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205 lines
92/09/28 -v1.34
Bug fix:
* Fixed a 0x01000009 /* Freeing memory already freed */ alert
92/09/27 -v1.33
Bug fix:
* If you had to many includefiles Chelp didn't find any includefile..
92/09/20 -v1.32
Bug fix:
* ASL requester only allocated when chelp's window is open.
* Chelp didn't release lock on then workbench screen
92/09/17 -v1.31
Bug fix:
* Font problems in about window fixed.
* System crashed if the arexx out path was other than ram: when you made
a hotkey lookup in CygnusED.
92/08/28 -v1.30
New Features:
* New arexxcommands:
GETVAR x - returns for x =
6 - Hotkey combination for lookup in CED
7 - Number of keywords in autodocs
8 - Number of keywords in includefiles
9 - Search/build Autodocs (ON = 1 / OFF = 0)
10 - Search/build Includes (ON = 1 / OFF = 0)
11 - 'Typedef' (ON = 1 / OFF = 0)
12 - Build #define (ON = 1 / OFF = 0)
***** Hotkey lookup in CygnusEd *****
* You may now lookup a whole includefile by its name without .h extension.
* New Configfileformat. Old config lost!
Bug fix:
* Bad hotkey combination problem when running Chelp for the first time
* Sorting bug removed.
* Two fast CTRL+C could crash the system. Fixed.
92/07/28 -v1.22
* Less memory consuming when resident in memory.
92/07/23 -v1.21
New Features:
* New arexxcommands:
VERSION - returns version in result ex 'Chelp v1.21'
GETVAR x - returns for x =
1 - Path to autodocs
2 - Path to include files
3 - Path to references files
4 - Path to arexx output
5 - Hotkey combination
DEBUG ON - Arexx debugging mode. Debugging info in windowtitle.
DEBUG OFF - guess !
CLOOK - Case sensitive lookup.
ex: CLOOK Open will give you Open, not open.
* Wildcard support from arexx in lookup.
* Closewindow now hides the window instead of quitting.
* New look for the build gadget when building.
* ASL filerequester - Use gadget next to stringgadgets to enter a path
with ASL freq.
92/06/22 - v1.20
New Features:
* You can now search for DEFINE's.
* AREXX support.
* Chelp is now a Commodity - hotkeys and others.
* Workbench start now functions correctly.
* Only one main window.
* Menus in main window.
* The config file chelp.cfg can now be be in the local directory.
* New Configfile format. - Save window positions.
* Shorter reference files => Faster lookup !
* Optimization of the lookup procedure => Much FASTER lookup !
Bug fix:
* 'stack overflow' during lookup eliminated !
92/01/13 - v1.10
Bug fix:
* Chelp -b took "some" time (sorry for that).
* Chelp -i lost some memory.
* Didn't close dos.library (do we have bad memory ?).
91/12/26 - v1.09
Bug fix:
* Small bug in preference fixed.
91/12/24 - v1.08
Bug fix:
* Chelp didn't find all structs. Will now find a few more with
space/tab at the beginning of the line.
91/12/07 - v1.07
New Features:
* You may now search for a Subheader in the .doc files.
* Chelp ?
* Typedef - You can now choose if you want chelp to show the typedefs.
* New Configfile format.
91/12/02 - v1.06
New Features:
* The build operation can now be selected from a intuition window.
During build you will see the different files scanned and the
keywords found.
* You can now cancel the build operation using the stop gadget.
Bug fixes:
* Some bugs in errormessages fixed.
* You will now get a warning in the prefs mode, if you specify a path
that doesn't exists.
91/11/23 - v1.05
New Features:
* Chelp is now two versions. One working only under KS2.04 and one
mini version with only text options.
* Full support for Pattern Matching in all modes (2.04 version) !!!.
* Break handler now implemented. This will stop chelp from stealing
memory if you break during the build operation. (2.04 version)
91/11/22 - v1.04
New Features:
* chelp -x - Where x is a non supported flag, gives helpmenu.
* Added support for case sensitive matching.
chelp -c keyword - Case sensitive.
91/11/15 - v1.03
New Features:
* Now multiple keywords can be separated by commas in .doc files.
This feature will help you to have a number of keywords refering
to the same part of text.
91/11/12 - v1.02
New Features:
* Checkbox added to preference window.
Bug Fixes:
* Bug fixed that sometimes could output a CLS (Clear Screen) character
on the screen when looking up some functions.
* One or more lines could sometimes disappear. Now fixed.
91/10/19 - v1.01b
Bug Fixes:
* Small Bug fix.
91/10/10 - v1.01
New Features:
* Intuition preference, Rewritten build function.
91/10/01 - v1.00
* First Version.