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  1.                        Communications System/2 (5601-116)
  3. Communications System/2 Toolkit Index:
  5.      The Communications System/2 Toolkit provides tools that aid in
  6.      application development and system verification.  The entire
  7.      contents of the Toolkit can be installed as described in the
  8.      Communications System/2 Installation and Configuration Guide.
  9.      Unnecessary Toolkit files can be deleted after installation.
  11.      The directory structure of the Toolkit is as follows:
  13.             \CS2\TOOLKIT
  14.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\CSW
  15.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\DB
  16.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\DDMS
  17.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\DDMS\AB
  18.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\DDMS\GE
  19.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\DDMS\MO
  20.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\DDMS\TI
  21.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\DSF
  22.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\BIOA
  23.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\LDIT
  24.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\TXE\DOC
  25.             \CS2\TOOLKIT\UI
  27. Toolkit Contents:
  29.      The following table contains a list of features provided with the
  30.      Toolkit.  Within each feature list is a list of files that are
  31.      necessary to support it, and a short description of the contents
  32.      of each file.  The table is sorted by directory.
  34. #########################################################################
  35. #                                                                       #
  36. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT                                               #
  37. #                                                                       #
  38. #########################################################################
  39. |              |                                                        |
  40. |    File      |                        Description                     |
  41. |              |                                                        |
  42. +==============+========================================================+
  43. |                                                                       |
  44. | Feature: Manual configuration of a 3-node Local Area Network (LAN)    |
  45. |          using APPC.                                                  |
  46. |                                                                       |
  47. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  48. | 3NODE.DOC    | Documentation describing how manually to configure a   |
  49. |              | 3-node DAE network that uses the APPC communications   |
  50. |              | protocol.                                              |
  51. |              |                                                        |
  52. | CS2COMM1.CFG | IBM PC Network configuration file.                     |
  53. |              |                                                        |
  54. | CS2COMM2.CFG | IBM Token-Ring Network configuration file.             |
  55. |              |                                                        |
  56. | CS2COMM3.CFG | Etherand Network configuration file.                   |
  57. |              |                                                        |
  58. | CS2VMPC.CFG  | Configuration file used to configure a 3-node LAN      |
  59. |              | between Communications System/2 and Communications     |
  60. |              | System/VM using APPC on an IBM Token-Ring Network.     |
  61. |              |                                                        |
  62. +==============+========================================================+
  63. |                                                                       |
  64. | Feature: National Language Support (NLS) utility tool used to update  |
  65. |          Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) and Single-Byte Character   |
  66. |          Set (SBCD) code points.                                      |
  67. |                                                                       |
  68. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  69. | ATOEMOD.SCR  | An NLS utility file that contains the ASCII/EBCDIC hex |
  70. |              | hex data display panel.                                |
  71. |              |                                                        |
  72. | CASMMOD.SCR  | An NLS utility file that contains the Case Map Table   |
  73. |              | hex data display panel.                                |
  74. |              |                                                        |
  75. | COLLMOD.SCR  | An NLS utility file that contains the Collation Weight |
  76. |              | Table hex data display panel.                          |
  77. |              |                                                        |
  78. | DBCSTBL.EXE  | The NLS utility program for users of DBCS OS/2.  This  |
  79. |              | utility allows the user to create and modify the DBCS  |
  80. |              | code points conversion table for the DBCS version of   |
  81. |              | Communications System/2.                               |
  82. |              |                                                        |
  83. | SBCSTBL.EXE  | The NLS utility program for users of SBCS OS/2.        |
  84. |              | This utility allows the user to create and modify the  |
  85. |              | SBCS code points conversion table for the SBCS version |
  86. |              | of Communications System/2.                            |
  87. |              |                                                        |
  88. +==============+========================================================+
  89. |                                                                       |
  90. | Feature: Migration utilities required for migrating from              |
  91. |          Communications System/2 2.2 to Communications System/2 3.0.  |
  92. |                                                                       |
  93. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  94. | ADDCBS.CFS   | Template used to generate a new CS2CBF01.CFS file.     |
  95. |              |                                                        |
  96. | CS2AHMG0.EXE | Alert handler table migration program.                 |
  97. |              |                                                        |
  98. | CS2CBMG0.EXE | System configuration files conversion program.         |
  99. |              |                                                        |
  100. | CS2MIGRT.EXE | Migration utility main program.                        |
  101. |              |                                                        |
  102. | CS2MIGRT.MSG | Migration utility message file, used by all migration  |
  103. |              | programs.                                              |
  104. |              |                                                        |
  105. | CS2OIMG0.EXE | Operator interface tables migration program.           |
  106. |              |                                                        |
  107. | CS2TQMG0.EXE | Tables & queues definition file migration program.     |
  108. |              |                                                        |
  109. +==============+========================================================+
  110. |                                                                       |
  111. | Feature: Sample programs using Communications System/2 programming    |
  112. |          interfaces for tables and queues, network control, program   |
  113. |          control, path control and support API.                       |
  114. |                                                                       |
  115. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  116. | COMMCFG.C    | Sample code that uses the CS2_UTIL API.  It configures |
  117. |              | communications between OS/2 or VM nodes.               |
  118. |              |                                                        |
  119. | COMMCFG.EXE  | Executable version of COMMCFG.C.                       |
  120. |              |                                                        |
  121. | COMMCFG.MAK  | Make file that compiles and links the COMMCFG.C        |
  122. |              | program on OS/2.                                       |
  123. |              |                                                        |
  124. | CONTROL.C    | Sample code that uses CS2_START_REQ, CS2_STOP_RES, and |
  125. |              | CS2_HALT_RES.  It can start, stop, or halt a resource, |
  126. |              | as well as, shut down any VM or OS/2 node.             |
  127. |              |                                                        |
  128. | CONTROL.EXE  | Executable version of CONTROL.C.                       |
  129. |              |                                                        |
  130. | CONTROL.MAK  | Make file that compiles and links the CONTROL.C        |
  131. |              | program on OS/2.                                       |
  132. |              |                                                        |
  133. | CS2EXAMP.C   | Controls the calling of all sample programs.           |
  134. |              |                                                        |
  135. | CS2EXAMP.EXE | Executable version of CS2EXAMP.C                       |
  136. |              |                                                        |
  137. | CS2EXAMP.MAK | Make file that compiles and links all of the sample    |
  138. |              | programs.                                              |
  139. |              |                                                        |
  140. | EXAMPLES.LIB | Library of panels used with the operator interface     |
  141. |              | sample program, XMPOIAPI.C.  This file is located      |
  142. |              | in the \CS2\PAN directory.                             |
  143. |              |                                                        |
  144. | MYAPPL.C     | Application that demonstrates the usage of             |
  145. |              | Communications System/2 network control API calls.     |
  146. |              |                                                        |
  147. | MYAPPL.EXE   | Executable version of MYAPPL.C.                        |
  148. |              |                                                        |
  149. | MYAPPL.MAK   | Make file that compiles and links MYAPPL.C.            |
  150. |              |                                                        |
  151. | NC.DAT       | Data file for the network control sample program.      |
  152. |              |                                                        |
  153. | PC.DAT       | Data file for the program control sample program.      |
  154. |              |                                                        |
  155. | PL.DAT       | Data file for the path control sample program.         |
  156. |              |                                                        |
  157. | QU.DAT       | Data file for the queues sample program.               |
  158. |              |                                                        |
  159. | SU.DAT       | Data file for the support request sample program.      |
  160. |              |                                                        |
  161. | TQ.DAT       | Data file for the tables sample program.               |
  162. |              |                                                        |
  163. | UTE.TXT      | Text for an alert message; used by XMPSUAPI when it    |
  164. |              | sends an alert.                                        |
  165. |              |                                                        |
  166. | XMPCOM.C     | Source file that contains various common routines used |
  167. |              | by all XMP*.C sample programs.                         |
  168. |              |                                                        |
  169. | XMPNCAPI.C   | Source file that demonstrates the usage of the network |
  170. |              | control API calls.                                     |
  171. |              |                                                        |
  172. | XMPOIAPI.C   | Source file that demonstrates the usage of CS2_SCRNOUT |
  173. |              | call used in programs interacting with the operator    |
  174. |              | interface.                                             |
  175. |              |                                                        |
  176. | XMPPCAPI.C   | Source file that demonstrates the usage of the program |
