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Assembly Source File
413 lines
; COPYRIGHT (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1989
; COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1995 IBM Corporation
; The following IBM OS/2 WARP source code is provided to you solely for
; the purpose of assisting you in your development of OS/2 WARP device
; drivers. You may use this code in accordance with the IBM License
; Agreement provided in the IBM Device Driver Source Kit for OS/2. This
; Copyright statement may not be removed.;
; SCCSID = @(#)screen01.asm 6.1 90/11/17
;SCCSID = @(#)screen01.asm 1.9 90/02/05
; SCCSID = @(#)screen01.asm 1.9 90/02/05
; ****************************************************************************
; * *
; * *
; * *
; ****************************************************************************
PAGE 58,132
TITLE Screen Device Driver - (Screen01.Asm)
.286p ;@T30
;/* */
;/* SOURCE FILE NAME: Screen01.Asm STATUS: Version 1.1 */
;/* */
;/* DESCRIPTIVE NAME: Base Video Subsystem Screen Device Driver */
;/* */
;/* FUNCTION: Processes the Init, DeInstall, and Screen IOCtl */
;/* functions listed below. All other device commands */
;/* return an error. */
;/* */
;/* NOTES: Executes on Level 0 */
;/* */
;/* ENTRY POINT: Screen_Strategy */
;/* LINKAGE: Far Call */
;/* */
;/* INPUT: ES = Selector of Request Packet */
;/* BX = Offset of Request Packet */
;/* */
;/* Category 3 Functions: */
;/* */
;/* 65h Get 3xBox CodePage (Not supported in 2.0) @T51 @C13 */
;/* 70h Allocate a Selector */
;/* 71h Deallocate a Selector */
;/* 74h Allocate a Selector:Offset @T30 */
;/* 75h Allocate a Selector:Offset */
;/* 76h Allocate a Selector:Offset with requested attr @B01 */
;/* */
;/* */
;/* Category 80 Functions added */
;/* */
;/* EXIT-NORMAL: Request Block Status Field set to good return code */
;/* */
;/* EXIT-ERROR: Request Block Status Field set to error: */
;/* */
;/* Error Code Cause */
;/* ------------------------------------------ */
;/* ERROR_I24_BAD_COMMAND Invalid Request */
;/* */
;/* EFFECTS: None */
;/* */
;/* ROUTINES: Init, IOCtl */
;/* */
;/* ROUTINES: Device_Help (DevHlp_PhysToUVirt) */
;/* */
;/************************ END OF SPECIFICATIONS ************************/
;Bgnsub Screen_Strategy
;: If Function = INIT
;: : Call Init to initialize the device driver
;: Else
;: : Preset return code for INVALID_CATEGORY
;: : If Category = 3
;: : : Preset return code for BAD_COMMAND
;: : : If Function = DEINSTALL
;: : : : Set good return code
;: : : Elseif Funtion = GENERIC IOCtl
;: : : : Call IOCtl to process Screen IOCtl requests
;: : : Endif
;: : Endif
;: : If Category = 80H
;: : : Preset return code for BAD_COMMAND
;: : : Elseif Funtion = GENERIC IOCtl
;: : : : Call SVGA_IOCtl to process SVGA IOCtl requests
;: : : Endif
;: : If Function = 4,8 or 9 (Read or Write or Write/Verify) @@5
;: : : Set byte count = 0 @@5
;: Endif
;Bgnsub IOCtl
;: Preset return code for BAD_COMMAND
;: If Function = Deallocate selector (71h)
;: : Call Device_Help (DevHlp_PhysToUVirt) to deallocate a selector
;: Elseif Function = Allocate selector (70h)
;: : Check for valid range for physical address
;: : If invalid physical address
;: : : Set return code for address
;: : Else
;: : : Call Device_Help (DevHlp_PhysToUVirt) to allocate a selector
;: : Endif
;: Endif
;Bgnsub SVGA_IOCtl
;: Preset return code for BAD_COMMAND
;: If function supported, Dispatch to it
;: Endif
;Bgnsub Init
;: Set up end of data and code addresses
;: Set good return code
INCLUDE devhlp.inc ; Define DevHlp functions
INCLUDE devsym.inc ; Define DOS equates
INCLUDE basemaca.inc ;;;;;; 2.0 unique (dosmac replacement)
INCLUDE error.inc ; Define Error Messages
INCLUDE ioctl.inc ; Define IOCTL equates ;@@B
INCLUDE struc.inc ; Define STRUC macros
; PVB Address Function Return Structure
pvbdata STRUC
pvb_off DW ? ; PVB address offset
pvb_sel DW ? ; PVB address segment/selector
pvb_len DW ? ; Length of the PVB
acc_bit DW ? ; Access bits for function 76H ;@B01
pvbdata ENDS
; start of SVGA support
;SVGA category, functions and parameter packet structures
;All SVGA functions in SVGAROUT.ASM
EXTRN SVGA_IOCTL : NEAR ; moved to svgarout.asm
EXTRN Init : NEAR ; moved to svgarout.asm
BioData SEGMENT WORD PUBLIC 'DATA' ; changed alignment
; Define I/O packet offsets for useful values.
