                  │
  786. │           6      Bit 6                                                  │
  787. │           5      Bit 5                                                  │
  788. │           4      Bit 4                                                  │
  789. │           3      Bit 3                                                  │
  790. │           2      Bit 2                                                  │
  791. │           1      Bit 1                                                  │
  792. │           0      Bit 0                                                  │
  793. │                                                                         │
  794. │ Port xF9h - Divisor Latch MSB                                           │
  795. │          Bit                                                            │
  796. │        ------------------------------------------                       │
  797. │           7      Bit 7                                                  │
  798. │           6      Bit 6                                                  │
  799. │           5      Bit 5                                                  │
  800. │           4      Bit 4                                                  │
  801. │           3      Bit 3                                                  │
  802. │           2      Bit 2                                                  │
  803. │           1      Bit 1                                                  │
  804. │           0      Bit 0                                                  │
  805. │                                                                         │
  806. │ Port xF9h - Interrupt Enable Register                                   │
  807. │          Bit                                                            │
  808. │        ------------------------------------------                       │
  809. │          7-4     Reserved = 0                                           │
  810. │           3      Enable receive modem status interrupt                  │
  811. │           2      Enable receive line status interrupt                   │
  812. │           1      Enable TX holding register empty interrupt             │
  813. │           0      Enable the received-data-available interrupt           │
  814. │                                                                         │
  815. │ Port xFAh - Interrupt Indentification Register                          │
  816. │          Bit                                                            │
  817. │        ------------------------------------------                       │
  818. │          7-3     Reserved = 0                                           │
  819. │          2-1     Interrupt ID                                           │
  820. │           0      = 0 if interrupt pending                               │
  821. │                                                                         │
  822. │   Bit   Priority  Interrupt        Interrupt        Interrupt           │
  823. │   2,1    Level      Type            Source          Reset Control       │ 
  824. │ ----------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  825. │   1 1   highest   receiver line    overrun error,   reading the line    │
  826. │                   status           parity error,    status register     │
  827. │                                    framing error,                       │
  828. │                                    break interrupt                      │
  829. │                                                                         │
  830. │   0 1   second    received data    receiver data    reading the receiver│
  831. │                   available        available        buffer register     │
  832. │                                                                         │
  833. │      -- to be continued --                                              │
  835. │   1 0    third   transmitter       transmitter      read the IIR (if    │
  836. │                  holding register  holding reg.     source of interrupt)│
  837. │                  empty             empty            or writing into the │
  838. │                                                       THR               │
  839. │                                                                         │
  840. │   0 0    fourth    modem status      clear to send,   reading the modem │
  841. │                                      data set ready,  status register   │
  842. │                                      ring indicator,                    │
  843. │                                      received line                      │
  844. │                                      signal detect                      │
  845. │                                                                         │
  846. │ Port xFBh - Line Control Register                                       │
  847. │          Bit                                                            │
  848. │        ---------------------------------------                          │
  849. │           7      Divisor latch access bit                               │
  850. │           6      Set break                                              │
  851. │           5      Stuck parity                                           │
  852. │           4      Even parity select                                     │
  853. │           3      Parity enable                                          │
  854. │           2      Number of stop bits                                    │
  855. │          1-0     Word length (bit)                                      │
  856. │                  = 00  5 bits                                           │
  857. │                  = 01  6 bits                                           │
  858. │                  = 10  7 bits                                           │
  859. │                  = 11  8 bits                                           │
  860. │                                                                         │
  861. │ Port xFCh - Modem Control Register                                      │
  862. │          Bit                                                            │
  863. │        ---------------------------------------                          │
  864. │          7-5     Reserved = 0                                           │
  865. │           4      Loop                                                   │
  866. │           3      Out 2                                                  │
  867. │           2      Out 1                                                  │
  868. │           1      Request to send                                        │
  869. │           0      Data terminal ready                                    │
  870. │ Port xFDh - Line Status Register                                        │
  871. │          Bit                                                            │
  872. │        ---------------------------------------                          │
  873. │           7      Reserved = 0                                           │
  874. │           6      TX shift register empty                                │
  875. │           5      Transmitter holding register empty                     │
  876. │           4      Break interrupt                                        │
  877. │           3      Framing error                                          │
  878. │           2      Parity error                                           │
  879. │           1      Overrun error                                          │
  880. │           0      Data ready                                             │
  881. │                                                                         │
  882. │        -- to be continued --                                            │
  884. │                                                                         │
  885. │ Port xFEh - Modem Status Register                                       │
  886. │          Bit                                                            │
  887. │        ---------------------------------------                          │
  888. │           7      Data carrier detect                                    │
  889. │           6      Ring indicator                                         │
  890. │           5      Data set ready                                         │
  891. │           4      Clear to sent                                          │
  892. │           3      Delta data carrier detect                              │
  893. │           2      Trailing edge ring indicator                           │
  894. │           1      Delta data set ready                                   │
  895. │           0      Delta clear to send                                    │
  896. │                                                                         │
  897. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  899. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  900. │                  Diskette ports                                         │
  901. │                  --------------                                         │
  902. │                                                                         │
  903. │ Port 3F2h -- Digital output register                                    │
  904. │          Bit                                                            │
  905. │        ---------------------------------------                          │
  906. │          7,6     Reserved                                               │
  907. │           5      Drive B motor enable                                   │
  908. │           4      Drive A motor enable                                   │
  909. │           3      Enable diskette interrupt and DMA                      │
  910. │           2      Diskette function reset                                │
  911. │           1      Reserved                                               │
  912. │           0      Drive select = 0 -- drive A                            │
  913. │                               = 1 -- drive B                            │
  914. │                                                                         │
  915. │ Port 3F4h -- main status register                                       │
  916. │          Bit                                                            │
  917. │        -----------------------------------------------------------------│
  918. │           7      Request for Master (RQM)                               │
  919. │                  Data register is READY to send or receive data         │
  920. │                  To or from the processor                               │
  921. │           6      Data Input/Output (DIO)                                │
  922. │                  = 1  data transfer is from FDC data register to        │
  923. │                       processor                                         │
  924. │                  = 0  data transfer is from processor to FDC data       │
  925. │                       register                                          │
  926. │           5      Non-DMA Mode (NDM)                                     │
  927. │           4      Diskette Controller Busy (CB)                          │
  928. │                  = 1  FDC Busy                                          │
  929. │          3,2     Reserved = 0                                           │
  930. │           1      Diskette drive B busy (DBB)                            │
  931. │                  = 1 -- FDD B Busy                                      │
  932. │           0      Diskette drive A busy (DAB)                            │
  933. │                  = 1 -- FDD A Busy                                      │
  934. │                                                                         │
  935. │ Port 3F5h        FDC data register (READ/WRITE)                         │
  936. │                                                                         │
  937. │ Port 3F6h        Fixed Disk Register                                    │
  938. │                  Bit                                                    │
  939. │                ------------------------------------------------------   │
  940. │                  7-4     Reserved                                       │
  941. │                   3      = 0  Enable reduced write current              │
  942. │                          = 1  Enable head select 3                      │
  943. │                   2      = 1  Enable reset fixed disk function          │
  944. │                   1      = 0  Enable fixed disk interrupt               │
  945. │                   0      Reserved                                       │
  946. │                                                                         │
  947. │       * This register is assigned two addresses, 3F6h (primary) and 376h│
  948. │         (secondary). This is a four-bit write only register.            │
  949. │                                                                         │
  950. │        -- to be continued --                                            │
  952. │                                                                         │
  953. │ Port 3F7h        Digital Input Register                                 │
  954. │                                                                         │
  955. │                  Bit      READ operation                                │