  177. |              | control API calls.                                     |
  178. |              |                                                        |
  179. | XMPPLAPI.C   | Source file that demonstrates the usage of the path    |
  180. |              | control API calls.                                     |
  181. |              |                                                        |
  182. | XMPQUAPI.C   | Source file that demonstrates the usage of the queue   |
  183. |              | API calls.                                             |
  184. |              |                                                        |
  185. | XMPSUAPI.C   | Source file that demonstrates the usage the support    |
  186. |              | request API calls.                                     |
  187. |              |                                                        |
  188. | XMPTQAPI.C   | Source file that demonstrates the usage of the table   |
  189. |              | API calls.                                             |
  190. |              |                                                        |
  191. | XMP.TXT      | Message file text used by XMPOIAPI.C to display        |
  192. |              | messages to the terminal.                              |
  193. |              |                                                        |
  194. +==============+========================================================+
  195. |                                                                       |
  196. | Feature: Tool used to expand the tables used by the operator          |
  197. |          interface Resource Execution Module (REM).                   |
  198. |                                                                       |
  199. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  200. | OIEXPAND.DOC | Documentation file that explains the steps involved in |
  201. |              | expanding the operator interface tables.               |
  202. |              |                                                        |
  203. | OIEXPAND.EXE | Operator interface table expansion tool.  Can also be  |
  204. |              | use to expand other Communications System/2 tables.    |
  205. |              |                                                        |
  206. +==============+========================================================+
  207. |                                                                       |
  208. | Feature: Tool to use for changing the OS/2 Priority Class and/or      |
  209. |          Priority Level.                                              |
  210. |                                                                       |
  211. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  212. | SETPRI.EXE   | Tool to change ICD's priority class and/or level.  It  |
  213. |              | can be run from command line or from CS2_START_REQ.    |
  214. |              |                                                        |
  215. +==============+========================================================+
  216. |                                                                       |
  217. | Feature: Sample programs that demonstrate the fundamentals of data    |
  218. |          transparency.                                                |
  219. |                                                                       |
  220. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  221. | DTISEND.C    | Sender application for implicit data transparency      |
  222. |              | sample.                                                |
  223. |              |                                                        |
  224. | DTISEND.EXE  | Executable module for implicit data transparency       |
  225. |              | sender application.                                    |
  226. |              |                                                        |
  227. | DTIRECV.C    | Receiver application for implicit data transparency    |
  228. |              | sample.                                                |
  229. |              |                                                        |
  230. | DTIRECV.EXE  | Executable module for implicit data transparency       |
  231. |              | receiver application.                                  |
  232. |              |                                                        |
  233. | DTESEND.C    | Sender application for explicit data transparency      |
  234. |              | sample.                                                |
  235. |              |                                                        |
  236. | DTESEND.EXE  | Executable module for explicit data transparency       |
  237. |              | sender application.                                    |
  238. |              |                                                        |
  239. | DTERECV.C    | Receiver application for explicit data transparency    |
  240. |              | sample.                                                |
  241. |              |                                                        |
  242. | DTRECEV.EXE  | Executable module for explicit data transparency       |
  243. |              | receiver application.                                  |
  244. |              |                                                        |
  245. | DTXMPS.MAK   | Make file used to compile and link all data            |
  246. |              | transparency sample programs.                          |
  247. |              |                                                        |
  248. | RICSAMP.MAK  | Make file which compiles and links the realtime        |
  249. |              | interface co-processor sample program.                 |
  250. |              |                                                        |
  251. | RICSAMP.C    | Source code used on the realtime interface             |
  252. |              | co-processor to echo messages back to the originator   |
  253. |              | of a request.                                          |
  254. |              |                                                        |
  255. +==============+========================================================+
  256. |                                                                       |
  257. | Feature: MAP 3.0 sample                                               |
  258. |                                                                       |
  259. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  260. | MAPOS2.C     | A non-DAE sample program that interfaces to MAP 3.0    |
  261. |              | using the Private Communications APIs of the OSI/      |
  262. |              | MMS product.                                           |
  263. |              |                                                        |
  264. | MAPOS2.H     | Header file for the non-DAE MAP 3.0 sample.            |
  265. |              |                                                        |
  266. | MAPOS2.EXE   | Executable version of MAPOS2.C.                        |
  267. |              |                                                        |
  268. | MAPOS2.MAK   | Make file used to compile and link MAPOS2.C.           |
  269. |              |                                                        |
  270. | MAPOS2.RFL   | RFL file for makefile.                                 |
  271. |              |                                                        |
  272. +==============+========================================================+
  273. |                                                                       |
  274. | Feature: Netview sample programs                                      |
  275. |                                                                       |
  276. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------c
  277. | NMALERT.EXE  | Sample program used to test the generation of Netview  |
  278. |              | Alerts.                                                |
  279. |              |                                                        |
  280. | BNJ81UTB.CPT | Netview recommended action codepoints.                 |
  281. |              |                                                        |
  282. | BNJ82UTB.CPT | Netview detailed data codepoints.                      |
  283. |              |                                                        |
  284. | BNJ92UTB.CPT | Netview Alert description codepoints.                  |
  285. |              |                                                        |
  286. | BNJ93UTB.CPT | Netview probable cause codepoints.                     |
  287. |              |                                                        |
  288. | BNJ94UTB.CPT | Netview user cause codepoints.                         |
  289. |              |                                                        |
  290. | BNJ95UTB.CPT | Netview install cause codepoints.                      |
  291. |              |                                                        |
  292. | BNJ96UTB.CPT | Netview failure cause codepoints.                      |
  293. |              |                                                        |
  294. | DAE.CPT      | DAE Netview/PC code point file.                        |
  295. |              |                                                        |
  296. +==============+========================================================+
  297. |                                                                       |
  298. | Feature: TCP/IP code segments                                         |
  299. |                                                                       |
  300. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  301. | TCPIPSMP.DOC | Sample non-Communications System/2 node code segments  |
  302. |              | to establish connections and receive connections with  |
  303. |              | the TCP/IP communications REM.                         |
  304. |              |                                                        |
  305. +==============+========================================================+
  306. |                                                                       |
  307. | Feature: Configuration tool.                                          |
  308. |                                                                       |
  309. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  310. | CNFGTOOL.EXE | Configuration tool that allows configuration of NIB    |
  311. |              | segments, control blocks, and resource directory       |
  312. |              | entries.                                               |
  313. |              |                                                        |
  314. | CNFGTOOL.DOC | Documentation that describes how to use the            |
  315. |              | configuration tool CNFGTOOL.EXE.                       |
  316. |              |                                                        |
  317. +==============+========================================================+
  318. |                                                                       |
  319. | Feature: Sample programs and data files that demonstrate the use of   |
  320. |          the automated security installation procedures and the       |
  321. |          automated security customization procedures.                 |
  322. |                                                                       |
  323. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  324. | SCTEST.CMD   | Test program for testing the automated security        |
  325. |              | installation procedures and partial functions of the   |
  326. |              | automated security customization procedures.           |
  327. |              |                                                        |
  328. | LIDTEST.CMD  | Test program for testing the remaining functions of    |
  329. |              | the automated security customization procedures        |
  330. |              | which require security to be enabled.                  |
  331. |              |                                                        |
  332. | SAMPLEAC.DAT | Sample data file format for adding resources to        |
  333. |              | existing access categories, or adding new access       |
  334. |              | categories.  This file is used by test program SCTEST  |
  335. |              | to add additional resources to the existing secured    |
  336. |              | resource table, and to add a new access category named |
  337. |              | "SAMPLEAC".                                            |
  338. |              |                                                        |
  339. | SAMPLELI.DAT | Sample data file format for adding logon identifiers.  |
  340. |              | This file is used by test program LIDTEST.             |
  341. |              |                                                        |
