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Assembly Source File
424 lines
; COPYRIGHT (C) Award Software International Inc., 1994
; COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1995 IBM Corporation
; The following IBM OS/2 WARP source code is provided to you solely for
; the purpose of assisting you in your development of OS/2 WARP device
; drivers. You may use this code in accordance with the IBM License
; Agreement provided in the IBM Device Driver Source Kit for OS/2. This
; Copyright statement may not be removed.;
page 60, 132
title 'SSPCICUT'
;* Socket Services PCIC Utilities
include ssmac.inc ; Macros
include ssdefs.inc ; Sockets Services definitions
include ss_segm.inc ; Segment definitions
include ssPCIC.inc ; PCIC module defs
include ssmsg.inc ; Messages
;* --- Segment ResData ---
sBegin ResData
DevExtSpeed db 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30 ; PCMCIA mantissa
db 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80
DevSpeed db 25, 20, 15, 10 ; Divided by 10
sEnd ResData
;* --- Segment ResCode ---
sBegin ResCode
;* --- couDelay ---
;* Purpose: Delay execution
;* Input: AX - Milliseconds to delay
;* Output: none
;* Scratch reg: none
;* Written: by Alexis A.Piatetsky 28.07.94
couDelay PROC NEAR
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
pushx <ax, bx, cx, dx>
mov cx, ax ; Save Interval (mS) CX
DL1: xor al, al ; Zero AL
out TIM_CTL, al ; Latch Timer Count
in al, TIMER0 ; Read LS Byte
mov ah, al
in al, TIMER0 ; Read MS Byte
xchg ah, al ; Put Bytes in order
mov dx, ax ; Save First Count in DX
@@: mov bx, dx ; Restore First Count in BX
xor al, al ; Zero AL
out TIM_CTL, al ; Latch Timer Count
in al, TIMER0 ; Read LS Byte
mov ah, al
in al, TIMER0 ; Read MS Byte
xchg ah, al ; Put Bytes in Order
sub bx, ax ; Compute Interval (downcount)
cmp bx, 1193 ; > One Ms ?
jb @b ; No, go again.
loop DL1 ; Yes, next interation
popx <dx, cx, bx, ax>
couDelay ENDP
;* --- couIsValidSpeed ---
;* Purpose: Return carry, if speed is invalid
;* Input: AH - speed
;* Output: CY, if speed isn't valid
;* Scratch reg: none
;* Written: by Alexis A.Piatetsky 06.05.94
couIsValidSpeed PROC NEAR
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
push ax
test ah, EXT_BIT
jnz ivs_fail
test ah, MANTISSA_BITS ; Extended speed?
jnz @f ; Yes, continue
cmp ah, DSPEED_100NS
ja ivs_fail
jmp short ivs_check0
@@: shr ah, 1 ; Get rid of exponents
shr ah, 1
shr ah, 1
ivs_check0: cmp ah, 1
jae ivs_done ; Carry is cleared
ivs_fail: stc
ivs_done: pop ax
couIsValidSpeed ENDP
;* --- couGetSpeedComp ---
;* Purpose: Convert speed to mantissa and exponenta
;* Input: AL - Speed
;* Output: AL - Mantissa
;* AH - exponenta
;* Scratch reg: none
;* Written: by Alexis A.Piatetsky 06.05.94
couGetSpeedComp PROC NEAR
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
push bx
mov ah, 2 ; Assume hundreds of ns
mov bx, offset DevSpeed
jz @f
mov ah, al
mov bx, offset DevExtSpeed
shr al, 1 ; Get rid of exponent
shr al, 1
shr al, 1
@@: dec al ; 0 is reserved value
push ax
xor ah, ah
add bx, ax
pop ax
mov al, [bx]
pop bx
couGetSpeedComp ENDP
;* --- couCompSpeed ---
;* Purpose: Compare two speed in device speed form
;* Input: AH - Speed 1, AL - Speed 2
;* Output: ZR, if AH = AL
;* CY, if AH < AL
;* Scratch reg: none
;* Written: by Alexis A.Piatetsky 06.05.94
;* Note: Speed have to be valid and w/o EXT bit
couCompSpeed PROC NEAR
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
pushx <ax, bx>
push ax
call couGetSpeedComp
mov bx, ax ; bx - speed 2
pop ax
mov al, ah
call couGetSpeedComp ; ax - speed 1
cmp ah, bh ; Compare exponents
jne @f
cmp al, bl ; Compare mantissa
@@: popx <bx, ax>
couCompSpeed ENDP
;* --- couCopyInfo ---