  956. │                -----------------------------------------------          │
  957. │                   7      Diskette change                                │
  958. │                          = 1  active                                    │
  959. │                          = 0  inactive                                  │
  960. │                  6-1     Reserved                                       │
  961. │                   0      -high density select                           │
  962. │                -----------------------------------------------          │
  963. │                                                                         │
  964. │                  Bit      WRITE operation                               │
  965. │                -----------------------------------------------          │
  966. │                  7-2     Reserved                                       │
  967. │                  1,0     Select data rate (KBit/Second)                 │
  968. │                          = 00  500K  (1.2M disk in 1.2M drive)          │
  969. │                          = 01  300K  (360K disk in 1.2M drive)          │
  970. │                          = 10  250K  (360K disk in 360K drive)          │
  971. │                          Else  reserved                                 │
  972. │                                                                         │
  973. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  975. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  976. │                  Monochrome Graphics and printer adapter                │
  977. │                  ---------------------------------------                │
  978. │                                                                         │
  979. │ Port 3B4h        MGA index register                         (WRITE ONLY)│
  980. │                                                                         │
  981. │ Port 3B5h        MGA data register                          (READ/WRITE)│
  982. │                                                                         │
  983. │ Port 3B8h        MGA display mode control                   (WRITE ONLY)│
  984. │          Bit                                                            │
  985. │        ---------------------------------------------------------------- │
  986. │           7      = 1  Page 1 (Start display at B8000h)                  │
  987. │                  = 0  Page 0 (start display at B0000h)         (DEFAULT)│
  988. │                * This bit select the active display buffer on the       │
  989. │                  graphics card.                                         │
  990. │           6      Reserved                                               │
  991. │           5      = 1  turn on the screen blinker                        │
  992. │                  = 0  Turn off the text blinker                (DEFAULT)│
  993. │                * This blinker has no effect on the cursor.              │
  994. │                  Every character whose attribute indicates blinking     │
  995. │                  will now blink.                                        │
  996. │           4      Reserved                                               │
  997. │           3      = 1  Activate the screen                               │
  998. │                  = 0  Blank the screen                                  │
  999. │                * This bit is uesful when changing modes. By keeping the │
  1000. │                  screen blank for a period of time, the change from text│
  1001. │                  to graphics mode can be done without any screen bounce.│
  1002. │           2      Reserved                                               │
  1003. │           1      = 1  Graphics mode                                     │
  1004. │                  = 0  Text mode                                (DEFAULT)│
  1005. │                * The 6845 must be reprogrammed each time this bit       │
  1006. │                  changes value.                                         │
  1007. │           0      Reserved                                               │
  1008. │                                                                         │
  1009. │ Port 3B9h        Set light pen flip flop                    (WRITE ONLY)│
  1010. │                                                                         │
  1011. │ Port 3BAh        Display status port                         (READ ONLY)│
  1012. │          Bit                                                            │
  1013. │        ---------------------------------------------------------------- │
  1014. │           7      = 1  Active display                                    │
  1015. │                       This information is useful when software wants to │
  1016. │                       make sure that the screen is blanked)             │
  1017. │                  = 0  Vertical retrace (screen is temporarily blanked)  │
  1018. │          6,4     Reserved                                               │
  1019. │                                                                         │
  1020. │                                                                         │
  1021. │                                                                         │
  1022. │                                                                         │
  1023. │        -- to be continued --                                            │
  1025. │           3      = 1  Dots on                                           │
  1026. │                  = 0  Dots off                                          │
  1027. │                * This bit can be used as a software check point to      │
  1028. │                  verify that the monochrome display is receiving an     │
  1029. │                  active video signal.                                   │
  1030. │          2,1     Reserved                                               │
  1031. │           0      = 1  SYNC (screen is temporaily blanked)               │
  1032. │                  = 0  Normal used                                       │
  1033. │                                                                         │
  1034. │ Port 3BBh        Reset light pen flip flop                  (WRITE ONLY)│
  1035. │                                                                         │
  1036. │ Port 3BFh        Configuration switch                       (WRITE ONLY)│
  1037. │          Bit                                                            │
  1038. │        ---------------------------------------------------------------- │
  1039. │           1      = 1  Bring page 1 into the memory map and allows the   │
  1040. │                       setting of page bit.                              │
  1041. │                  = 0  Mask page 1 (B8000h-BFFFFh)out of memory and      │
  1042. │                       prevent setting the page bit (bit 7 of port 3B8h) │
  1043. │                                                                (DEFAULT)│
  1044. │           0      = 1  Allows the setting                                │
  1045. │                  = 0  Prevents the setting of graphics mode thru bit 1  │
  1046. │                       of Display Mode Control (3B8h)           (DEFAULT)│
  1047. │                                                                         │
  1048. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1050. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1051. │                  Color Graphics Adapter                                 │
  1052. │                  ----------------------                                 │
  1053. │                                                                         │
  1054. │ Port 3D4h        CGA index register                         (WRITE ONLY)│
  1055. │                                                                         │
  1056. │ Port 3D5h        CGA data register                          (READ/WRITE)│
  1057. │                                                                         │
  1058. │ Port 3D8h        CGA display mode control                   (WRITE ONLY)│
  1059. │                  Bit                                                    │
  1060. │                ---------------------------------------------------------│
  1061. │                  7,6     Reserved                                       │
  1062. │                   5      Enable blink                                   │
  1063. │                   4      640 * 200 mono (select mode 6)                 │
  1064. │                   3      Enable video                                   │
  1065. │                   2      B & w                                          │
  1066. │                   1      Graphics (select mode 4,5)                     │
  1067. │                   0      80 * 25 alpha                                  │
  1068. │                                                                         │
  1069. │ Port 3D9h        CGA border control                         (WRITE ONLY)│
  1070. │                  Bit                                                    │
  1071. │                ---------------------------------------------------------│
  1072. │                  7,6     Reserved                                       │
  1073. │                   5      320 * 200 palette select (for modes 4,5)       │
  1074. │                   4      Alternate intensity (mode 4,5)                 │
  1075. │                  3-0     Background color  (for mode 4,5,6 and 11)      │
  1076. │                                                                         │
  1077. │ Port 3DAh        CGA status                                  (READ ONLY)│
  1078. │                  Bit                                                    │
  1079. │                ---------------------------------------------------------│
  1080. │                  7-4     Reserved                                       │
  1081. │                   3      Vertical sync.                                 │
  1082. │                  2,1     Reserved                                       │
  1083. │                   0      Display enable (0)                             │
  1084. │                                                                         │
  1085. ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  1086. │                                                                         │
  1087. │ Port 200h-207h   Game I/O Ports 0-7                                     │
  1088. │                                                                         │
  1089. ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  1090. │                                                                         │
  1091. │ Port 80h         Used as a diagnostic-checkpoint port or register.      │
  1092. │     (300h)       This port corresponds to a read/write register in the  │
  1093. │                  DMA                                                    │
  1094. │                * This port is used by POST during power up.             │
  1095. │                                                                         │
  1096. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1098. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1099. │                  Math Coprocessor Controls                  (WRITE ONLY)│
  1100. │                  -------------------------                              │
  1101. │                                                                         │
  1102. │ Port F0h     * An 8-bit out command to this port will clear the latched │
  1103. │                Math Coprocessor '-busy' signal. The '-busy' signal will │
  1104. │                be latched if the coprocessor asserts its '-error' signal│
  1105. │                while it is busy. The data output should be zero.        │
  1106. │                                                                         │
  1107. │ Port F1h     * An 8-bit output command to this port will reset the      │
  1108. │                Math Coprocessor. The data output should be zero.        │
  1109. │                                                                         │
  1110. ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  1111. │ Port 61h       System Control Port B                                    │
  1112. │                ---------------------                                    │
  1113. │         WRITE (output) operation:                                       │
  1114. │                Bit                                                      │
  1115. │              -----------------------------------------------------------│
  1116. │                7-4     Reserved                                         │
  1117. │                 3      -Enable I/O Channel Check                        │
  1118. │                 2      -Enable RAM Parity Check                         │
  1119. │                 1      +Speaker Data Enable                             │
  1120. │                 0      +Timer 2 Gate to Speaker                         │
  1121. │                                                                         │
  1122. │         READ (input) operation:                                         │
  1123. │                Bit                                                      │
  1124. │              -----------------------------------------------------------│
  1125. │                 7      +RAM Parity Check                                │
  1126. │                        = 1  A memory parity error has occurred.         │