  342. | SAMPLEVS.DAT | Sample data file format for adding view identifiers to |
  343. |              | existing view sets, or adding new view sets.  This     |
  344. |              | file is used by test program SCTEST to add additional  |
  345. |              | view identifiers to the existing secured view          |
  346. |              | identifier table, and to add a new view set named      |
  347. |              | "SAMPLEVS".                                            |
  348. |              |                                                        |
  349. | SECURER.DAT  | Data file used by test program SCTEST to add resources |
  350. |              | to the access category named "SECURE".  The test       |
  351. |              | program will rename this file to "SECURE.DAT" before   |
  352. |              | executing the request, and rename it back to           |
  353. |              | "SECURER.DAT" after processing the request.            |
  354. |              |                                                        |
  355. | SECUREV.DAT  | Data file used by test program SCTEST to add view      |
  356. |              | identifiers to the view set named "SECURE".  The test  |
  357. |              | program will rename this file to "SECURE.DAT" before   |
  358. |              | executing the request, and rename it back to           |
  359. |              | "SECURER.DAT" after processing the request.            |
  360. |              |                                                        |
  361. | PRIMAUR.DAT  | Data file used by test program LIDTEST.  It specifies  |
  362. |              | the new resources to which the primary security        |
  363. |              | administrator is to be given access.                   |
  364. |              |                                                        |
  365. | PRIMAUV.DAT  | Data file used by test program LIDTEST.  It specifies  |
  366. |              | the new views to which the primary security            |
  367. |              | administrator is to be given access.                   |
  368. |              |                                                        |
  369. | BACKAUR.DAT  | Data file used by test program LIDTEST.  It specifies  |
  370. |              | the new resources to which the backup security         |
  371. |              | administrator is to be given access.                   |
  372. |              |                                                        |
  373. | BACKAUV.DAT  | Data file used by test program LIDTEST.  It specifies  |
  374. |              | the new views to which the backup security             |
  375. |              | administrator is to be given access.                   |
  376. |              |                                                        |
  377. | DELLID.DAT   | Data file used by test program LIDTEST to delete the   |
  378. |              | new logon identifiers.                                 |
  379. |              |                                                        |
  380. | ACCSALL.DAT  | Data file used by test program LIDTEST to give the     |
  381. |              | primary and backup security administrators access to   |
  382. |              | all of the resources and views in their assigned       |
  383. |              | access categories and view sets.                       |
  384. |              |                                                        |
  385. | SELACCS.DAT  | Data file used by test program LIDTEST to give the     |
  386. |              | primary and backup security access to selected         |
  387. |              | resources and views in their assigned access           |
  388. |              | categories and view sets.                              |
  389. |              |                                                        |
  390. +==============+========================================================+
  391. |                                                                       |
  392. | Feature: Communications System/2 shared memory pool utilities.        |
  393. |                                                                       |
  394. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  395. | POOLDMPR.EXE | Program that dumps the Communications System/2 shared  |
  396. |              | memory pools from the realtime interface co-processor. |
  397. |              | This is the system unit application.                   |
  398. |              |                                                        |
  399. | POOLDMPT.EXE | Program that dumps the Communications System/2 shared  |
  400. |              | memory pools from the realtime interface co-processor. |
  401. |              | This is the realtime interface co-processor task.  It  |
  402. |              | is automatically loaded by POOLDMPR.EXE                |
  403. |              |                                                        |
  404. | POOLDUMP.EXE | Program that creates image dumps of the Communications |
  405. |              | System/2 shared memory pools.  For system unit only.   |
  406. |              |                                                        |
  407. | POOLFREE.EXE | Program that displays the amount of free space on the  |
  408. |              | Communications System/2 shared memory pools.  For      |
  409. |              | system unit only.                                      |
  410. |              |                                                        |
  411. | POOLSAB.EXE  | Program that displays suballocation blocks of the      |
  412. |              | Communications System/2 shared memory pools.  For      |
  413. |              | system unit only.                                      |
  414. |              |                                                        |
  415. +==============+========================================================+
  416. |                                                                       |
  417. | Feature: The following files are part of the sample code that sends a |
  418. |          command to the CIM/CDF REM.                                  |
  419. |                                                                       |
  420. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  421. | CDINSAMP.C   | CIM/CDF sample interface program source.               |
  422. |              |                                                        |
  423. | CDINSAMP.DAT | CIM/CDF sample interface program data file.            |
  424. |              |                                                        |
  425. | CDINSAMP.MAK | CIM/CDF sample interface program program make file.    |
  426. |              |                                                        |
  427. | CDINSAMP.EXE | CIM/CDF sample interface program executable.           |
  428. |              |                                                        |
  429. +==============+========================================================+
  430. |                                                                       |
  431. | Feature: The following file is a make file for 32-bit applications    |
  432. |                                                                       |
  433. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  434. | 32EXAMP.MAK  | Sample make file for compiling and linking a 32-bit    |
  435. |              | application with the IBM C Set++ Compiler.  It is the  |
  436. |              | equivalent make file to CS2EXAMP.MAK                   |
  437. |              |                                                        |
  438. +==============+========================================================+
  439. |                                                                       |
  440. | Feature: Data transparency template generator.                        |
  441. |                                                                       |
  442. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  443. | CS2XPGNR.EXE | This is the template generator.                        |
  444. |              |                                                        |
  445. +==============+========================================================+
  446. |                                                                       |
  447. | Feature: These samples show how to support a Dynamic Data Exchange    |
  448. |          (DDE) interface between an OS/2 DDE Client (e.g. Microsoft   |
  449. |          Excel) and a DAE Resource Execution Module                   |
  450. |          (e.g. ECHODDE.CS2NODE)                                       |
  451. |                                                                       |
  452. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  453. | CSDDE.DLL    | Dynamic data exchange DLL.                             |
  454. |              |                                                        |
  455. | DAEDDE.EXE   | Dynamic data exchange server.                          |
  456. |              |                                                        |
  457. | DDEREAD.DOC  | Dynamic data exchange server information.              |
  458. |              |                                                        |
  459. | ECHODDE.EXE  | Dynamic data exchange sample REM.                      |
  460. |              |                                                        |
  461. | ECHODDE.MAK  | Dynamic data exchange sample REM make file.            |
  462. |              |                                                        |
  463. | ECHODDE.C    | Dynamic data exchange sample REM source.               |
  464. |              |                                                        |
  465. +==============+========================================================+
  466. |                                                                       |
  467. | Feature: Data transparency template generator.                        |
  468. |                                                                       |
  469. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  470. | CS2CCT.EXE   | A CDIN location table tool.  It allows the user to     |
  471. |              | perform tables & queues functions directly to the      |
  472. |              | CS2CCT00 table resource using a printf interface.  The |
  473. |              | user can add, change, erase, display, display next, or |
  474. |              | list all members of the table.  For help on using this |
  475. |              | tool, type "CS2CCT ?" at the command line.  This will  |
  476. |              | display the use of the tool and examples.  The user    |
  477. |              | can execute CS2CCT directly through prompt or command  |
  478. |              | line interface, or through the main menu of the        |
  479. |              | utility tools (type CS2UTT).                           |
  480. |              |                                                        |
  481. +==============+========================================================+
  482. |                                                                       |
  483. | Feature: DAE control blocks, NIB segments, system and subnet batch    |
  484. |          configuration utility.                                       |
  485. |                                                                       |
  486. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  487. | CS2CUTIL.EXE | A text file driven utility for creating or modifying   |
  488. |              | DAE control blocks, NIB segments, system, and subnet   |
  489. |              | files.                                                 |
  490. |              |                                                        |
  491. | CS2CUOFF.EXE | An "off-line" version of the CS2CUOFF utility, that    |
  492. |              | is, it does not require that DAE be active for it to   |
  493. |              | create or modify the current node's control blocks,    |
  494. |              | NIB segments, system, and subnet files.                |
  495. |              |                                                        |
  496. | CS2CUTIL.DOC | Documentation for the CS2CUTIL and CS2CUOFF utilities. |
  497. |              |                                                        |
  498. | CS2CUTIL.TXT | Sample input file for CS2CUTIL utility.                |
  499. |              |                                                        |
  500. +==============+========================================================+
  501. |                                                                       |
  502. | Feature: Documentation for configuring a DAE network manually.        |
  503. |                                                                       |
  504. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  505. | DAENETW.DOC  | This document describes how to configure a DAE network |
