Trixter's Scene Collection
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Text File
155 lines
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Designing a world and some general notes:
- Use the left block to define the floors and the right block for
the ceiling
- Use the bottom block for clipping: Only spaces are accessible
- Use the zone-map to skip complete zones when standing in other
zones. You can specify up to four zones that are not visible
when standing in a zone and looking in a particular direction.
You have to sort the numbers!
- Each character represents a polygon with a particular height:
The floor for example consists of ',' and '.'. The dot represents
a blue square on the floor, and the comma a red one.
A quick table:
. Blue floor tile = Standard ceiling tile
, Red floor tile @ Tile with light
v Slightly lower floor ~ Higher ceiling
: Slightly higher floor 1 Extra high ceiling
# Wall 2 Extremely high ceiling
* Wall with lights
- Alternative blue tile
" Transparent wall
x not defined
- You can not alter the standard spinning objects. If you really hate
them, put them in a closed room.
- Note that some surfaces require quite a lot of polygons. The maximum
number of polygons is 2000 right now, and the maximum number of
coordinates also 2000. If you define a transparent surface, this
requires 5 polygons!
If your world contains too much polygons (errormessage) just decrease
the size or complexity of your world.
- Smaller worlds (less polygons) are faster (>20 fps on a DX2/66).
- Do not alter the layout of this file! (Do not insert blank lines)
- This 3D-engine does not use any tricks, like DOOM, for speeding up
the graphics. I do not need tricks. The world is build of polygons,
and each polygon requires 3D-rotations, clipping, shading, drawing
etcetera. No compromises.
- The 3D-engine is written in Borland Pascal 7.0, with inline assembler
(lots of it). It can be included in programs to generate fast moving
3D-animations, logos and worlds.
Despite these exciting facts, please do not write to my E-mail address
to ask for the sources. I will not send them to you. I'm very sorry
about that, but I have two good reason for not spreading the sources:
- I hope to make money from it
- I don't want to send 150Kb a thousand times
If you send me really nice home-brew worlds I might send you the
.TPU file...