  1127. │                      * A NMI will occur if NMI is enabled.              │
  1128. │                      * The error bit can be reset by toggling output    │
  1129. │                        port 61h,bit 2, to a 1 and then back to 0.       │
  1130. │                 6      +I/O Channel Check                               │
  1131. │                      * A NMI will occur if NMI is enabled.              │
  1132. │                      * The error bit can be reset by toggling output    │
  1133. │                        port 61h, bit 3, to a 1 and then back to 0.      │
  1134. │                 5      Timer 2 channel output                           │
  1135. │                        Reflects the level of the Timer 2 output         │
  1136. │                 4      Refresh detect                                   │
  1137. │                        Toggles every 15 µsec, indicating normal         │
  1138. │                        activity.                                        │
  1139. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1141. C. Acer 1100/20/16 model I/O port definition :
  1143. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1144. │                                                                         │
  1145. │ Port 28h        System Control Port C                       (WRITE ONLY)│
  1146. │          Bit                                                            │
  1147. │        ---------------------------------------------------------------- │
  1148. │          7-4     Speed Parameter                                        │
  1149. │                  (higher value --> more delay, lower speed)             │
  1150. │                                                                         │
  1151. │           3      Reserved                                               │
  1152. │                                                                         │
  1153. │           2      Speed Select                                           │
  1154. │                  = 1  Enable speed change,                              │
  1155. │                       system speed depends on Speed Parameter           │
  1156. │                  = 0  Full speed  (don't care speed parameter)          │
  1157. │                                                                         │
  1158. │           1      RAM BIOS write enable   <─┐ ┌─────────────────────────┐│
  1159. │                  = 1  Enable write to RAM  │ │ = 00 ROM BIOS           ││
  1160. │                  = 0  Disable              ├─┤ = 01 RAM BIOS           ││
  1161. │           0      RAM BIOS enable           │ │ = 10 ROM read,RAM write ││
  1162. │                  = 1  Enable RAM BIOS      │ │ = 11 RAM BIOS read/write││
  1163. │                  = 0  Disable RAM BIOS   <─┘ └─────────────────────────┘│
  1164. │                                                                         │
  1165. │ Port 329h        System Control Port D                      (WRITE ONLY)│
  1166. │                                                                         │
  1167. │          Bit 1 = 1  Bypass                                              │
  1168. │                = 0  Force Gate A20 to low                               │
  1169. │                                                                         │
  1170. │          Other Bit -- Reserved                                          │
  1171. │                                                                         │
  1172. │       * Gate A20 is a special design for AT-compatibles. In real        │
  1173. │         address mode, it prevents address line A20 from being set,      │
  1174. │         maintaining compatibility with 8088 programs. When in           │
  1175. │         protected mode, Gate A20 allows addressing above the 1 MB       │
  1176. │         range.                                                          │
  1177. │       * As it is traditionally implemented by a low-performance 8042,   │
  1178. │         we now offer another way to do it. But for our machines with    │
  1179. │         Fast Gate A20, while this Gate is LOW, the original             │
  1180. │         programming skill for 8042's Gate A20 still works. And then     │
  1181. │         this Fast Gate deserves as a better choice, especially for      │
  1182. │         enormous swaping between Real and Protected modes.              │
  1183. │                                                                         │
  1184. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1186. D. Acer 1100/25/20C/33 model I/O port definition :
  1188. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1189. │                                                                         │
  1190. │ Port 328h        System Control Port C                      (WRITE ONLY)│
  1191. │          Bit                                                            │
  1192. │        ---------------------------------------------------------------- │
  1193. │          7-5     Speed Parameter                                        │
  1194. │                  (higher value --> more delay, lower speed)             │
  1195. │                                                                         │
  1196. │           4      Flush cache                                            │
  1197. │                                                                         │
  1198. │           3      Cache control                                          │
  1199. │                  = 1  cache enabled                                     │
  1200. │                  = 0  cache disabled                                    │
  1201. │                                                                         │
  1202. │           2      Speed Select                                           │
  1203. │                  = 1  Enable speed change,                              │
  1204. │                       system speed depends on Speed Parameter           │
  1205. │                  = 0  Full speed  (don't care speed parameter)          │
  1206. │                                                                         │
  1207. │           1      RAM BIOS write enable   <─┐ ┌─────────────────────────┐│
  1208. │                  = 1  Enable write to RAM  │ │ = 00 ROM BIOS           ││
  1209. │                  = 0  Disable              ├─┤ = 01 RAM BIOS           ││
  1210. │           0      RAM BIOS enable           │ │ = 10 ROM read, RAM write││
  1211. │                  = 1  Enable RAM BIOS      │ │ = 11 RAM BIOS read/write││
  1212. │                  = 0  Disable RAM BIOS   <─┘ └─────────────────────────┘│
  1213. │                                                                         │
  1214. │                                                                         │
  1215. │ Port 329h        System Control Port D                      (WRITE ONLY)│
  1216. │                                                                         │
  1217. │          Bit 1 = 1  Bypass                                              │
  1218. │                = 0  Force Gate A20 to low                               │
  1219. │                                                                         │
  1220. │          Other Bit -- Reserved                                          │
  1221. │                                                                         │
  1222. │       * Gate A20 is a special design for AT-compatibles. In real        │
  1223. │         address mode, it prevents address line A20 from being set,      │
  1224. │         maintaining compatibility with 8088 programs. When in           │
  1225. │         protected mode, Gate A20 allows addressing above the 1 MB       │
  1226. │         range.                                                          │
  1227. │       * As it is traditionally implemented by a low-performance 8042,   │
  1228. │         we now offer another way to do it. But for our machines with    │
  1229. │         Fast Gate A20, while this Gate is LOW, the original             │
  1230. │         programming skill for 8042's Gate A20 still works. And then     │
  1231. │         this Fast Gate deserves as a better choice, especially for      │
  1232. │         enormous swaping between Real and Protected modes.              │
  1233. │                                                                         │
  1234. │       * PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATION                                       │
  1235. │                                                                         │
  1236. │         . Cache system is supported by INT 16h in BIOS :                │
  1237. │                                                                         │
  1238. │           INT 16h : AH = F4h, AL = 1  --  Cache On                      │
  1239. │           INT 16h : AH = F4h, AL = 2  --  Cache Off                     │
  1240. │                                                                         │
  1241. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1243. E. Acer 1125S model I/O port definition :
  1245. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1246. │                  System Control Ports                                   │
  1247. │                  --------------------                                   │
  1248. │                                                                         │
  1249. │ Port 326h        System Control Port D                      (READ/WRITE)│
  1250. │                                                                         │
  1251. │        Memory bank disable/enable register                              │
  1252. │                                                                         │
  1253. │                  Bit                                                    │
  1254. │                ---------------------------------------------------------│
  1255. │                   7      Disable/enable bank 7                          │
  1256. │                          = 1  Disable bank 7 memory                     │
  1257. │                          = 0  Enable bank 7 memory                      │
  1258. │                                                                         │
  1259. │                   6      Disable/enable bank 6                          │
  1260. │                          = 1  Disable bank 6 memory                     │
  1261. │                          = 0  Enable bank 6 memory                      │
  1262. │                                                                         │
  1263. │                   5      Disable/enable bank 5                          │
  1264. │                          = 1  Disable bank 5 memory                     │
  1265. │                          = 0  Enable bank 5 memory                      │
  1266. │                                                                         │
  1267. │                   4      Disable/enable bank 4                          │
  1268. │                          = 1  Disable bank 4 memory                     │
  1269. │                          = 0  Enable bank 4 memory                      │
  1270. │                                                                         │
  1271. │                   3      Disable/enable bank 3                          │
  1272. │                          = 1  Disable bank 3 memory                     │
  1273. │                          = 0  Enable bank 3 memory                      │
  1274. │                                                                         │
  1275. │                   2      Disable/enable bank 2                          │
  1276. │                          = 1  Disable bank 2 memory                     │
  1277. │                          = 0  Enable bank 2 memory                      │
  1278. │                                                                         │
  1279. │                   1      Disable/enable bank 1                          │
  1280. │                          = 1  Disable bank 7 memory                     │
  1281. │                          = 0  Enable bank 7 memory                      │
  1282. │                                                                         │
  1283. │                   0      Disable/enable bank 0                          │
  1284. │                          = 1  Disable bank 0 memory                     │
  1285. │                          = 0  Enable bank 0 memory                      │
  1286. │                                                                         │
  1287.       -- To be continued --
  1289. │                                                                         │
  1290. │ Port 327h        System Control Port E                      (READ/WRITE)│
  1291. │                                                                         │
  1292. │                  Bit                                                    │
  1293. │                ---------------------------------------------------------│
  1294. │                   7     COM port assign                                 │
  1295. │                          = 1  COM2  =  2F8h                             │
  1296. │                          = 0  COM1  =  3F8h                             │
  1297. │                                                                         │
  1298. │                  6,5     Parallel Port Selection                        │
  1299. │                          = 00  LPT1                                     │