  506. |              | manually, without using the network distributor.       |
  507. |              | Refer to the Communications System/2 Installation and  |
  508. |              | Configuration Guide if you want to configure a DAE     |
  509. |              | network using the network distributor.                 |
  510. |              |                                                        |
  511. #########################################################################
  512. #                                                                       #
  513. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\DDMS                                          #
  514. #                                                                       #
  515. #########################################################################
  516. |                                                                       |
  517. | Feature: The following files are used to verify DDMS installation     |
  518. |          using an asynchronous terminal.                              |
  519. |                                                                       |
  520. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  521. | CS2DMR10.EXE | Co-processor server used to verify DDMS installation   |
  522. |              | using an asynchronous terminal.                        |
  523. |              |                                                        |
  524. | CS2DMLDP.DLL | DLL that contains routines used when verifying DDMS    |
  525. |              | installation using an asynchronous terminal.           |
  526. |              |                                                        |
  527. | CPPASYNC.EXE | Program that verifies DDMS installation using an       |
  528. |              | asynchronous terminal.                                 |
  529. |              |                                                        |
  530. | DDMSVER.MAK  | Makefile used to compile and link the device data      |
  531. |              | management verification program.                       |
  532. |              |                                                        |
  533. | DDMSVER1.C   | Files that test the installation of an asynchronous    |
  534. | DDMSVER1.EXE | device with the following components: system unit DDMS |
  535. |              | server with no LDIP support, Co-processor DDMS server  |
  536. |              | with sample asynchronous LDIP support, sample          |
  537. |              | asynchronous CPP and a Co-processor REM.               |
  538. |              |                                                        |
  539. | DDMSVER2.C   | Files that test the installation of an asynchronous    |
  540. | DDMSVER2.EXE | device with the following components: system unit DDMS |
  541. |              | server with sample asynchronous LDIP support, sample   |
  542. |              | asynchronous CPP, co-processor REM, DCS REM.           |
  543. |              |                                                        |
  544. | LOADRIC.CMD  | The command file used to initialize the realtime       |
  545. |              | interface co-processor.                                |
  546. |              |                                                        |
  547. | MBXICCFG.EXE | Program that sets the realtime interface co-processor  |
  548. |              | shared message pool size.                              |
  549. |              |                                                        |
  550. | MBXRCCFG.EXE | Co-processor application loaded by MBXICCFG.EXE.       |
  551. |              |                                                        |
  552. +==============+========================================================+
  553. |                                                                       |
  554. | Feature: Communications Protocol Program (CPP) sample programs.       |
  555. |                                                                       |
  556. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  557. | CPPASYNC.EXE | File that contains the device specific routines needed |
  558. |              | by the CPP for communications to an ASCII terminal and |
  559. |              | demonstrates multiple replies to a single write.       |
  560. |              |                                                        |
  561. | CPPELF.EXE   | The 7525 Data Collection Terminal CPP executable file. |
  562. |              |                                                        |
  563. | CPPMAKE.MAK  | Make file for compiling CPP code under CS/2.  Used to  |
  564. |              | compile the Asynchronous and 7525 Data Collection      |
  565. |              | Terminal CPPs.                                         |
  566. |              |                                                        |
  567. | CPPRMAL.C    | A standard "malloc - realloc - free" dynamic memory    |
  568. |              | allocation interface for the realtime interface        |
  569. |              | co-processor card.  Used in the CPPTSTI0 test tool.    |
  570. |              |                                                        |
  571. | CPPRMAL.H    | Include file for dynamic memory allocation for the     |
  572. |              | co-processor.  Used in the CPPTSTI0 test tool.         |
  573. |              |                                                        |
  574. | CPPTSTH0.H   | Include file for the CPP test tool, CPPTSTI0.          |
  575. |              |                                                        |
  576. | CPPRICCS.H   | Include file for the CPP test tool, CPPTSTI0.          |
  577. |              |                                                        |
  578. | CPPTSTI0.C   | Programs that provide the user a method of debugging   |
  579. | CPPTSTI0.EXE | CPPs by allowing the user to send individual MBX       |
  580. |              | commands to any CPP.                                   |
  581. |              |                                                        |
  582. | CPPTSTR0.C   | Programs that provide a specialized CS/2<-->MBX relay  |
  583. | CPPTSTR0.EXE | shell to allow testing of the CPP from the IC to the   |
  584. |              | co-processor environment.                              |
  585. |              |                                                        |
  586. | CS2ASCP1.C   | Device-specific line/device protocol and               |
  587. |              | communications tasks for an asynchronous CPP.          |
  588. |              |                                                        |
  589. | CS2ASCP1.H   | Device-specific header file for the asynchronous CPP.  |
  590. |              |                                                        |
  591. | CS2ASCP2.C   | Device-specific line/device protocol and               |
  592. |              | communications tasks for an asynchronous CPP.          |
  593. |              |                                                        |
  594. | CS2ASCP2.H   | Device-specific definitions for an asynchronous CPP.   |
  595. |              |                                                        |
  596. | CS2ASCP3.C   | Support routines for a asynchronous CPP.               |
  597. |              |                                                        |
  598. | CS2ASCPP.C   | Main program for line/device protocol and              |
  599. |              | communications tasks for the asynchronous CPP.         |
  600. |              |                                                        |
  601. | CS2ASCPP.H   | Main include file for the Asynchronous CPP.            |
  602. |              |                                                        |
  603. | CS2ASPMN.C   | Line/device protocol and communications task for an    |
  604. |              | asynchronous CPP.                                      |
  605. |              |                                                        |
  606. | CS2ASPMN.H   | Include file for asynchronous CPP main functions.      |
  607. |              |                                                        |
  608. | CS2ASRCS.C   | Line/device protocol and communications tasks for an   |
  609. |              | asynchronous CPP.                                      |
  610. |              |                                                        |
  611. | CS2ASUSR.C   | Functions for user hooks into portions of the          |
  612. |              | asynchronous CPP.  These hooks allow the user to have  |
  613. |              | control at various locations in the generic CPP code.  |
  614. |              |                                                        |
  615. | CS2COCP1.H   | Definitions of certain constants and the storage and   |
  616. |              | queue block definitions common to most CPPs.           |
  617. |              | CPPs.                                                  |
  618. |              |                                                        |
  619. | CS2COCP2.H   | Common definitions for the queues in the CPPs.         |
  620. |              |                                                        |
  621. | CS2COCP3.H   | Defines for constants and declares for function        |
  622. |              | prototypes.                                            |
  623. |              |                                                        |
  624. | CS2COERP.H   | CPP error location codes.                              |
  625. |              |                                                        |
  626. | CS2COINQ.C   | Generic CPP intra-task queueing of events.             |
  627. |              |                                                        |
  628. | CS2COINQ.H   | Include file for MyQ intra-task queueing.              |
  629. |              |                                                        |
  630. | CS2CORCS.H   | Include file for line/device protocol and              |
  631. |              | communication task interfaces using Realtime Interface |
  632. |              | Co-processor Extended Services (RICES).                |
  633. |              |                                                        |
  634. | CS2CORML.C   | Provides a standard "malloc - realloc - free" to       |
  635. |              | handle dynamic memory allocation interface for the     |
  636. |              | co-processor.                                          |
  637. |              |                                                        |
  638. | CS2CORML.H   | Include file for dynamic memory allocation for the     |
  639. |              | co-processor.                                          |
  640. |              |                                                        |
  641. | CS2DMLDP.DLL | DLL which contains the LDIP routines for the           |
  642. |              | asynchronous LDIP.                                     |
  643. |              |                                                        |
  644. | CS2DMR10.EXE | Co-processor server with LDIP support for the          |
  645. |              | asynchronous terminal.                                 |
  646. |              |                                                        |
  647. | CS2ELCP1.C   | Line/device protocol and communications tasks for a    |
  648. |              | 7525 Data Collection terminal CPP.                     |
  649. |              |                                                        |
  650. | CS2ELCP1.H   | Device specific header file for 7525 Data Collection   |
  651. |              | terminal CPP.                                          |
  652. |              |                                                        |
  653. | CS2ELCP2.C   | Line/device protocol and communications task for a     |
  654. |              | 7525 Data Collection terminal CPP.                     |
  655. |              |                                                        |
  656. | CS2ELCP2.H   | Device specific header file for 7525 Data Collection   |
  657. |              | terminal CPP.                                          |
  658. |              |                                                        |
  659. | CS2ELCP3.C   | Contains support routines for a 7525 Data Collection   |
  660. |              | terminal CPP.                                          |
  661. |              |                                                        |
  662. | CS2ELCPP.C   | 7525 Data Collection Terminal CPP main program.        |
  663. |              |                                                        |
  664. | CS2ELCPP.H   | 7525 Data Collection Terminal CPP error location       |
  665. |              | codes.                                                 |
  666. |              |                                                        |
  667. | CS2ELPMN.C   | Line/device protocol and communications task for a     |
  668. |              | 7525 Data Collection terminal CPP.                     |
