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Path: cdrom.com!barrnet.net!parc!biosci!agate!spool.mu.edu!carroll1.cc.edu!carroll1.cc.edu!not-for-mail
From: jdicke@carroll1.cc.edu (James Dicke)
Newsgroups: alt.games.doom
Subject: Re: ****FROM BARRY: INFANT2 NEWS***
Date: 3 Aug 1994 13:56:40 -0500
Organization: The Carroll College InterNet News site
Lines: 42
Message-ID: <31op98$brm@carroll1.cc.edu>
References: <31ok3p$1g1@hermes.unt.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: carroll1.cc.edu
barry@jove.acs.unt.edu (Barry Bloom) writes:
>The site ran out of space and Mr. Pitts is on vacation, so....
[..deleted stuff..]
> 1. No non-pwad sound files
I fully agree here. I've convereted most of them myself if the author isn't
around anymore- I can upload them.
> 2. No classical music collections
That's rather opinionated. I know several people who use them.
> 3. No lmps for now and the 2meggers are gone for good as
> far as I am concerned.
Large ones or ones that arn't that interesting or show something special
should be shared elsewhere. To me these are usless and I think of them
as personal files- who wants to see Joe Schmoe beat John Doe 21-3 ? Not
I- then again, I see a LOT of deathmatches.
> 4. Make sure you are uploading the version you want to.
> Beta testing is fine, just don't upload a new version
> every single bug-fix.
I have mixed views on this too.
> 5. No more combos/rip-offs (I left it there so don't panic
> whoever uploaded it) etc.
Well I can only speak for myself, but I'd MUCH rather see all the 1 monster
graphics PWAD's combined into one large one. I'd also rather EVERYTHING was
released as PWADS- I for one will NEVER run something that modifies my DOOM.WAD
file directly! And as for that rip-off.wad, I think it's great and should
be released as it is! Now, combining WAD levels is anotehr story. Unless
there is a special theme (like the best deathmatches added together and
exits inserted or such) there isn't much need for them. COMBO's are redundent
since many wad managers can do the same thing dynamically.
Just my $0.02,
| James Dicke * jdicke@carroll1.cc.edu * Virtual Gaming Center - Milwaukee |
| *> Multi-player network games on huge 27in screens! DOOM tournaments! <* |
| Co-Author of DOOM DEATHMATCH WAD RANKING - finger me for current release! |