  1300. │                          = 01  LPT2                                     │
  1301. │                          = 10  LPT3                                     │
  1302. │                          = 11  Parallel port disable                    │
  1303. │                                                                         │
  1304. │                   4      Serial Port 1 Enable/Disable                   │
  1305. │                          = 1  Disable                                   │
  1306. │                          = 0  Enable                                    │
  1307. │                   3      Serial Port 2 Enable/Disable                   │
  1308. │                          = 1  Disable                                   │
  1309. │                          = 0  Enable                                    │
  1310. │                   2      Hard Disk Driver Enable/Disable                │
  1311. │                          = 1  Disable                                   │
  1312. │                          = 0  Enable                                    │
  1313. │                   1      Floppy Driver Enable/Disable                   │
  1314. │                          = 1  Disable                                   │
  1315. │                          = 0  Enable                                    │
  1316. │                   0      Move out memory Enable/Disable                 │
  1317. │                          = 1  Disable move out memory                   │
  1318. │                          = 0  Enable move out memory                    │
  1319. │                                                                         │
  1320. │                                                                         │
  1321. │                                                                         │
  1322. │                                                                         │
  1323. │                                                                         │
  1324. │                                                                         │
  1325.       -- To be continued --
  1327. │ Port 328h        System Control Port C                      (WRITE ONLY)│
  1328. │          Bit                                                            │
  1329. │        ---------------------------------------------------------------- │
  1330. │          7-5     Speed Parameter                                        │
  1331. │                  (higher value --> more delay, lower speed)             │
  1332. │                                                                         │
  1333. │           4      Flush cache                                            │
  1334. │                                                                         │
  1335. │           3      Cache control                                          │
  1336. │                  = 1  cache enabled                                     │
  1337. │                  = 0  cache disabled                                    │
  1338. │                                                                         │
  1339. │           2      Speed Select                                           │
  1340. │                  = 1  Enable speed change,                              │
  1341. │                       system speed depends on Speed Parameter           │
  1342. │                  = 0  Full speed  (don't care speed parameter)          │
  1343. │                                                                         │
  1344. │           1      RAM BIOS write enable   <─┐ ┌─────────────────────────┐│
  1345. │                  = 1  Enable write to RAM  │ │ = 00 ROM BIOS           ││
  1346. │                  = 0  Disable              ├─┤ = 01 RAM BIOS           ││
  1347. │           0      RAM BIOS enable           │ │ = 10 ROM read, RAM write││
  1348. │                  = 1  Enable RAM BIOS      │ │ = 11 RAM BIOS read/write││
  1349. │                  = 0  Disable RAM BIOS   <─┘ └─────────────────────────┘│
  1350. │                                                                         │
  1351. │                                                                         │
  1352. │ Port 329h        System Control Port D                      (WRITE ONLY)│
  1353. │                                                                         │
  1354. │          Bit 1 = 1  Bypass                                              │
  1355. │                = 0  Force Gate A20 to low                               │
  1356. │                                                                         │
  1357. │          Other Bit -- Reserved                                          │
  1358. │                                                                         │
  1359. │       * Gate A20 is a special design for AT-compatibles. In real        │
  1360. │         address mode, it prevents address line A20 from being set,      │
  1361. │         maintaining compatibility with 8088 programs. When in           │
  1362. │         protected mode, Gate A20 allows addressing above the 1 MB       │
  1363. │         range.                                                          │
  1364. │       * As it is traditionally implemented by a low-performance 8042,   │
  1365. │         we now offer another way to do it. But for our machines with    │
  1366. │         Fast Gate A20, while this Gate is LOW, the original             │
  1367. │         programming skill for 8042's Gate A20 still works. And then     │
  1368. │         this Fast Gate deserves as a better choice, especially for      │
  1369. │         enormous swaping between Real and Protected modes.              │
  1370. │                                                                         │
  1371. │       * PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATION                                       │
  1372. │                                                                         │
  1373. │         . Cache system is supported by INT 16h in BIOS :                │
  1374. │                                                                         │
  1375. │           INT 16h : AH = F4h, AL = 1  --  Cache On                      │
  1376. │           INT 16h : AH = F4h, AL = 2  --  Cache Off                     │
  1377. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1379. F. Acer 1170( 486 AT ) model I/O port definition :
  1381. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1382. │ Port 328h        System Control Port C                      (WRITE ONLY)│
  1383. │                                                                         │
  1384. │          Bit                                                            │
  1385. │        -----------------------------------------------                  │
  1386. │           7      = 1  0fc000-0ffffffh as on board DRAM                  │
  1387. │                       and cacheable                                     │
  1388. │                  = 0  0fc000-0ffffffh as not on board DRAM              │
  1389. │                       and uncacheable                                   │
  1390. │           6      = 1  Enable I/O recovery                               │
  1391. │                  = 0  Disable I/O recovery                              │
  1392. │           5      = 1  Select IRQ 5 as printer interrupt                 │
  1393. │                  = 0  Select IRQ 7 as printer interrupt                 │
  1394. │          3-4     = Reserved                                             │
  1395. │           2      = 1  Enable CPU down speed                             │
  1396. │                    0  Full speed                                        │
  1397. │           1      = 1  Enable move out memory                            │
  1398. │                  = 0  Disable move out memory                           │
  1399. │           0      = 1  Enable RAMBIOS                                    │
  1400. │                  = 0  Disable RAMBIOS                                   │
  1401. │                                                                         │
  1402. │ Port 329h        System Control Port D                      (WRITE ONLY)│
  1403. │                                                                         │
  1404. │          Bit 1 = 1  Bypass                                              │
  1405. │                = 0  Force Gate A20 to low                               │
  1406. │          Other Bit -- Reserved                                          │
  1407. │                                                                         │
  1408. │ Port 32Ah        System Speed                               (WRITE ONLY)│
  1409. │          Bit                                                            │
  1410. │          7-0     Scale system speed to 256 level                        │
  1411. │                                                                         │
  1412. │ Port 32Bh        System Control Port F                      (READ/WRITE)│
  1413. │          Bit                                                            │
  1414. │           7      = 1  Serial port 1 as COM2                             │
  1415. │                       Serial port 2 as COM1                             │
  1416. │                  = 0  Serial port 1 as COM1                             │
  1417. │                       Serial port 2 as COM2                             │
  1418. │           6      = 1  Enable COM1                                       │
  1419. │                  = 0  Disable COM1                                      │
  1420. │           5      = 1  Enable COM2                                       │
  1421. │                  = 0  Disable COM2                                      │
  1422. │           4      = 1  Enable printer                                    │
  1423. │                  = 0  Disable printer                                   │
  1424. │           3      = 1  Select parallel port 1                            │
  1425. │                    0  Select parallel port 2                            │
  1426. │           2      = 1  Disable on board FDC                              │
  1427. │                  = 0  Enable on board FDC                               │
  1428. │           1      = 1  Disable on board embeded HDC                      │
  1429. │                  = 0  Enable on board embeded HDC                       │
  1430. │           0      = 1  Normal                                            │
  1431. │                  = 0  Clear UPS                                         │
  1432. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1434. G. Acer 1100SX (p9) model I/O port definition :
  1436. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1437. │ Port 329h        System Control Port D                      (WRITE ONLY)│
  1438. │                                                                         │
  1439. │          Bit                                                            │
  1440. │        ---------------------------------------------------------------- │
  1441. │          7-4     Reserved = 0                                           │
  1442. │           3      Bank B enable                                          │
  1443. │                  = 1  Enable                                            │
  1444. │                  = 0  Disable                                           │
  1445. │           2      Memory Map out                                         │
  1446. │                  = 1  Enable                                            │
  1447. │                  = 0  Disable                                           │
  1448. │           1      Bank B Size Select                                     │
  1449. │                  = 1  4M bytes                                          │
  1450. │                  = 0  1M bytes                                          │
  1451. │           0      Bank A Size Select                                     │
  1452. │                  = 1  4M bytes                                          │
  1453. │                  = 0  1M bytes                                          │
  1454. │                                                                         │
  1455. │ Port 37Fh        System Control Port E                      (READ/WRITE)│
  1456. │                                                                         │
  1457. │          Bit                                                            │
  1458. │        ---------------------------------------------------------------- │
  1459. │           7      Parallel Port Bidirection Select                       │
  1460. │                  = 1  Disable parallel port bidirection                 │
  1461. │                  = 0  Enable parallel port bidirection                  │
  1462. │                                                                         │
  1463. │          6,5     Parallel Port Selection                                │
  1464. │                  = 00  LPT1                                             │
  1465. │                  = 01  LPT2                                             │
  1466. │                  = 10  LPT3                                             │
  1467. │                  = 11  Parallel port disable                            │
  1468. │                                                                         │
  1469. │           4      Serial Port 1 Enable/Disable                           │
  1470. │                  = 1  Disable                                           │