  669. |              |                                                        |
  670. | CS2ELPMN.H   | Include file for 7525 Data Collection Terminal CPP     |
  671. |              | main functions.                                        |
  672. |              |                                                        |
  673. | CS2ELRCS.C   | IO support routines using the Realtime Interface       |
  674. |              | Co-processor Communications Services (RICCS), for a    |
  675. |              | 7525 Data Collection terminal CPP.                     |
  676. |              |                                                        |
  677. | CS2ELUSR.C   | This file contains the user defined routines using     |
  678. |              | the RICCS, for a 7525 Data Collection terminal CPP.    |
  679. |              |                                                        |
  680. | DDMELFCP.H   | Structure definitions for the 7525 Data Collection     |
  681. |              | terminal read and write packets, shared by LDIP and    |
  682. |              | CPP.                                                   |
  683. |              |                                                        |
  684. +==============+========================================================+
  685. |                                                                       |
  686. | Feature: The following files execute on the realtime interface        |
  687. |          co-processor.                                                |
  688. |                                                                       |
  689. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  690. | ICADISP2.EXE | A diagnostic tool used to peek the co-processor card.  |
  691. |              |                                                        |
  692. | ICAOVMGR.EXE | This file supports the overlay manager for the         |
  693. |              | co-processor card.                                     |
  694. |              |                                                        |
  695. | RICSTAT.EXE  | A diagnostic tool that display errors and free memory  |
  696. |              | on the co-processor card.                              |
  697. |              |                                                        |
  698. | RESETRIC.EXE | A diagnostic tool used to reset the co-processor card. |
  699. |              | It can be used to clear memory on the co-processor     |
  700. |              | card instead of powering down the system unit.         |
  701. |              |                                                        |
  702. | RESETRIC.DOC | Usage notes for RESETRIC.EXE.                          |
  703. |              |                                                        |
  704. +==============+========================================================+
  705. |                                                                       |
  706. | Feature: The following files initialize the realtime interface        |
  707. |          co-processor.                                                |
  708. |                                                                       |
  709. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  710. | LOADRIC.CMD  | The command file used to initialize the realtime       |
  711. |              | interface co-processor.                                |
  712. |              |                                                        |
  713. | MBXICCFG.EXE | Set the realtime interface co-processor shared message |
  714. |              | pool size.                                             |
  715. |              |                                                        |
  716. | MBXRCCFG.EXE | Co-processor application loaded by MBXICCFG.           |
  717. |              |                                                        |
  718. +==============+========================================================+
  719. |                                                                       |
  720. | Feature: The following files are used to load tasks on the realtime   |
  721. |          interface co-processor.                                      |
  722. |                                                                       |
  723. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  724. | ICALDRIC.EXE | This file is the OS/2 realtime interace co-processor   |
  725. |              | loader program, and it supports overlay.               |
  726. |              |                                                        |
  727. +==============+========================================================+
  728. |                                                                       |
  729. | Feature: The following files are sample programs for various DDMS     |
  730. |          functions, including events and journaling.                  |
  731. |                                                                       |
  732. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  733. | DMALTER1.C   | Defines for remote variable definitions and            |
  734. | DMALTER2.C   | simulations of changes in these variables for event    |
  735. |              | notification.                                          |
  736. |              |                                                        |
  737. | DMALTER1.EXE | Run-time executable for DMALTER1.C.                    |
  738. |              |                                                        |
  739. | DMALTER2.EXE | Run-time executable for DMALTER2.C.                    |
  740. |              |                                                        |
  741. | DMASCPP.C    | Demonstration of various functions of DDMS when used   |
  742. |              | with an asynchronous device (in this case, an IBM 3151 |
  743. |              | Terminal) and LDIP/CPP support.                        |
  744. |              |                                                        |
  745. | DMASCPP.EXE  | Run-time executable for DMASCPP.C.                     |
  746. |              |                                                        |
  747. | DMDEFINE.C   | Defines for the variables, event conditions, journals, |
  748. |              | devices, and connections that will be used in the      |
  749. |              | sample projects.  This application saves the           |
  750. |              | definitions in files, enabling the sample projects to  |
  751. |              | load the definitions at run-time.                      |
  752. |              |                                                        |
  753. | DMDEFINE.EXE | Run-time executable for DMDEFINE.C.                    |
  754. |              |                                                        |
  755. | DMEVENT.C    | Defines for event condition definitions, enabling the  |
  756. |              | event notification messaging.                          |
  757. |              |                                                        |
  758. | DMEVENT.EXE  | Run-time executable for DMEVENT.C.                     |
  759. |              |                                                        |
  760. | DMEVTJRL.C   | Defines for the event definitions file created by the  |
  761. |              | DMDEFINE program and defines for an event condition    |
  762. |              | using the current system time.  The source code starts |
  763. |              | scanning the events, receives the event notifications  |
  764. |              | off its own queue, and processes the messages as       |
  765. |              | general annotation_data journal entries.               |
  766. |              |                                                        |
  767. | DMEVTJRL.EXE | Run-time executable for DMEVTJRL.C.                    |
  768. |              |                                                        |
  769. | DMFILE.C     | Source code that defines a network event that is       |
  770. |              | triggered when the functional procedure in DMFNCPRC.C  |
  771. |              | is used.  It then uses the d_waitres command to        |
  772. |              | determine when the network event is altered, and       |
  773. |              | writes file messages reflecting this information.      |
  774. |              |                                                        |
  775. | DMFILE.EXE   | Run-time executable for DMFILE.C.                      |
  776. |              |                                                        |
  777. | DMFNCPRC.C   | The functional procedure referenced in DMTASK.C.  This |
  778. |              | procedure writes parameter data to a file.             |
  779. |              |                                                        |
  780. | DMHEADER.H   | Header file with common defined constants, ACB names,  |
  781. |              | file names, and definition parameters for each of the  |
  782. |              | sample projects described in DMREADME.DOC.             |
  783. |              |                                                        |
  784. | DMINITIC.C   | Functions to initialize, purge, and stop a             |
  785. |              | Communications System/2 resource, and to display error |
  786. |              | and output messages.                                   |
  787. |              |                                                        |
  788. | DMJRLMSG.C   | Source code that receives variable notification        |
  789. |              | messages and processes them as raw data journal        |
  790. |              | entries, saving them in memory.  After processing is   |
  791. |              | complete, the journal entries are read and displayed   |
  792. |              | in order in which they were written.                   |
  793. |              |                                                        |
  794. | DMJRLMSG.EXE | Run-time executable for DMJRLMSG.C.                    |
  795. |              |                                                        |
  796. | DMJRNL.C     | Reads event notifications off its queue and processes  |
  797. |              | them to journal entries.                               |
  798. |              |                                                        |
  799. | DMJRNL.EXE   | Run-time executable for DMJRNL.C.                      |
  800. |              |                                                        |
  801. | DMMAKE.CMD   | Command file to set the environment variables and call |
  802. |              | the make command file DMMAKE.MAK.                      |
  803. |              |                                                        |
  804. | DMMAKE.MAK   | Make command file that prepares the executable program |
  805. |              | for any or all source files in the sample projects     |
  806. |              | described in DMREADME.DOC.                             |
  807. |              |                                                        |
  808. | DMREADME.DOC | File that explains the objectives and procedures for   |
  809. |              | running the Communications System/2 Sample Projects 1  |
  810. |              | through 5.                                             |
  811. |              |                                                        |
  812. | DMSEMA4.C    | Source code that starts and stops the tasks in this    |
  813. |              | project, defines the semaphore, and determines how     |
  814. |              | long the functional procedure in DMFNCPRC.C will be    |
  815. |              | monitored by the monitoring program DMFILE.C.          |
  816. |              |                                                        |
  817. | DMSEMA4.EXE  | Run-time executable for DMSEMA4.C.                     |
  818. |              |                                                        |
  819. | DMTASK.C     | Source code that attaches to a semaphore to control    |
  820. |              | its access to a functional procedure in DMFNCPRC.C.    |
  821. |              | It simulates sending lines of text to the procedure to |
  822. |              | be written to a file, by sending a single line of text |
  823. |              | a random number of times.                              |
  824. |              |                                                        |
  825. | DMTASK.EXE   | Run-time executable for DMTASK.C.                      |
  826. |              |                                                        |
  827. | DMVARMSG.C   | Source code that gathers user data and writes it to a  |
  828. |              | remote variable, which notifies the journaling program |
  829. |              | DMJRLMSG of variable data change through variable      |
  830. |              | notification messaging.                                |
  831. |              |                                                        |