;* Purpose: Copy info to client buffer
;* Input: CX - size of info to copy
;* DS:SI - source of information
;* ES:DI - client buffer with lengths
;* Output: none
;* Scratch reg: none
couCopyInfo PROC NEAR
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
pushx <cx, si, di>
mov es:[di + 2], cx ; Save in client's data buffer
cmp cx, es:[di] ; Room in buffer for data
jbe @f ; Yes, continue
mov cx, es:[di] ; No, use length from buffer
@@: jcxz @f ; If no room in buffer, skip move
add di, 4 ; Point past length information
rep movsb ; Copy to client's buffer
@@: popx <di, si, cx>
couCopyInfo ENDP
sEnd ResCode
;* --- Segment InitCode ---
sBegin InitCode
;* --- couGetHex ---
;* Purpose: Return Hex number from command line parameter to AX
;* Input: ES:BX - Pointer to the command line string with Hex
;* CX - String length
;* Output: CY, if error occurs (es:bx unchanged in this case)
;* CX - modified
;* AL - Number
;* Note: We expect parameter Hex as XXXX
;* Scratch reg: CX, BX
;* Written: by Alexis A.Piatetsky 28.07.94
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
push dx
push bx
push cx
jcxz GetHexFail
;------------------- Parameter should start from '/' or '-' -------------------
xor ax, ax
NextDigit: mov dl, es:[bx]
cmp dl, ' '
jbe GetHexSuccess
cmp dl, ';'
je GetHexSuccess
sub dl, '0'
jc GetHexFail
cmp dl, 9
jbe AddDigit
cmp dl, 'a' - '0'
jb @f
sub dl, 'a' - 'A'
@@: sub dl, 'A' - '0'
jc GetHexFail
add dl, 10
cmp dl, 15
ja GetHexFail
AddDigit: xor dh, dh
shl ax, 1
shl ax, 1
shl ax, 1
shl ax, 1
or ax, dx
inc bx
dec cx
jcxz GetHexSuccess
jmp short NextDigit
GetHexSuccess: add sp, 4 ; Kill bx and cx in the stack
@@: pop dx
GetHexFail: pop bx
pop cx
jmp short @b
couGetHex ENDP
;* --- couGetToken ---
;* Purpose: Separate command line token
;* Input: ES:BX - Pointer to the command line string with Hex
;* CX - String length
;* Output: CY, if error occurs (es:bx unchanged in this case)
;* CX - modified
;* AL - Parameter uppercase letter
;* Note: We expect parameter Token as '/c:xxxx', where c is parameter
;* Scratch reg: cx, bx
;* Written: by Alexis A.Piatetsky 28.07.94
couGetToken PROC NEAR
assume ds:@data, es:Nothing
push bx
push cx
xor al, al
jcxz GetTokenSuccess
;-------------------------- Kill leading white spaces -------------------------
@@: mov al, es:[bx]
cmp al, ';'
je break_l
cmp al, ' '
ja @f
inc bx
loop @b
break_l: xor ax, ax ; Only white spaces in Token
jmp short GetTokenSuccess
;------------------- Parameter should start from '/' or '-' -------------------
@@: cmp al, '-'
je @f
cmp al, '/'
jne GetTokenFail
;----------------------------- Load command letter ----------------------------
@@: inc bx
dec cx
jcxz GetTokenFail
mov al, es:[bx]
cmp al, 'a'
jb @f
cmp al, 'z'
jz @f
and al, 05Fh ; Uppercase it if required
;----------------- Letter after command have to be ':' or '=' -----------------
@@: inc bx
dec cx
jcxz GetTokenSuccess ; Just switch w/o parameter
cmp byte ptr es:[bx], ':'
je @f
cmp byte ptr es:[bx], '='
je @f
cmp byte ptr es:[bx], ';' ; Just switch w/o parameter ?
je GetTokenSuccess ; Yes report it
cmp byte ptr es:[bx], ' ' ; Just switch w/o parameter ?
ja GetTokenFail ; No, something wrong
jmp short GetTokenSuccess ; Yes report it
;----------- We will return es:bx as pointer to first char in params ----------
@@: inc bx
dec cx
add sp, 4 ; Kill bx and cx in the stack
GetTokenFail: pop bx
pop cx
couGetToken ENDP
;* --- couStrLen ---
;* Purpose: Calculate string length
;* Input: es:di - String address
;* Output: cx - String length
;* Scratch reg: none
;* Written: by Alexis A.Piatetsky 11.08.94
pushx <ax, di>
push di
mov al, 0
mov cx, -1
repne scasb
xchg cx, di
dec cx
pop di
sub cx, di
popx <di, ax>
couStrLen ENDP
sEnd InitCode