  1471. │                  = 0  Enable                                            │
  1472. │           3      Serial Port 2 Enable/Disable                           │
  1473. │                  = 1  Disable                                           │
  1474. │                  = 0  Enable                                            │
  1475. │           2      Hard Disk Driver Enable/Disable                        │
  1476. │                  = 1  Disable                                           │
  1477. │                  = 0  Enable                                            │
  1478. │           1      Floppy Driver Enable/Disable                           │
  1479. │                  = 1  Disable                                           │
  1480. │                  = 0  Enable                                            │
  1481. │           0      VGA Enable/Disable                                     │
  1482. │                  = 1  Disable VGA Function                              │
  1483. │                  = 0  Enable VGA Function                               │
  1484. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1486. H. Acer 1100LX model I/O port definition :
  1488. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1489. │                                                                         │
  1490. │Port 36Fh         SYSTEM POWER CONTROL                   (read/write)    │
  1491. │                                                                         │
  1492. │          Bit                                                            │
  1493. │        ---------------------------------------------------------------- │
  1494. │           0    =  0  Hard disk +12V OFF                                 │
  1495. │                   1  Hard disk +12V ON                                  │
  1496. │                                                                         │
  1497. │           1    =  0  Hard disk +5V OFF                                  │
  1498. │                   1  Hard disk +5V ON                                   │
  1499. │                                                                         │
  1500. │           2    =  0  Floppy disk +5V OFF                                │
  1501. │                   1  Floppy disk +5V ON                                 │
  1502. │                                                                         │
  1503. │           3    =  0  LCD +5V OFF                                        │
  1504. │                   1  LCD +5V ON                                         │
  1505. │                                                                         │
  1506. │           4    =  0  LCD Backlight +12V OFF                             │
  1507. │                   1  LCD Backlight +12V ON                              │
  1508. │                                                                         │
  1509. │           5    =  0  LCD -23V OFF                                       │
  1510. │                   1  LCD -23V ON                                        │
  1511. │                                                                         │
  1512. │           6    =  0  Modem +5V OFF                                      │
  1513. │                   1  Modem +5V ON                                       │
  1514. │                                                                         │
  1515. │           7    =  0  Use external keyboard                              │
  1516. │                   1  Use internal keyboard                              │
  1517. │                                                                         │
  1518. │Port 35Fh          SYSTEM STATUS REGISTER                     (read)     │
  1519. │                                                                         │
  1520. │           0    =  0  Normal status                                      │
  1521. │                   1  Battery low level 1                                │
  1522. │                                                                         │
  1523. │           1    =  0  Normal status                                      │
  1524. │                   1  Battery low level 2                                │
  1525. │                                                                         │
  1526. │           2    =  Monitor sense bit                                     │
  1527. │                                                                         │
  1528. │           3    =  0  System power use AC adapter                        │
  1529. │                   1  System power use Battery                           │
  1530. │                                                                         │
  1531. │                                                                         │
  1532. │                                                                         │
  1533. │                                                                         │
  1534. │        -- to be continued --                                            │
  1536. │                                                                         │
  1537. │           4    =  0  Stand-by LED OFF                                   │
  1538. │                   1  Stand-by LED ON                                    │
  1539. │                                                                         │
  1540. │           5    =  N/A                                                   │
  1541. │                                                                         │
  1542. │           6    =  N/A                                                   │
  1543. │                                                                         │
  1544. │           7    =  0  Normal status                                      │
  1545. │                   1  Stand-by button pressed                            │
  1546. │                                                                         │
  1547. │Port 35Fh          SYSTEM CONTROL                              (write)   │
  1548. │                                                                         │
  1549. │           0    =  0  Low speed                                          │
  1550. │                   1  High speed                                         │
  1551. │                                                                         │
  1552. │           1    =  N/A                                                   │
  1553. │                                                                         │
  1554. │           2    =  0  Normal status                                      │
  1555. │                   1  Turn off DC/DC converter ===> power off            │
  1556. │                                                                         │
  1557. │           3    =  0  Enable NMI generated                               │
  1558. │                   1  Clear NMI status                                   │
  1559. │                                                                         │
  1560. │           4    =  0  Turn OFF stand-by LED                              │
  1561. │                   1  Turn ON stand-by LED                               │
  1562. │                                                                         │
  1563. │           5    =  N/A                                                   │
  1564. │                                                                         │
  1565. │           6    =  N/A                                                   │
  1566. │                                                                         │
  1567. │           7    =  N/A                                                   │
  1568. │                                                                         │
  1569. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1571.          -- to be continued --
  1573. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1574. │            ╔════════════════════════════════════╗                       │
  1575. │            ║ GC113 Memory Control Register (G2) ║                       │
  1576. │            ╚════════════════════════════════════╝                       │
  1577. │                                                                         │
  1578. │     NOTE:  G2 chip set is used only on Acer 1100LX only                 │
  1579. │                                                                         │
  1580. │port 1ECH       Map Register ( 10bit R/W)                                │
  1581. │                bit        Meanning                                      │
  1582. │                 D9        Bank Enable                                   │
  1583. │                 D8,D7     Bank select                                   │
  1584. │                  0  0     Bank 0                                        │
  1585. │                  0  1     Bank 1                                        │
  1586. │                  1  0     Bank 2                                        │
  1587. │                  1  1     Bank 3                                        │
  1588. │                 D6 - D0   Translated address bit                        │
  1589. │port 1EDH       Control Register Index (R/W)                             │
  1590. │                bit        Meanning                                      │
  1591. │                 D7 - D2   Reserved                                      │
  1592. │                 D1,D0     Control register select index at 1EFH         │
  1593. │                  0  0     control register 0                            │
  1594. │                  0  1     control register 1                            │
  1595. │                  1  0     control register 2                            │
  1596. │                  1  1     control register 3                            │
  1597. │port 1EEH       Map Address Register                                     │
  1598. │                bit        Meanning                                      │
  1599. │                 D7        Auto-increment enable                         │
  1600. │                  0        disable                                       │
  1601. │                  1        enable                                        │
  1602. │                 D6        EMS Page Write Protect                        │
  1603. │                  0        not write protect                             │
  1604. │                  1        write protect                                 │
  1605. │                 D5        Context Selection                             │
  1606. │                  0        standard context                              │
  1607. │                  1        alternate context                             │
  1608. │                 D4 - D0   Page selection                                │
  1609. │                  4 3210   page                                          │
  1610. │                  0 0000   40000-43fffh  256k - 272k                     │
  1611. │                  0 0001   44000-47fffh  272k -                          │
  1612. │                  0 0010   48000-4bfffh  288k -                          │
  1613. │                  0 0011   4c000-4ffffh  304k - 320k                     │
  1614. │                                                                         │
  1615. │                  0 0100   50000-53fffh  320k -                          │
  1616. │                  0 0101   54000-57fffh  336k -                          │
  1617. │                  0 0110   58000-5bfffh  352k -                          │
  1618. │                  0 0111   5c000-5ffffh  368k - 384k                     │
  1619. │                                                                         │
  1620. │                                                                         │
  1621.          -- to be continued --
  1623. │                                                                         │
  1624. │                  0 1000   60000-63fffh  384k -                          │
  1625. │                  0 1001   64000-67fffh  400k -                          │
  1626. │                  0 1010   68000-6bfffh  416k -                          │
  1627. │                  0 1011   6c000-6ffffh  432k - 448k                     │
  1628. │                                                                         │
  1629. │                                                                         │
  1630. │                    .....           ......                               │
  1631. │                                                                         │
  1632. │                  1 1000   c0000-c3fffh  768k -                          │
  1633. │                  1 1001   c4000-c7fffh  784k -                          │
  1634. │                  1 1010   c8000-cbfffh  800k -                          │
  1635. │                  1 1011   cc000-cffffh  816k - 832k                     │
  1636. │                                                                         │
  1637. │                  1 1100   d0000-d3fffh  832k -                          │
  1638. │                  1 1101   d4000-d7fffh  848k -                          │
  1639. │                  1 1110   d8000-dbfffh  864k -                          │
  1640. │                  1 1111   dc000-dffffh  880k - 896k                     │
  1641. │port 1EFH         Control Register 0 (8bit R/W)                          │
  1642. │                  bit        Meanning                                    │