  832. | DMVARMSG.EXE | Run-time executable for DMVARMSG.C.                    |
  833. |              |                                                        |
  834. #########################################################################
  835. #                                                                       #
  836. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\DDMS\AB                                       #
  837. #                                                                       #
  838. #########################################################################
  839. |                                                                       |
  840. | Feature: DDMS Server with LDIP Support for Allen-Bradley.             |
  841. |                                                                       |
  842. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  843. | CS2DMLPD.DLL | Dynamic-link library with LDIP support for             |
  844. |              | Allen-Bradley.                                         |
  845. |              |                                                        |
  846. | CS2DMRV0.EXE | Overlay co-processor DDMS server with LDIP support for |
  847. |              | Allen-Bradley.                                         |
  848. |              |                                                        |
  849. | CS2DMR10.EXE | Nonoverlay co-processor DDMS server with LDIP support  |
  850. |              | for Allen-Bradley and with no support for the DDMS     |
  851. |              | event condition and journal commands.                  |
  852. |              |                                                        |
  853. #########################################################################
  854. #                                                                       #
  855. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\DDMS\GE                                       #
  856. #                                                                       #
  857. #########################################################################
  858. |                                                                       |
  859. | Feature: DDMS Server with LDIP Support for GE Fanuc.                  |
  860. |                                                                       |
  861. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  862. | CS2DMLPD.DLL | Dynamic-link library with LDIP support for GE Fanuc.   |
  863. |              |                                                        |
  864. | CS2DMRV0.EXE | Overlay co-processor DDMS server with LDIP support for |
  865. |              | GE Fanuc.                                              |
  866. |              |                                                        |
  867. | CS2DMR10.EXE | Nonoverlay co-processor DDMS server with LDIP support  |
  868. |              | for GE Fanuc and with no support for the DDMS event    |
  869. |              | condition and journal commands.                        |
  870. |              |                                                        |
  871. #########################################################################
  872. #                                                                       #
  873. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\DDMS\MO                                       #
  874. #                                                                       #
  875. #########################################################################
  876. |                                                                       |
  877. | Feature: DDMS Server with LDIP Support for MODICON.                   |
  878. |                                                                       |
  879. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  880. | CS2DMLPD.DLL | Dynamic-link library with LDIP support for MODICON.    |
  881. |              |                                                        |
  882. | CS2DMRV0.EXE | Overlay co-processor DDMS server with LDIP support for |
  883. |              | MODICON.                                               |
  884. |              |                                                        |
  885. | CS2DMR10.EXE | Nonoverlay co-processor DDMS server with LDIP support  |
  886. |              | for MODICON and with no support for the DDMS event     |
  887. |              | condition and journal commands.                        |
  888. |              |                                                        |
  889. #########################################################################
  890. #                                                                       #
  891. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\DDMS\TI                                       #
  892. #                                                                       #
  893. #########################################################################
  894. |                                                                       |
  895. | Feature: DDMS Server with LDIP Support for Texas Instruments.         |
  896. |                                                                       |
  897. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  898. | CS2DMLPD.DLL | Dynamic-link library with LDIP support for             |
  899. |              | Texas Instruments.                                     |
  900. |              |                                                        |
  901. | CS2DMRV0.EXE | Overlay co-processor DDMS server with LDIP support for |
  902. |              | Texas Instruments.                                     |
  903. |              |                                                        |
  904. | CS2DMR10.EXE | Nonoverlay co-processor DDMS server with LDIP support  |
  905. |              | for Texas Instruments and with no support for the DDMS |
  906. |              | event condition and journal commands.                  |
  907. |              |                                                        |
  908. #########################################################################
  909. #                                                                       #
  910. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\DB                                            #
  911. #                                                                       #
  912. #########################################################################
  913. |                                                                       |
  914. | Feature: Sample programs which demonstrate the fundamentals of        |
  915. |          Database Support.                                            |
  916. |                                                                       |
  917. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  918. | CS2DBDML.C   | Sample code for data manipulation requests.            |
  919. |              |                                                        |
  920. | CS2DBDDL.C   | Sample code for data definition requests.              |
  921. |              |                                                        |
  922. | CS2DBDCL.C   | Sample code for data control requests, includes a      |
  923. |              | CS2_DB_SRT example.                                    |
  924. |              |                                                        |
  925. | CS2DMSMP.MAK | Make file used to compile and link the Database        |
  926. |              | samples.                                               |
  927. |              |                                                        |
  928. | CS2DB.DOC    | Readme file which contains documentation needed to     |
  929. |              | compile, link and run the database samples.            |
  930. |              |                                                        |
  931. | CS2DBBND.CMD | Command file used to bind a SQL application to a       |
  932. |              | database.                                              |
  933. |              |                                                        |
  934. | SAMPBACK.CMD | Sample command file to do time of day initiated        |
  935. |              | backups.                                               |
  936. |              |                                                        |
  937. +==============+========================================================+
  938. |                                                                       |
  939. | Feature: Sample client application for the Remote Function Manager    |
  940. |          Transaction Enabler (TxE).                                   |
  941. |                                                                       |
  942. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  943. | TXETEST2.C   | Sample client application for TxE with merged server.  |
  944. |              |                                                        |
  945. | TXETEST2.EXE | Sample client application for merged server.           |
  946. |              |                                                        |
  947. | TXETEST2.MAK | Make file for TxE simple client application.           |
  948. |              |                                                        |
  949. +=======================================================================+
  950. |                                                                       |
  951. | Feature: Sample code for TxE server.                                  |
  952. |                                                                       |
  953. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  954. | ASSETS.DAT   | File that defines the assets table.                    |
  955. |              |                                                        |
  956. | CRTBASE.BND  | Bind file used by CRTDBASE.                            |
  957. |              |                                                        |
  958. | CRTBASE.DOC  | Brief documentation for CRTDBASE program.              |
  959. |              |                                                        |
  960. | CRTBASE.EXE  | Executable for creating an assets data base.           |
  961. |              |                                                        |
  962. | NONDBASE.C   | Sample C code for TxE server with no DBASE manager.    |
  963. |              |                                                        |
  964. | NONDBASE.DEF | Definition file for sample C program.                  |
  965. |              |                                                        |
  966. | NONDBASE.DLL | File that contains sum and product sample transactions |
  967. |              | for the merged server.                                 |
  968. |              |                                                        |
  969. | NONDBASE.MAK | Sample make file for building NONDBASE.DLL.            |
  970. |              |                                                        |
  971. | PERSONS.DAT  | File that defines the persons table.                   |
  972. |              |                                                        |
  973. | TABLES.CFG   | File that indicates the names of table content files.  |
  974. |              |                                                        |
  975. | TABLES.RUN   | File that defines fields in each table.                |
  976. |              |                                                        |
  977. | TYPE.DAT     | File that defines the type table.                      |
  978. |              |                                                        |
  979. +=======================================================================+
  980. |                                                                       |
  981. | Feature: Configuration files for Database Console.                    |
  982. |                                                                       |
  983. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  984. | CS2DBCND.CFG | File used at to provide a drop down list of nodes that |
  985. |              | may be running the Database REM.  These are available  |
  986. |              | as selections when CS2DBCM is executed.                |
  987. |              |                                                        |
  988. | CS2DBCS.CFG  | File used by DBC SERVER STATUS application CS2DBCS.EXE |
  989. |              | and consists of default values for the CS2_DB_SRT API  |
  990. |              | and other parameters.                                  |
  991. |              |                                                        |
  992. | CS2DBCR.CFG  | File used by the DBC resource manager application      |
  993. |              | CS2DBCR.EXE and consists of default values for         |
  994. |              | CS2DBCR.EXE.                                           |
