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/ Collection of Hack-Phreak Scene Programs / cleanhpvac.zip / cleanhpvac / TKGALORE.ZIP / TK-KONF1.ZIP / T-KONFIG.DOC < prev    next >
Text File  |  1996-04-29  |  4KB  |  72 lines

  2.                                ____._---/
  3.       _____              _____|     /__/_
  4. .-- _/    /_ - .---------/    | ___/    /_____ -  -- --- ---------------------.
  5. :  (_    __/__/   _/    /--   _   \____/    __)___                            :
  6. :  /    /    /_________/\     |----'   |    |    |    ╓  toxic krystal!  ╜    :
  7. :  `--------'            \____|        `---------' ╙ masters of ppe's/ascii ╖ :
  8. :       _______.--------._____.---.           _____  ___________________      :
  9. :  _____|     /    /----/    /  __/____     _/    /_ \______     /     /_____ :
  10. :  |    |  __/____/    /______  \     _)___(_    __/__/   __)   /    _/   rE/ :
  11. `- |    _   \_ ---------- (_____/\-----   _/    /    /----/____/-----------' -'
  12.    |____|----'                  `---------'`--------'
  15.   this is the all important tome of knowledge designed for .toxic user konfig.
  16.              .
  17. .------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------
  18. | -1:preface |
  19. | -----------'
  20. |
  21. | ever hated all those shit dull user konfig [w] replacements                  
  22. | well heres possibly the best user config you will ever see
  23. | comes with full lightbars and 99% configurable also is a small
  24. | sysop editor, comes with a 3 zips containing various examples on
  25. | changing the look and feel of toxic user konfig.
  26. |
  27. `----------------------------------------------------------------:------------.
  28.                                                                  | 0:contents |
  29.                                                                  `----------- |
  30.       -1: preface  - boring bullshit about what the ppe does                  |
  31.        0: contents - doh! what the fuck are you looking at?!                  |
  32.        1: install  - install docs, (include manaul setup)...                  |
  33.        2: config   - how to configure this thingo!..........                  |
  34.        3: greetix! - blah blah.. i hate you, i hate you!!!!!                  |
  35.                                                                               |
  36.                                                                               |
  37. .-----------:-----------------------------------------------------------------'
  38. | 1:install |
  39. | ----------'
  40. |
  41. | Run PCBSETUP, go into File Locations (B), select Configuration Files (B),   |
  42. | and edit the CMD.LST entry to look something like this:                     |
  43. |                                                                             |
  44. |       Command   Security   PPE/MNU File or Keystroke Replacement            |
  45. |       -------   --------   -------------------------------------            |
  46. |            W          10   C:\PCB\PPE\KONFIG\T-KONFIG.PPE                   |
  47. |                                                                             |  
  48. | run t-setup.exe and configure the look to suit your needs                   |
  49. | You can also create your own T-KONFIG.PCB to suit your board.               |
  50. |                                                                             |
  51. |                                                                             |
  52. `------------------------------------------------------------------:----------.
  53.                                                                    | 2:config |
  54.                                                                    `--------- |
  55.                                                                               |
  56.                                                                               |
  57.   You can draw up your own ansi's change the position & color of all the text |  |
  58.   just run t-setup.exe to configure this ppe no more of thse lame configs     |
  59.   to use one of the examples i supplied just unzip example#.zip into the      |                                                                       |
  60.   current directory.                                                          |                                                   |
  61.                                                                               |
  62. .------------:----------------------------------------------------------------'
  63. | 3:greetix! |
  64. | -----------'
  65. |
  66. |
  67. |  greetz go out to SiCk, tOXiC kRYSTaL
  68. |
  69. |
  70. `----------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  71.          if you want info about the group read the nfo file, st00peed!