  1643. │                   D7        RAM type                                    │
  1644. │                    0        256K (default)                              │
  1645. │                    1        1M                                          │
  1646. │                   D6,D5     No. of DRAM banks enable                    │
  1647. │                    0  0     1                                           │
  1648. │                    0  1     2                                           │
  1649. │                    1  0     3                                           │
  1650. │                    1  1     4                                           │
  1651. │                   D4        Shadow Enable F0000h and FF0000h            │
  1652. │                    0        disable                                     │
  1653. │                    1        enable                                      │
  1654. │                                                                         │
  1655. │                   Note: program Map Register with value :               │
  1656. │                                                                         │
  1657. │                         256k RAM            1M RAM                      │
  1658. │                                                                         │
  1659. │                          02 9c               02 3c                      │
  1660. │                          02 9d               02 3d                      │
  1661. │                          02 9e               02 3e                      │
  1662. │                          02 9f               02 3f                      │
  1663. │                                                                         │
  1664. │                                                                         │
  1665. │                   D3        Shadow Enable E0000h and FE0000h            │
  1666. │                    0        disable                                     │
  1667. │                    1        enable                                      │
  1668. │                                                                         │
  1669. │                   Note: program Map Register with value :               │
  1670. │                                                                         │
  1671.          -- to be continued --
  1673. │                                                                         │
  1674. │                         256k RAM            1M RAM                      │
  1675. │                                                                         │
  1676. │                          02 98               02 38                      │
  1677. │                          02 90               02 39                      │
  1678. │                          02 9a               02 3a                      │
  1679. │                          02 9b               02 3b                      │
  1680. │                   D2        Extra 384K Disable                          │
  1681. │                    0        disable                                     │
  1682. │                    1        enable                                      │
  1683. │                   D1        Global EMS Enable                           │
  1684. │                    0        disable                                     │
  1685. │                    1        enable                                      │
  1686. │                   D0        context Selection                           │
  1687. │                    0        standard context                            │
  1688. │                    1        alternate context                           │
  1689. │port 1EFH         Control Register 1 (8bit R/W)                          │
  1690. │                   D7        Page Mode Enable                            │
  1691. │                    0        disable                                     │
  1692. │                    1        enable                                      │
  1693. │                   D6        Mix Dram type Mode Register                 │
  1694. │                    0        same type all four bank                     │
  1695. │                    1        first banks one type, other type last two   │
  1696. │                             banks                                       │
  1697. │                   D5 - D3   RAS Precharge Timing (PROCCLK)              │
  1698. │                    0 0 0    8                                           │
  1699. │                    0 0 1    7                                           │
  1700. │                    0 1 0    6                                           │
  1701. │                    0 1 1    5                                           │
  1702. │                    1 0 0    4                                           │
  1703. │                    1 0 1    3                                           │
  1704. │                    1 1 0    2                                           │
  1705. │                   D2 - D0   RAS Active Timeout (PROCCLK)                │
  1706. │                    0 0 0    900                                         │
  1707. │                    0 0 1    780                                         │
  1708. │                    0 1 0    660                                         │
  1709. │                    0 1 1    540                                         │
  1710. │                    1 0 0    420                                         │
  1711. │                    1 0 1    200                                         │
  1712. │                    1 1 0    180                                         │
  1713. │                    1 1 1     60                                         │
  1714. │port 1EFH         Control Register 2 (8bit R/W)                          │
  1715. │                  D7, D6     CAS Active to Data Ready Delay (PROCCLK)    │
  1716. │                   0   0     4                                           │
  1717. │                   0   1     3                                           │
  1718. │                   1   0     2                                           │
  1719. │                   1   1     1                                           │
  1720. │                  D5, D4     Page Mode                                   │
  1721. │                   D5 - 0    Memory cannot function zero wait states     │
  1722. │                        1    Assert zero wait state all non-page mode    │
  1723. │                             memory cycles.                              │
  1724. │                   D4 - 0    Page mode operation without asserting zero  │
  1725. │                             wait state.                                 │
  1726. │                        1    Page mode operation with zero wait state    │
  1727. │                             when data valid.                            │
  1728. │                                                                         │
  1729.          -- to be continued --
  1731. │                  D3, D2     CAS Precharge Time (PROCCLK)                │
  1732. │                   0   0     4                                           │
  1733. │                   0   1     3                                           │
  1734. │                   1   0     2                                           │
  1735. │                   1   1     1                                           │
  1736. │                  D1, D0     CAS Active Time (PROCCLK)                   │
  1737. │                   0   0     4                                           │
  1738. │                   0   1     3                                           │
  1739. │                   1   0     2                                           │
  1740. │                   1   1     1                                           │
  1741. │port 1EFH         Control Register 3 (8bit R/W)                          │
  1742. │                  D7 - D0    External Expansion RAM                      │
  1743. │port ????         RAM Control Register                                   │
  1744. │                  D0         CAS Precharge                               │
  1745. │                   0         2 procclk                                   │
  1746. │                   1         3 procclk                                   │
  1747. │                  D2, D1     RAS Precharge                               │
  1748. │                   0   0     3 procclk                                   │
  1749. │                   0   1     4 procclk                                   │
  1750. │                   1   0     5 procclk                                   │
  1751. │                   1   1     6 procclk                                   │
  1752. │                  D3         Reserved                                    │
  1753. │                  D7 - D4    RAS Timeout Load Value                      │
  1754. │port ????         Memory Control Sequencer (16 R/W bits I/O)             │
  1755. │                  D4 - D0    Jump Address Field                          │
  1756. │                  D7 - D5    Jump Test Selector                          │
  1757. │                   0 0 0     Unconditional JUM (JMP)                     │
  1758. │                   0 0 1     REFRESH                                     │
  1759. │                   0 1 0     RAS TIMEOUT/HLD ACK/PAGE MISS(RTH)          │
  1760. │                   0 1 1     TREG1 - CAS precharge/active                │
  1761. │                   1 0 0     TREG2                                       │
  1762. │                   1 0 1     TREG3                                       │
  1763. │                   1 1 0     TREG4                                       │
  1764. │                   1 1 1     Do Not Jump(NOJ)                            │
  1765. │                  D10 - D8   Command Enable                              │
  1766. │                   0 0 0     Unconditional Command (COM)                 │
  1767. │                   0 0 1     REFRESH                                     │
  1768. │                   0 1 0     RAS TIMEOUT/HLD ACK/PAGE MISS(RTH)          │
  1769. │                   0 1 1     TREG1 - CAS precharge/active                │
  1770. │                   1 0 0     TREG2                                       │
  1771. │                   1 0 1     TREG3                                       │
  1772. │                   1 1 0     TREG4                                       │
  1773. │                   1 1 1     Clear All Commands IF Jump                  │
  1774. │                  D11        Hold/Step Select                            │
  1775. │                   0         Hold for S0/S1 Our Page                     │
  1776. │                   1         Step Unconditionally unless Jump            │
  1777. │                  D15 - D12  Control Register values to be Loaded if     │
  1778. │                             Command Enable.                             │
  1779. │                    D12      DRAS - RAS Register Value                   │
  1780. │                    D13      DMUX - MUX Register Value                   │
  1781. │                    D14      DRDY - RDY Register Value                   │
  1782. │                    D15      DCAS - CAS Register Value                   │
  1783. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1785. I. Acer 1105 (M1209) model I/O port definition :
  1787. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1788. │ Port 37Fh        System Control Port E                      (READ/WRITE)│
  1789. │                                                                         │
  1790. │          Bit                                                            │
  1791. │        ---------------------------------------------------------------- │
  1792. │           7      Parallel Port Bidirection Select                       │
  1793. │                  = 1  Disable parallel port bidirection                 │
  1794. │                  = 0  Enable parallel port bidirection                  │
  1795. │                                                                         │
  1796. │          6,5     Parallel Port Selection                                │
  1797. │                  = 00  LPT1                                             │
  1798. │                  = 01  LPT2                                             │
  1799. │                  = 10  LPT3                                             │
  1800. │                  = 11  Parallel port disable                            │
  1801. │                                                                         │
  1802. │           4      Serial Port 1 Enable/Disable                           │
  1803. │                  = 1  Disable                                           │
  1804. │                  = 0  Enable                                            │
  1805. │           3      Serial Port 2 Enable/Disable                           │
  1806. │                  = 1  Disable                                           │
  1807. │                  = 0  Enable                                            │
  1808. │           2      Hard Disk Driver Enable/Disable                        │
  1809. │                  = 1  Disable                                           │
  1810. │                  = 0  Enable                                            │
  1811. │           1      Floppy Driver Enable/Disable                           │
  1812. │                  = 1  Disable                                           │