  995. |              |                                                        |
  996. #########################################################################
  997. #                                                                       #
  998. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\BIOA                                          #
  999. #                                                                       #
  1000. #########################################################################
  1001. |                                                                       |
  1002. | Feature: The following files are used to support the basic I/O access |
  1003. |          services, which provide access and control to files on local |
  1004. |          and on remote nodes.                                         |
  1005. |                                                                       |
  1006. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1007. | BIOA.DOC     | Documentation which describes the installation and     |
  1008. |              | configuration of the basic I/O access services         |
  1009. |              | component.                                             |
  1010. |              |                                                        |
  1011. | BIODISP.EXE  | Basic I/O access services dispatcher.  It controls     |
  1012. |              | request handlers and distributes workload.             |
  1013. |              |                                                        |
  1014. | BIOREQ.EXE   | Basic I/O access services request handler.  It         |
  1015. |              | processes requests from user applications.             |
  1016. |              |                                                        |
  1017. | BIOOPREQ.EXE | Basic I/O access services operator request hander.  It |
  1018. |              | provides information about system  utilization.        |
  1019. |              |                                                        |
  1020. | BIOAERR.MSG  | Message file for the basic I/O access services .EXE    |
  1021. |              | files.                                                 |
  1022. |              |                                                        |
  1023. | BIOOPREQ.MSG | Message file for the basic I/O access services         |
  1024. |              | operator request handler.                              |
  1025. |              |                                                        |
  1026. | CS2BSLIB.DLL | Dynamic-link library executable code for basic I/O     |
  1027. |              | access services API code.                              |
  1028. |              |                                                        |
  1029. | CS2BSLIB.LIB | Dynamic-link library file to be linked to user         |
  1030. |              | applications calling basic I/O access services APIs.   |
  1031. |              |                                                        |
  1032. | EQOIEQ00.DLL | Dynamic-link library executable code for basic I/O     |
  1033. |              | access services internal API code.                     |
  1034. |              |                                                        |
  1035. | EQOIEQ00.LIB | Dynamic-link library file to be linked to user         |
  1036. |              | applications calling basic I/O access services         |
  1037. |              | internal APIs.                                         |
  1038. |              |                                                        |
  1039. #########################################################################
  1040. #                                                                       #
  1041. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\LDIT                                          #
  1042. #                                                                       #
  1043. #########################################################################
  1044. |                                                                       |
  1045. | Feature: The following files are used for testing and modifying a     |
  1046. |          sample LDIT program.                                         |
  1047. |                                                                       |
  1048. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1049. | ASCNDISC.C   | Source files for sample LDIT.                          |
  1050. | ASCOMMON.C   |                                                        |
  1051. | ASDDM.C      |                                                        |
  1052. | ASDNLD.C     |                                                        |
  1053. | ASIOFUNC.C   |                                                        |
  1054. | ASIOTHR.C    |                                                        |
  1055. | ASTHR1.C     |                                                        |
  1056. | ASTHR2.C     |                                                        |
  1057. | ASUNSOL.C    |                                                        |
  1058. | ASUPLD.C     |                                                        |
  1059. | ASVAR.C      |                                                        |
  1060. | LDITSMPL.C   |                                                        |
  1061. |              |                                                        |
  1062. | ASDEFSTR.H   | Header files for sample LDIT.                          |
  1063. | ASFUNDEC.H   |                                                        |
  1064. | ASMACROS.H   |                                                        |
  1065. | ASRIC.H      |                                                        |
  1066. | CS2ASDEF.H   |                                                        |
  1067. | LDITSMPL.H   |                                                        |
  1068. |              |                                                        |
  1069. | CS2ASR00.CMD | Command file for sample LDIT.                          |
  1070. |              |                                                        |
  1071. | CS2ASR00.MAK | Make file for sample LDIT.                             |
  1072. |              |                                                        |
  1073. | CS2EXTDV.H   | Header file for LDIT support.  This file is located in |
  1074. |              | the \CS2\DDMS directory.                               |
  1075. |              |                                                        |
  1076. | LDITSMPL.MAK | Make file for LDITSMPL.EXE.                            |
  1077. |              |                                                        |
  1078. | RICRDWR.MAK  | Make file for RICRDWR.EXE.                             |
  1079. |              |                                                        |
  1080. | RICREAD.C    | Source file for RICRDWR.EXE.                           |
  1081. |              |                                                        |
  1082. | RICWRITE.C   | Source file for RICWRITE.EXE.                          |
  1083. |              |                                                        |
  1084. #########################################################################
  1085. #                                                                       #
  1086. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\TXE\DOC                                       #
  1087. #                                                                       #
  1088. #########################################################################
  1089. |                                                                       |
  1090. | Feature: The files listed below are documents explaining the use of   |
  1091. |          the Remote Function Manager Transaction Enabler (TxE).  The  |
  1092. |          files are given in OS/2 Information Presentation Facility    |
  1093. |          format.  Use the OS/2 program VIEW.EXE to view them.         |
  1094. |                                                                       |
  1095. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1096. | TXEAP.INF    | TxE Application Programming Guide.                     |
  1097. |              |                                                        |
  1098. | TXECF.INF    | Configuring the TxE Service.                           |
  1099. |              |                                                        |
  1100. | TXEOP.INF    | Operating the TxE Service.                             |
  1101. |              |                                                        |
  1102. | TXEGU.INF    | TxE Technical Overview.                                |
  1103. |              |                                                        |
  1104. #########################################################################
  1105. #                                                                       #
  1106. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\UI                                            #
  1107. #                                                                       #
  1108. #########################################################################
  1109. |                                                                       |
  1110. | Feature: Sample message box panel used by the user interface sample   |
  1111. |          program.                                                     |
  1112. |                                                                       |
  1113. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1114. | CS2UIMBX.H   | Sample message box panel header file.                  |
  1115. |              |                                                        |
  1116. | CS2UIMBX.HLP | Sample message box panel help library file used by the |
  1117. |              | user interface sample program.                         |
  1118. |              |                                                        |
  1119. | CS2UIMBX.MAK | Make file that compiles and links CS2UIMBX.PDF to      |
  1120. |              | make CS2UIMBX.PDL, CS2UIMBX.PML, CS2UIMBX.HLP and      |
  1121. |              | CS2UIMBX.H on OS/2.                                    |
  1122. |              |                                                        |
  1123. | CS2UIMBX.PDF | Sample message box panel definition file used with     |
  1124. |              | make file CS2UIMBX.MAK to make CS2UIMBX.PDL,           |
  1125. |              | CS2UIMBX.PML, CS2UIMBX.HLP and CS2UIMBX.H.             |
  1126. |              |                                                        |
  1127. | CS2UIMBX.PDL | Sample message box panel definition library file used  |
  1128. |              | by the user interface sample program.                  |
  1129. |              |                                                        |
  1130. | CS2UIMBX.PML | Sample message box panel message library file used by  |
  1131. |              | the user interface sample program.                     |
  1132. |              |                                                        |
  1133. +==============+========================================================+
  1134. |                                                                       |
  1135. | Feature: Sample panel used by the user interface sample program.      |
  1136. |                                                                       |
  1137. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1138. | CS2UIPNL.H   | Sample panel header file.                              |
  1139. |              |                                                        |
  1140. | CS2UIPNL.HLP | Sample panel help library file used by the             |
  1141. |              | user interface sample program.                         |
  1142. |              |                                                        |
  1143. | CS2UIPNL.MAK | Make file which compiles and links CS2UIPNL.PDF to     |
  1144. |              | make CS2UIPNL.PDL, CS2UIPNL.PML, CS2UIPNL.HLP and      |
  1145. |              | CS2UIPNL.H on OS/2.                                    |
  1146. |              |                                                        |
  1147. | CS2UIPNL.PDF | Sample message box panel definition file used with     |
  1148. |              | make file CS2UIPNL.MAK to make CS2UIPNL.PDL,           |
  1149. |              | CS2UIPNL.PML, CS2UIPNL.HLP and CS2UIPNL.H.             |
  1150. |              |                                                        |
  1151. | CS2UIPNL.PDL | Sample panel definition library file used by the       |
  1152. |              | user interface sample program.                         |
  1153. |              |                                                        |
  1154. | CS2UIPNL.PML | Sample panel message library file used by the          |
  1155. |              | user interface sample program.                         |