; CP/DOS Technical Reference manual section on Installable Device Drivers
dev_attribute EQU DEV_CHAR_DEV+DEVLEV_1+DEV_COUT;SCRDD Attribute Word Value
;** Device Table Record
; *
; Devices are described by a chain of these records
; Copied from devhdr.inc in dos subdirectory.
; Note: Required since Device Name field was not defined as a String!
public Screen$ ;@SZL
Screen$ DD -1 ; Pointer to next device header ;@SZL
DW dev_attribute ; Attributes of the device
DW offset BiosSeg:Screen_Strategy ; Strategy entry point
DW JustReturn ; Interrupt entry point
DB 'SCREEN$ ' ; Dev Name (only 1st byte used for blk)
DW 0 ; Prot-mode CS sel of strat entry pt
DW 0 ; Prot-mode DS sel
DW 0 ; Real-mode CS seg of strat entry pt
DW 0 ; Real-mode DS seg
Public DevHelp
DevHelp DD 0 ; DevHelp Function Router Address
BioData ends
PUBLIC Screen_Strategy
Screen_Strategy PROC FAR
push ds ;@@1
push es ;@@
push bx ;@@
mov dh,es:[bx].ReqFunc ; Command code ;1
.IF <dh eq CMDInitBase> ;if a base request ;1;@@8;@@B
CALL Init ;process the init ;1
.ELSE ;1
mov ax,STERR+ERROR_I24_BAD_COMMAND ;Preset error ;1;@@;@@8;@@B
.IF <dh eq CMDDeInstall> ;if a deinstall request ;@@
sub ax,ax ;NOERROR ;1
.IF <dh eq CMDGenIOCtl> ;if a generic IOCtl request ;@@
.if <es:[bx].GIOCategory eq IOC_SC> ;@@;@@B
CALL IOCtl ;process the IOCtl
.else ; start
.if <es:[bx].GIOCategory eq SVGA_CATEGORY>
CALL SVGA_IOCtl ;process the IOCtl
.endif ; end
.ELSE ;@@7
.IF <dh eq CMDINPUT> OR ;@@5
.IF <dh eq CMDOUTPUT> OR ;@@5
.IF <dh eq CMDOUTPUTV> ;@@5
sub ax,ax ;NOERROR ;@@7
mov es:[bx].IOcount,ax ;Byte Count ;@@5;@@7
.ENDIF ;@@5
pop bx ;@@
pop es ;@@
pop ds ;@@1
or ax,STDON ; Set the done bit
mov es:[bx].ReqStat,ax ; Set return status
JustReturn LABEL FAR ;@@
ret ; restore regs and return
Screen_Strategy ENDP
enter 2,0 ;Reserve a word for size ;@T30
DataSize equ <word ptr [bp-2]> ; ;@T30
mov dh,es:[bx].GIOFunction ;Get IOCtl function ;@@
.if <dh eq 71H> ;Deallocate selector ;@@
mov di,word ptr es:[bx].GIOParaPack ;@@2
mov ax,word ptr es:[bx].GIOParaPack+2 ;Parm ptr ;@@2
mov cx,2 ;2-byte buffer ;@@2
mov dh,0 ;Read Access ;@@2
Call Verify ;Verify access ;@@2
.if nc ;@@2
mov es,word ptr es:[bx].GIOParaPack+2 ;Parm ptr ;@@2
mov ax,es:[di] ; selector to free
mov dh,2 ; UnMap BUGBUG
mov dl,DevHlp_PhysToUVirt
call DevHelp
xor ax,ax
.endif ;@@2
.else near
mov DataSize,2 ;Return selector only ;@T30
sub si,si ;Default is read access ;@B01