  1813. │                  = 0  Enable                                            │
  1814. │           0      VGA Enable/Disable                                     │
  1815. │                  = 1  Disable VGA Function                              │
  1816. │                  = 0  Enable VGA Function                               │
  1817. │                                                                         │
  1818. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1820.          -- to be continued --
  1822. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1823. │               ╔════════════════════════════════╗                        │
  1824. │               ║ M1209 chip I/O port definition ║                        │
  1825. │               ╚════════════════════════════════╝                        │
  1826. │                                                                         │
  1827. │ Port 22h         M1209 chip set Index register                          │
  1828. │                  This port is a write only port, the data input/output  │
  1829. │                  to/from M1209 chip set should be through port 23h and  │
  1830. │                  index by port 22h.                                     │
  1831. │ Port 23h         M1209 chip set Data register                           │
  1832. │                                                                         │
  1833. │        Index No. 10h -- DRAM Configuration Register                     │
  1834. │                  11h -- Miscellaneous register                          │
  1835. │                  12h -- Split register                                  │
  1836. │                  13h -- Lock register                                   │
  1837. │                                                                         │
  1838. │        10h -- DRAM Configuration Register                               │
  1839. │           bit      means                                                │
  1840. │           7-4      DRAM type                                            │
  1841. │                       bank0   bank1   bank2   bank3                     │
  1842. │               0000    256k    256k    1M      1M                        │
  1843. │               0001    256k                            (default)         │
  1844. │               0010    256k    256k                                      │
  1845. │               0011    256k    256k    256k    256k                      │
  1846. │               0100    1M      1M      256k    256k                      │
  1847. │               0101    1M                                                │
  1848. │               0110    1M      1M                                        │
  1849. │               0111    1M      1M      1M      1M                        │
  1850. │               1000    256k    256k    1M                                │
  1851. │            3   Shadow RAM read only Enable/Disable ( 0E0000H - 0FFFFFH) │
  1852. │               0 -- disable    (default)                                 │
  1853. │               1 -- enable                                               │
  1854. │            2   Shadow RAM write only Enable/Disable ( 0E0000H - 0FFFFFH)│
  1855. │               0 -- disable    (default)                                 │
  1856. │               1 -- enable                                               │
  1857. │            1   Shadow RAM Enable/Disable (at 0E0000H - 0FFFFFH)         │
  1858. │               0 -- disable    (default)                                 │
  1859. │               1 -- enable                                               │
  1860. │            0       ROM size                                             │
  1861. │               0 -- 64KB ROM/EPROM                                       │
  1862. │               1 -- 128KB ROM/EPROM                                      │
  1863. │                                                                         │
  1864. │                                                                         │
  1865. │                                                                         │
  1866. │                                                                         │
  1867. │                                                                         │
  1868.          -- to be continued --
  1870. │        11h -- Miscellaneous Register                                    │
  1871. │           bit      means                                                │
  1872. │            7       Turbo#                                               │
  1873. │               0 -- CPU at maximal performance (20 Mhz)                  │
  1874. │               1 -- Slowdown CPU (8 Mhz)                                 │
  1875. │            6       Wait                                                 │
  1876. │               0 -- Normal Wait state                                    │
  1877. │               1 -- Add on more wait state to local memory access        │
  1878. │            5       Enable Time-out                                      │
  1879. │               0 -- Disable RAS time-out                                 │
  1880. │               1 -- Enable RAS time-out                                  │
  1881. │            4       Fast Page mode DRAM                                  │
  1882. │               0 -- Minimal CAS precharge time is 1/2 T                  │
  1883. │               1 -- Minimal CAS precharge time is 1 T                    │
  1884. │            3       Speed                                                │
  1885. │               0 -- CPU running at 20 MHZ                                │
  1886. │               1 -- CPU running at 16 MHZ                                │
  1887. │           2-0      Reserved                                             │
  1888. │                                                                         │
  1889. │        12h -- Split Register                                            │
  1890. │           bit      means                                                │
  1891. │           7-4      Local DRAM(256/384 KB) split addr.                   │
  1892. │               0000 Illeagal                                             │
  1893. │               0001  1M         (default)                                │
  1894. │               0010  2M                                                  │
  1895. │               0011  3M                                                  │
  1896. │                 :   :                                                   │
  1897. │               1111 15M                                                  │
  1898. │           3-0      Deturbo Waits                                        │
  1899. │               0000  Illeagal                                            │
  1900. │               0001  2 Waits                                             │
  1901. │               0010  4 Waits                                             │
  1902. │               0011  3 Waits                                             │
  1903. │               0100  8 Waits                                             │
  1904. │               0101  7 Waits                                             │
  1905. │               0110  5 Waits                                             │
  1906. │               0111  6 Waits                                             │
  1907. │               1000 16 Waits                                             │
  1908. │               1001 15 Waits                                             │
  1909. │               1010 13 Waits                                             │
  1910. │               1011 14 Waits                                             │
  1911. │               1100  9 Waits                                             │
  1912. │               1101 10 Waits                                             │
  1913. │               1110 12 Waits                                             │
  1914. │               1111 11 Waits                                             │
  1915. │        13h -- Lock Register                                             │
  1916. │             = C5h  -- memory configuration registers can be read/write  │
  1917. │             = others -- Only lock register can be written               │
  1918. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1920. J. Acer A1, A2  (M1207) model I/O port definition :
  1922. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1923. │               ╔════════════════════════════════╗                        │
  1924. │               ║ M1207 chip I/O port definition ║                        │
  1925. │               ╚════════════════════════════════╝                        │
  1926. │                                                                         │
  1927. │02XA       Page Frame base address (R/W)                                 │
  1928. │           D3 D2 D1 D0     Starting Addr. of Page Frame                  │
  1929. │           0  0  0  0  =  C0000, C4000, C8000, CC000                     │
  1930. │           0  0  0  1  =  C4000, C8000, CC000, D0000                     │
  1931. │           0  0  1  0  =  C8000, CC000, D0000, D4000                     │
  1932. │           0  0  1  1  =  CC000, D0000, D4000, D8000                     │
  1933. │           0  1  0  0  =  D0000, D4000, D8000, DC000                     │
  1934. │           0  1  0  1  =  D4000, D8000, DC000, E0000                     │
  1935. │           0  1  1  0  =  D8000, DC000, E0000, E4000                     │
  1936. │           0  1  1  1  =  DC000, E0000, E4000, E8000                     │
  1937. │           1  0  0  0  =  E0000, E4000, E8000, EC000                     │
  1938. │                                                                         │
  1939. │           D4 - D5    Reserved                                           │
  1940. │           D6         Wait State for EMS Access through D-type Page Reg. │
  1941. │                      D6    Wait State                                   │
  1942. │                      0     0 wait                                       │
  1943. │                      1     1 wait                                       │
  1944. │           D7    Global Enable/Disable all I/O ports                     │
  1945. │                 = 0   disable                                           │
  1946. │                 = 1   enable                                            │
  1947. │                                                                         │
  1948. │02XB       ID Code of EMS (R)                                            │
  1949. │                    default = 0C1h                                       │
  1950. │                                                                         │
  1951. │02X8/02X9  Page Register 0 for SET 0                                     │
  1952. │42X8/42X9  Page Register 1 for SET 0                                     │
  1953. │82X8/82X9  Page Register 2 for SET 0                                     │
  1954. │C2X8/C2X9  Page Register 3 for SET 0                                     │
  1955. │           D6  -  D0  =  Low bits of page number                         │
  1956. │           D7         =  Enable/Disable of mapping                       │
  1957. │                      0  disable                                         │
  1958. │                      1  enable                                          │
  1959. │           D10 -  D8  =  High bits of page number                        │
  1960. │           D15 -  D11 =  Reserved                                        │
  1961. │12X8/12X9  Page Register 0 for SET 1                                     │
  1962. │52X8/52X9  Page Register 1 for SET 1                                     │
  1963. │92X8/92X9  Page Register 2 for SET 1                                     │
  1964. │D2X8/D2X9  Page Register 3 for SET 1                                     │
  1965. │                                                                         │
  1966. │                                                                         │
  1967. │                                                                         │
  1968.          -- to be continued --
  1970. │           D6  -  D0  =  Low bits of page number                         │
  1971. │           D7         =  Enable/Disable of mapping                       │
  1972. │                      0  disable                                         │
  1973. │                      1  enable                                          │
  1974. │           D10 -  D8  =  High bits of page number                        │
  1975. │           D15 -  D11 =  Reserved                                        │
  1976. │                                                                         │
  1977. │12XA       Page Index for Page Register                                  │
  1978. │           D6  -  D0  =  Page index                                      │
  1979. │           D7         =  Reserved                                        │
  1980. │12XB       Page Register Data                                            │
  1981. │           D6  -  D0  =  Low bits of page number                         │
  1982. │                                                                         │
  1983. │FC80       System Clock/Cycle Control Register                           │
  1984. │           D2 D1 D0    PROCLK     SYSCLK                                 │
  1985. │            0  X  X    CLK2IN/2   CLK2IN/4                               │
