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Newsgroups: alt.games.doom
Path: oz.cdrom.com!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!nntp.cs.ubc.ca!torn!nott!cunews!freenet.carleton.ca!FreeNet.Carleton.CA!ab188
From: ab188@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Sebastien Barre)
Subject: Re: People who are screwing us over - DOOM II
Message-ID: <CvKFHG.8y1@freenet.carleton.ca>
Sender: news@freenet.carleton.ca (Usenet News Admin)
Reply-To: ab188@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Sebastien Barre)
Organization: The National Capital FreeNet
References: <CvK9p5.5Bn@hub.cs.jmu.edu>
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 1994 18:03:15 GMT
Lines: 39
In a previous article, JDCAPRIO@vax1.acs.jmu.edu (JOHN D CAPRIOTTI) says:
[deleted bunch of junk]
>> eapu2902@rigel.oac.edu
>>"The Supernatural Atheist" - anon id
>> aviator@netcom.com
>> caspian@starbase.neosoft.com
>> ab188@freenet.CARLTON.COM
if you're going to stick my email in there, get it right dork..
blah blah blah.. Like many others have said, I am NOT ripping ID
off.. YES I do have a copy of DOOM 2, and YES I also plan on buying my
copy when it becomes available.. but since it's NOT available, I can't do
that now can I? Now please explain to me how ID is losing money on me,
wether I wait and buy the game and play it, or wether I play it now, get
to see how wickedly awesome it is, and therefore GUARANTEE that I don't
change my mind about buying it.. And NO, I don't plan on giving copies of
it out to people.. Seems to me you're being somewhat of a holier-than-thou
moron here by posting all these addresses.. Innocent until proven guilty,
strange concept no?
It's been said before, but what the hell.. if someone has a copy now,
and DOESN'T plan on buying it when it comes out, then ID loses money, and
that sucks.. but if someone has a copy of DOOM 2 now, and DOES plan on
buying it, then it has ABSOLUTELY NO bearing on ID's profits.. Hell, since
I've had it 3 people have come over to see it and have all decided they're
buying it when it comes out..
So anyways, my point is, Mr. SPA-wannabe, you're wasting your time,
our time, and bandwidth, AND there are no doubt alot of people laughing
at you right now.. (me included).
- Seb.
"Society is like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed shit."