.if <dh ne 70H> near ;Allocate selector:offset ;@B01
mov DataSize,4 ;Return selector:offset ;@T30
.endif ;@T30
mov dl,dh ;Save IOCTL function ;@B01
.if <dh eq 70H> or near ;Allocate selector ;@B01
.if <dh ae 75H> near ;@B01
push es
push bx
mov di,word ptr es:[bx].GIOParaPack ;@@2
mov ax,word ptr es:[bx].GIOParaPack+2 ;Parm ptr ;@@2
mov cx,6 ;6-byte buffer ;@@2
push dx ;@B01
mov dh,0 ;Read Access ;@@2
Call Verify ;@@2
pop dx ;@B01
.if nc near ;@@2
mov es,word ptr es:[bx].GIOParaPack+2 ;Parm ptr ;@@2
mov bx,es:[di].pvb_off ; 32-bit physical address
mov ax,es:[di].pvb_sel ; 32-bit physical address
sub si,si ;@B01
mov cx,es:[di].pvb_len ;Length of PVB ;@@3
.if <dl eq 76H> near ;@B01
mov si,es:[di].acc_bit ;@B01
.if <si a 5> or ;Invalid access bits ;@B01
.if <si eq 2> ;Invalid access bits ;@B01
jmp bad_bits ; ;@B01
or si,8000h ;@B01
.endif ;@B01
dec cx ;@@3
sub dx,dx ;@@3
add cx,bx ;@@3
adc dx,ax ;DX:CX = Addr32 of final byte ;@@3
mov bx,si ;Access bits ;@B01
.if <ax a 000Fh> or ;Above FFFFFh (Prot Mode) or ;@@3
.if <dx a 000Fh> ;Above FFFFFh (Prot Mode) ;@@3;DCR0226
.else ;@@3
mov cx,es:[di].pvb_len ;Length of PVB
mov dh,bl ;Access bits ;@B01
.if <al ae 000Ah> and ;@@C
.if <dl b 000Ch> ;@@3
.if <bh ne 80H> near ;@B01
mov dh,5 ;Read/Write Segment ;DCR0216
.endif ;@B01
sub si,si ;DCR0216
.elseif <bl ne 0> and ;Invalid access bits ;@B01
.if <bl ne 3> ;Invalid access bits ;@B01
jmp bad_bits ;@B01
.endif ;Else dh=0=Read Only ;@@3
mov bx,es:[di].pvb_off ; 32-bit phys addr ;@B01
mov dl,DevHlp_PhysToUVirt
call DevHelp
mov si,es ;SI=Selector ;@T30
mov dx,bx ;save offset in DX ;@T30
pop bx
pop es ;Restore Request Block Addressibility
push es ;@@2
push bx ;Save it again ;@@2
mov ax,STERR+ERROR_I24_BAD_COMMAND ; Set error ;1
.if nc
mov di,word ptr es:[bx].GIODataPack ;@@2
mov ax,word ptr es:[bx].GIODataPack+2 ;Data ptr ;@@2
mov cx,DataSize ;2 or 4-byte buffer ;@@2;@T30
push dx ;@T30
mov dh,1 ;Read/Write Access ;@@2
Call Verify ;@@2
pop dx ;@T30
.if nc ;@@2
mov ds,word ptr es:[bx].GIODataPack+2 ;Data ptr ;@@2t
.if <DataSize eq 2> ;@T30
mov [di],si ;Return sel. only ;@T30
.else ;@T30
mov [di],dx ;Return sel:off ;@T30
mov [di+2],si ;@T30
.endif ;@T30
sub ax,ax
.endif ;@@2
.endif ;@@3
.endif ;@@2
bad_bits: pop bx ;@@2 ;@B01
pop es ;Restore Request Block Addr ;@@2
;@T51 .else ;@C13
;@T51 .if <dh eq 65H> ;Get 3xBox CodePage @C13
;@T51 Call Get3xBoxCP ;@C13