  1986. │            1  0  1    CLK2IN     CLK2IN/2                               │
  1987. │            1  1  0    CLK2IN     CLK2IN/4                               │
  1988. │            1  1  1    CLK2IN     ATCLK/2                                │
  1989. │           D4 D3  =  16bit AT Cycle Wait Status Gen.                     │
  1990. │            0  0     3 waits                                             │
  1991. │            0  1     2 waits                                             │
  1992. │            1  0     1 waits                                             │
  1993. │            1  1     0 waits                                             │
  1994. │           D6 D5  =  8 bit AT Cycle Wait States Gen.                     │
  1995. │            0  0     5 waits                                             │
  1996. │            0  1     4 waits                                             │
  1997. │            1  0     3 waits                                             │
  1998. │            1  1     2 waits                                             │
  1999. │           D7        Reserved                                            │
  2000. │           Default = X000000                                             │
  2001. │                                                                         │
  2002. │FC81       Memory Control Register 1                                     │
  2003. │           D1 D0  =  ROM Wait States                                     │
  2004. │            0  0     3 waits                                             │
  2005. │            0  1     2 waits                                             │
  2006. │            1  0     1 waits                                             │
  2007. │            1  1     0 waits                                             │
  2008. │           D2     =  RAM Wait States                                     │
  2009. │            0        1 wait                                              │
  2010. │            1        0 wait                                              │
  2011. │           D5 D4 D3  DRAM Type                                           │
  2012. │            0  0  0       1                                              │
  2013. │            0  0  1       2                                              │
  2014. │            0  1  0       3                                              │
  2015. │            0  1  1       4                                              │
  2016. │                                                                         │
  2017. │                                                                         │
  2018.          -- to be continued --
  2020. │            1  0  0       5                                              │
  2021. │            1  0  1       6                                              │
  2022. │            1  1  0       7                                              │
  2023. │            1  1  1       8                                              │
  2024. │           D6     =  640K Base Memory Enable                             │
  2025. │            0        512K                                                │
  2026. │            1        640K                                                │
  2027. │           D7     =  Page/Interleave Mode Enable                         │
  2028. │            0        Disable                                             │
  2029. │            1        Enable                                              │
  2030. │           Default = 00000000                                            │
  2031. │FC82       Memory Control Register 2                                     │
  2032. │           D0     =  8/16bit BIOS ROM Select                             │
  2033. │            0        16bit                                               │
  2034. │            1         8bit                                               │
  2035. │           D2  D1 =  Bank Parity Check Error                             │
  2036. │            0   0    Bank 0                                              │
  2037. │            0   1    Bank 1                                              │
  2038. │            1   0    Bank 2                                              │
  2039. │            1   1    Bank 3                                              │
  2040. │           D3     =  Enable/Disable Parity bit Check                     │
  2041. │            0        Enable                                              │
  2042. │            1        Disable                                             │
  2043. │           D4     =  Delay 1/2 CLK2 for RAS durung Noninterleave         │
  2044. │                     Memory Access                                       │
  2045. │            0        ON                                                  │
  2046. │            1        OFF                                                 │
  2047. │           D6  D5 =  Mode Select for Noninterleave                       │
  2048. │            0   0    Mode 1 -- Starting RAS at Falling Edge of CLK2      │
  2049. │            0   1    Mode 2 -- at Rising Edge of CLK2                    │
  2050. │            1   0    mode 3 -- Using Delay Line for CAS                  │
  2051. │           D7     =  Mode Select for Interleave                          │
  2052. │            0        Normal Mode                                         │
  2053. │            1        Advance Mode                                        │
  2054. │FC83       Shadow RAM Control Register 1                                 │
  2055. │           D0     =  0A0000 - 0AFFFF Enable/Disable                      │
  2056. │           D1     =  0B0000 - 0BFFFF Enable/Disable                      │
  2057. │           D2     =  0C0000 - 0CFFFF Enable/Disable                      │
  2058. │           D3     =  0D0000 - 0DFFFF Enable/Disable                      │
  2059. │           D4     =  0E0000 - 0EFFFF Enable/Disable                      │
  2060. │           D5     =  0F0000 - 0FFFFF Enable/Disable                      │
  2061. │              0      Disable                                             │
  2062. │              1      Enable                                              │
  2063. │           D6     =  640k bytes to 1M byte RAM Relocation Bit            │
  2064. │              0      No remapping(for TYP1 & 8)                          │
  2065. │              1      Relocate RAM Area 0A0000H - 0FFFFFH for other type  │
  2066. │           D7     =  Reserved                                            │
  2067. │           Default = X0000000                                            │
  2068. │                                                                         │
  2069.          -- to be continued --
  2071. │FC84       Shadow RAM Control Register 2                                 │
  2072. │           D0     =  0F0000 - 0FFFFF Enable/Disable                      │
  2073. │           D1     =  0E0000 - 0EFFFF Enable/Disable                      │
  2074. │              0      Enable                                              │
  2075. │              1      Disable                                             │
  2076. │           D3 D2  =  Function of Shadow ROM Area                         │
  2077. │            0  0     Disable                                             │
  2078. │            0  1     Readable                                            │
  2079. │            1  0     Writable                                            │
  2080. │            1  1     Readable/Writable                                   │
  2081. │           D5 D4  =  Function of Shadow Video RAM Area                   │
  2082. │            0  0     Disable                                             │
  2083. │            0  1     Readable                                            │
  2084. │            1  0     Writable                                            │
  2085. │            1  1     Readable/Writable                                   │
  2086. │           D7 D6  =  ROM Type                                            │
  2087. │            0  0     16KROM (27128)                                      │
  2088. │            0  1     32KROM (27256)                                      │
  2089. │            1  0     64KROM (27512)                                      │
  2090. │           Default=  00000010                                            │
  2091. │                                                                         │
  2092. │FC85       Extend System Control Register                                │
  2093. │           D0     =  Sleep Mode Enable/Disable                           │
  2094. │              0      Disable                                             │
  2095. │              1      Enable                                              │
  2096. │           D1        Enter Sleep Mode                                    │
  2097. │              0      Clock will not be shut off                          │
  2098. │              1      Clock will be shut off if sleep enable mode bit is 1│
  2099. │           D2        Suspend/Resume Mode Enable/Disable                  │
  2100. │              0                                                          │
  2101. │                                                                         │
  2102. │FC86       Plannar Control Register 1                                    │
  2103. │           D0     =  RAM 40000 - 4FFFF Enable/Disable                    │
  2104. │           D1     =  RAM 50000 - 5FFFF Enable/Disable                    │
  2105. │           D2     =  RAM 60000 - 6FFFF Enable/Disable                    │
  2106. │           D3     =  RAM 70000 - 7FFFF Enable/Disable                    │
  2107. │           D4     =  RAM 80000 - 8FFFF Enable/Disable                    │
  2108. │           D5     =  RAM 90000 - 9FFFF Enable/Disable                    │
  2109. │            0        Enable                                              │
  2110. │            1        Disable                                             │
  2111. │           D7 D6  =  Reserved                                            │
  2112. │           Default= XX110000                                             │
  2113. │                                                                         │
  2114. │FC87       Enable Configuration Register Access                          │
  2115. │                                                                         │
  2116.          -- to be continued --
  2118. │                                                                         │
  2119. │FC88       EMS control register                                          │
  2120. │           D2 D1 D0 = on Board EMS Starting Addr.                        │
  2121. │            0  0  0 = 1M                                                 │
  2122. │            0  0  1 = 2M                                                 │
  2123. │            0  1  0 = 4M                                                 │
  2124. │            0  1  1 = 6M                                                 │
  2125. │            1  0  0 = 8M                                                 │
  2126. │           D4 D3  =  EMS I/O Port ADDR. Select                           │
  2127. │            0  0  =  0                                                   │
  2128. │            0  1  =  1                                                   │
  2129. │            1  0  =  2                                                   │
  2130. │            1  1  =  3                                                   │
  2131. │           D5     =  EMS Set Select                                      │
  2132. │            0        Set0                                                │
  2133. │            1        Set1                                                │
  2134. │                                                                         │
  2135. │FC89       Refresh Cycle Option Select                                   │
  2136. │           D1 D0  =  Refresh Cycle Mode Select                           │
  2137. │            0  0     0 ( 4ms)                                            │
  2138. │            0  1     1 ( 8ms)                                            │
  2139. │            1  0     2 (16ms)                                            │
  2140. │            1  1     3 (32ms)                                            │
  2141. │           D3 D2  =  No. of Refreshes in one cycle                       │
  2142. │            0  0  =  1                                                   │
  2143. │            0  1  =  2                                                   │
  2144. │            1  0  =  3                                                   │
  2145. │            1  1  =  4                                                   │
  2146. │           D7 - D4   Reserved                                            │
  2147. │           Default = XXXX0000                                            │
  2148. │                                                                         │
  2149. │094H       Programmable Option Select                                    │
  2150. │                                                                         │
  2151. │102H       Global Enable Register (R/W)                                  │
  2152. │                                                                         │
  2153. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