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Assembly Source File
247 lines
; COPYRIGHT (C) Award Software International Inc., 1994
; COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1995 IBM Corporation
; The following IBM OS/2 WARP source code is provided to you solely for
; the purpose of assisting you in your development of OS/2 WARP device
; drivers. You may use this code in accordance with the IBM License
; Agreement provided in the IBM Device Driver Source Kit for OS/2. This
; Copyright statement may not be removed.;
page 60, 132
title 'SSPCICVA'
;* Socket Services PCIC File
;* Validation routines
include ssmac.inc ; Macros
include ssdefs.inc ; Sockets Services definitions
include ss_segm.inc ; Segment definitions
include ssPCIC.inc ; PCIC module defs
;* --- Segment ResCode ---
sBegin ResCode
COMMENT ~*********************************************************************
Procedure: covValidateIRQ
Revision: 2
Date: 05/25/1993
Purpose: Validate request IRQ level and active state valid
Entry: [AL] = IRQ request level
[SI] = Ptr to Info Table with valid IRQ levels
Exit: [CF] = status
If IRQ invalid, then CY and AH = BAD_IRQ
Else NC
covValidateIRQ PROC NEAR
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
pushx <cx, dx>
push ax
mov dx, word ptr ((CHARTBL PTR [SI]).ActiveLo)
test al, IRQ_HIGH ; Active low request ?
jz @f ; Yes, continue
; No, get valid high IRQ levels
mov dx, word ptr ((CHARTBL PTR [SI]).ActiveHi)
@@: mov cl, al ; Setup shift count
and cl, IRQ_LEVEL_MSK ; Mask for IRQ Level
test cl, NOT P_IRQ15 ; IRQ above 15 ?
jnz BadIRQ ; Yes, error out
mov ax, 1 ; Create bit mask for request IRQ level
and cx, P_IRQ15 ; Mask-in IRQ 0 thru 15
jcxz @f ; If zero, we're done
shl ax, cl ; Otherwise shift into appropriate bit
@@: test ax, dx ; Valid IRQ level ?
jz BadIRQ
pop ax ; Restore ooriginal AX
clc ; Indicate success
jmp short @f
BadIRQ: mov ah, BAD_IRQ ; Indicate IRQ
add sp, 2 ; Discard ax in the stack
@@: popx <dx, cx>
covValidateIRQ ENDP
;* --- CheckPowerLevel ---
;* Purpose: Check, if power level is valid
;* Input: AL - Power table entry
;* AH - VCC or VPP1 or VPP2
;* SI - Pointer to the first entry to the power table
;* CX - Number of entries into power table
;* Output: CY - if level is invalid
;* Scratch reg: none
;* Written: by Alexis A.Piatetsky 10.06.94
CheckPowerLevel PROC NEAR
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
pushx <ax, cx, si>
mov si, offset PowerTable
mov cx, [si] ; Number of table entries
add si, 2 ; Point to the 1st entry
;----------------------- Check, if entry is in the table ----------------------
cmp al, cl ; Entry in range?
jae cpl_fail ; No, report error
;----------------- Check, if entry is valid for selected power ----------------
mov ch, ah ; Save attribute
xor ah, ah ; Use word
push cx
mul cl ; Calculate table offset
pop cx
add si, ax ; Point to selected entry
test (PWRENTRY PTR [SI]).ValidSignals, ch
jz cpl_fail
clc ; Report valid entry
jmp short @f ; Terminate
cpl_fail: stc ; Report checking fail
@@: popx <si, cx, ax>
CheckPowerLevel ENDP
;* --- covValidatePw ---
;* Purpose: Validate Power levels
;* Input: [BX] - Pointer to the adapter structure
;* [BP] - Pointer to the user args
;* SI - Socket number
;* AH - Lower nibble - Vcc Level
;* AL - Upper nibble - Vpp1 Level, Lower nibble - Vpp2 Level
;* Output: If SUCCESS, then NC.
;* If error - CY and AH - Error code
;* Scratch reg: AX, if check fail
;* Written: by Alexis A.Piatetsky 09.06.94
covValidatePw PROC NEAR
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
pushx <cx, dx, ax>
mov dl, al ; Separate Vpp1 and Vpp2
mov dh, al
and dl, 0Fh ; dl = Vpp2
mov cl, 4
shr dh, cl ; dh = Vpp1
mov cl, ah ; cl = Vcc
mov ch, 0 ; ch - Index of 0.0V
;---------------------------- Validate Power levels ---------------------------
mov al, ah ; Check Vcc
mov ah, VCC
call CheckPowerLevel
jc vp_bad_vcc
mov al, dh ; Check Vpp1
mov ah, VPP1
call CheckPowerLevel
jc vp_bad_vpp
mov al, dl ; Check Vpp2
mov ah, VPP2
call CheckPowerLevel
jc vp_bad_vpp
cmp cl, ch ; Switch Vcc off?
jne @f
cmp dl, ch ; Vcc == 0, Vpp must be 0
jne vp_bad_vpp
cmp dh, dl
jne vp_bad_vpp
clc ; Report success
pop ax
jmp short vp_exit
vp_bad_vcc: mov ah, BAD_VCC ; Report Vcc value
jmp short @f
vp_bad_vpp: mov ah, BAD_VPP ; Report Vpp value
@@: add sp, 2 ; Discard AX in the stack
vp_exit: popx <dx, cx>
covValidatePw ENDP
;* --- covValidateIFt ---
;* Purpose: Validate interface Type
;* Input: Reagister AH = IFType
;* Bit 0 = Memory-only interface
;* Bit 1 = I/O and memory interface
;* All other bits reserved and are reset to zero (0)
;* [SI] = Pointer to the Socket Info structure
;* Output: If successful, NC
;* else CY and AH = BAD_TYPE
;* Scratch reg: none
;* Written: by Alexis A.Piatetsky 10.06.94
covValidateIFt PROC NEAR
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
jnz vit_err ; Any reserved bit set
and ah, IF_MEMORY OR IF_IO ; Mask in interface type bits
jz vit_err ; If neither set, error out
cmp ah, IF_MEMORY OR IF_IO ; Are both set ?
je vit_err
test byte ptr (CHARTBL PTR [si]).SktCaps, ah
jz vit_err ; Can socket do this?
jmp short @f
vit_err: mov ah, BAD_TYPE
@@: ret
covValidateIFt ENDP
sEnd ResCode