;@T51 .endif ;@C13
leave ;@T30
Verify PROC NEAR ;@@2
mov dl,DevHlp_VerifyAccess ;@@2
Call DS:DevHelp ;Verify access ;@@2
mov ax,STERR+error_invalid_access ;@@2
ret ;@@2
Verify ENDP ;@@2
;@T51 Get3xBoxCP PROC NEAR ;@C13
;@T51 PUBLIC Get3xBoxCP ;@C13
;@T51 les di,dword ptr es:[bx].GIODataPack ;Data ptr @C13
;@T51 mov ax,es ;Data ptr @C13
;@T51 mov cx,2 ;2-byte buffer = Length @C13
;@T51 mov dh,0 ;Read Access @C13
;@T51 Call Verify ;Verify access @C13
;@T51 .if nc ;@C13
;@T51 mov cx,es:[di] ;Get size of output buffer @C13
;@T51 mov ax,es ;Data ptr @C13
;@T51 mov dh,1 ;Read/Write Access @C13
;@T51 Call Verify ;@C13
;@T51 .if nc ;@C13
;@T51 .if <cx ae 4> ;Enough room for CodePage @C13
;@T51 push bx ;@C13
;@T51 mov al,11 ;Dos CodePage Segment @C13
;@T51 mov dl,DevHlp_GetDosVar ;@C13
;@T51 call DevHelp ;Get Dos Variable table @C13
;@T51 mov ds,ax ;@C13
;@T51 mov cx,[bx] ;Get current 3xBox CodePage @C13
;@T51 pop bx ;@C13
;@T51 mov es:[di+2],cx ;Return the CodePage @C13
;@T51 sub ax,ax ;@C13
;@T51 .endif ;@C13
;@T51 .endif ;@C13
;@T51 .endif ;@C13
;@T51 RET ;@C13
;@T51 Get3xBoxCP ENDP ;@C13
BiosSeg ends
;1 = 08/15/86 STJ, Add check for invalid category
;@@ = 11/19/86 STJ, Make the device driver loadable
;@@1 = 03/04/87 STJ, 64h = Get data segment addr and shadow PalRegs
;@@2 = 05/04/87 STJ, Start shadowing at DD Init time and change IOCTL
;@@3 = 05/05/87 STJ, Limit selector allocation to 400h-500h and A0000h-FFFFFh
;@@4 = 06/25/87 STJ, Set device and data size to limit, not length
;@@5 = 07/31/87 JMP, Set length to 0 for illegal read/write function calls
;@@6 = 07/31/87 JMP, Get pallete register data address from BIOS data area
;@@7 = 11/30/87 STJ, Add a new IOCTL to get the 3xBox CodePage and do cleanup
;@@A = 12/11/87 STJ, Use a new Init command for base device drivers
;@@B = 03/09/87 STJ, Correctly check for Category IOC_SC (3)
;@@C = 10/02/88 STJ, Changes to support DCR71
;DCR0216 = 02/10/89 STJ, Use new PhysToUVirt request type for video validation
;DCR0226 = 02/17/89 STJ, Remove unused IOCTLs and expand valid selector range
;@C13 = 03/29/89 CJJ, Add back IOCTL to get the 3xBox CodePage, B700817
;@SZL = 04/24/89 STJ, Allow combining of all base DDs
;@T30 = 05/10/89 TPL, DCR 511 changes
;@T51 = 08/26/89 TPL, Removal of 3xbox code in 2.0, DCR 432.10
;@B01 = 01/24/90 WKB, Add IOCTL function 76H in 2.0, DCR 702
; = 12/28/92 Senja, SVGA support expansion.