*+*+*+*¢ Just a BYTE of HUMOR!¢ Meddyical Disctionary daffynitions¢ for DUCTERS.¢¢ ARTERY- The study of objects d'art¢ BACTERIA- Back door of a Cafeteria¢ BARIUM- What Doctor's do when¢ treatment fails¢ BOWEL- A letter like A,E,I,O,U¢ CESAREAN SECTION- A district in ROME¢ CATSCAN- Searching for the Kitty-¢ Cat¢ CAUTERIZE-Made eye contact with her¢ COLIC- A sheep dog¢ COMA- A punctuation mark¢ CONGENITAL-A friendly person¢ D&C- Where WASHINGTON is¢ DILATE- To live too long¢ ENEMA- Not a friend at all¢ FESTER- Quicker¢ FIBULA- A small lie¢ GEITLA- A non-Jewish person¢ G.I.SERIES-A soldiers ballgame¢ GRIPPE- A suitcase¢ HANGNAIL- A coat hook¢ HIGH COLONIC-Jewish-religious Holiday¢ IMPOTENT- A distinguished, well known¢ person¢¢ Thats enough for now! Look for¢ more in future newsletters.¢ ** ()()(END FOR NOW)()() **¢¢