  1156. |              |                                                        |
  1157. +==============+========================================================+
  1158. |                                                                       |
  1159. | Feature: Sample program that demonstrates the user interface APIs.    |
  1160. |                                                                       |
  1161. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1162. | CS2UISMP.C   | Source code that demonstrates the usage of the user    |
  1163. |              | interface API calls.                                   |
  1164. |              |                                                        |
  1165. | CS2UISMP.DEF | Module definition file used with make file             |
  1166. |              | CS2UISMP.MAK to make CS2UISMP.EXE.                     |
  1167. |              |                                                        |
  1168. | CS2UISMP.EXE | Executable version of CS2UISMP.C.                      |
  1169. |              |                                                        |
  1170. | CS2UISMP.H   | Header file for the user interface sample program.     |
  1171. |              |                                                        |
  1172. | CS2UISMP.MAK | Make file which compiles and links CS2UISMP.C and      |
  1173. |              | CS2UIUEX.C to make CS2UISMP.EXE, CS2UIUEX.LIB and      |
  1174. |              | CS2UIUEX.DLL on OS/2.                                  |
  1175. |              |                                                        |
  1176. | CS2UISMP.RFL | Response file used with make file CS2UISMP.MAK to make |
  1177. |              | CS2UISMP.EXE.                                          |
  1178. |              |                                                        |
  1179. | CS2UIUEX.C   | Source code that demonstrates the usage of the user    |
  1180. |              | interface user exit API calls.                         |
  1181. |              |                                                        |
  1182. | CS2UIUEX.DEF | Module definition file used with make file             |
  1183. |              | CS2UISMP.MAK to make CS2UIUEX.LIB and CS2UIUEX.DLL.    |
  1184. |              |                                                        |
  1185. | CS2UIUEX.DLL | Dynamic-link library version of CS2UIUEX.C.            |
  1186. |              |                                                        |
  1187. | CS2UIUEX.LIB | Library version of CS2UIUEX.C.                         |
  1188. |              |                                                        |
  1189. | CS2UIUEX.RFL | Response file used with make file CS2UISMP.MAK to make |
  1190. |              | CS2UIUEX.LIB and CS2UIUEX.DLL.                         |
  1191. |              |                                                        |
  1192. +==============+========================================================+
  1193. |                                                                       |
  1194. | Feature: The following files are part of the User Interface Screen    |
  1195. |          Management Facility (UISMF).  They are used as a             |
  1196. |          productivity tool for programmers who develop panel          |
  1197. |          applications.                                                |
  1198. |                                                                       |
  1199. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1200. | UISMF.CFG    | UISMF REM - configuration file.                        |
  1201. |              |                                                        |
  1202. | UISMFCMD.CFG | UISMF REM - sample panel command configuration file.   |
  1203. |              |                                                        |
  1204. | UISMF.EXE    | UISMF REM - executable module.                         |
  1205. |              |                                                        |
  1206. | UISMF.H      | UISMF common defines (external header).                |
  1207. |              |                                                        |
  1208. | UISMFAPI.DLL | UISMF APIs - executable DLL.                           |
  1209. |              |                                                        |
  1210. | UISMFAPI.LIB | UISMF APIs - link library.                             |
  1211. |              |                                                        |
  1212. | UISMFAPP.C   | UISMF sample application program - source code.        |
  1213. |              |                                                        |
  1214. | UISMFAPP.DEF | UISMF sample application program - definitions file.   |
  1215. |              |                                                        |
  1216. | UISMFAPP.DLL | UISMF sample application program - executable DLL.     |
  1217. |              |                                                        |
  1218. | UISMFAPP.H   | UISMF sample application program - include file.       |
  1219. |              |                                                        |
  1220. | UISMFAPP.LIB | UISMF sample application program - link library.       |
  1221. |              |                                                        |
  1222. | UISMFAPP.MAK | UISMF sample application program - make file.          |
  1223. |              |                                                        |
  1224. | UISMFDOC.DOC | UISMF documentation.                                   |
  1225. |              |                                                        |
  1226. | UISMFMBX.H   | UISMF sample message box panels - panel header file.   |
  1227. |              |                                                        |
  1228. | UISMFMBX.HLP | UISMF sample message box panels - HLP binary file.     |
  1229. |              |                                                        |
  1230. | UISMFMBX.PDF | UISMF sample message box panels - PDF source file.     |
  1231. |              |                                                        |
  1232. | UISMFMBX.PDL | UISMF sample message box panels - PDL binary file.     |
  1233. |              |                                                        |
  1234. | UISMFMBX.PML | UISMF sample message box panels - PML binary file.     |
  1235. |              |                                                        |
  1236. | UISMFMBX.TXT | UISMF sample message box panels - UIBUILD text file.   |
  1237. |              |                                                        |
  1238. | UISMFSMP.H   | UISMF sample application panels - panel header file.   |
  1239. |              |                                                        |
  1240. | UISMFSMP.HLP | UISMF sample application panels - HLP binary file.     |
  1241. |              |                                                        |
  1242. | UISMFSMP.PDF | UISMF sample application panels - PDF source file.     |
  1243. |              |                                                        |
  1244. | UISMFSMP.PDL | UISMF sample application panels - PDL binary file.     |
  1245. |              |                                                        |
  1246. | UISMFSMP.PML | UISMF sample application panels - PML binary file.     |
  1247. |              |                                                        |
  1248. | UISMFSMP.TXT | UISMF sample application panels - UIBUILD text file.   |
  1249. |              |                                                        |
  1250. +==============+========================================================+
  1251. |                                                                       |
  1252. | Feature: User Interface Screen Management Facility (UISMF) sample     |
  1253. |          code.                                                        |
  1254. |                                                                       |
  1255. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1256. | ASSET.DAT    | UISMF sample assets test data file.                    |
  1257. |              |                                                        |
  1258. | ASSETS.ICO   | Icon for the UISMF assets sample application.          |
  1259. |              |                                                        |
  1260. | DEMO.CFG     | UISMF navigating demo - UISMF REM configuration file.  |
  1261. |              |                                                        |
  1262. | DEMOCMDS.CFG | UISMF navigating demo - navigating commands file.      |
  1263. |              |                                                        |
  1264. | DEMOEXIT.C   | UISMF navigating demo - sample user exit code.         |
  1265. |              |                                                        |
  1266. | DEMOEXIT.DEF | UISMF navigating demo - user exit module definition    |
  1267. |              | file.                                                  |
  1268. |              |                                                        |
  1269. | DEMOEXIT.DLL | UISMF navigating demo - user exit dynamic link         |
  1270. |              | library file.                                          |
  1271. |              |                                                        |
  1272. | DEMOEXIT.LIB | UISMF navigating demo - user exit library file.        |
  1273. |              |                                                        |
  1274. | DEMOEXIT.MAK | UISMF navigating demo - user exit make file.           |
  1275. |              |                                                        |
  1276. | DEMOPNLS.H   | UISMF navigating demo - panel header file.             |
  1277. |              |                                                        |
  1278. | DEMOPNLS.HLP | UISMF navigating demo - panel help file.               |
  1279. |              |                                                        |
  1280. | DEMOPNLS.PDF | UISMF navigating demo - panel source code.             |
  1281. |              |                                                        |
  1282. | DEMOPNLS.PDL | UISMF navigating demo - panel PDL file.                |
  1283. |              |                                                        |
  1284. | DEMOPNLS.PML | UISMF navigating demo - panel PML file.                |
  1285. |              |                                                        |
  1286. | DEMOPNLS.TXT | UISMF navigating demo - panel .TXT file for UIBUILD.   |
  1287. |              |                                                        |
  1288. | PERSON.DAT   | UISMF sample person test data file.                    |
  1289. |              |                                                        |
  1290. | PMWINDOW.ICO | Icon for the UISMF sample applications.                |
  1291. |              |                                                        |
  1292. | PORSCHE.BMP  | Bitmap for the UISMF sample applications.              |
  1293. |              |                                                        |
  1294. #########################################################################
  1295. #                                                                       #
  1296. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\DSF                                           #
  1297. #                                                                       #
  1298. #########################################################################
  1299. |                                                                       |
  1300. | Feature: The Data Stream Functions (DSF) consist of the following     |
  1301. |          files.                                                       |
  1302. |                                                                       |
  1303. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1304. | DSFREAD.DOC  | Document describing the use of data stream functions.  |
  1305. |              |                                                        |
  1306. | EVADSF.DLL   | Data stream functions DLL.                             |
  1307. |              |                                                        |
  1308. | EVADSF.LIB   | Data stream functions library.                         |
  1309. |              |                                                        |
  1310. | EVAXDHCI.H   | DAS (data server) CIP IDs constants definitions        |
  1311. |              |                                                        |
  1312. | EVAXSHAP.H   | External API header.                                   |
  1313. |              |                                                        |
  1314. | EVAXSHIN.H   | Data stream functions constants and typedefs.          |
  1315. |              |                                                        |
  1316. | EVAXSHPR.H   | Prototypes of data stream functions.                   |
  1317. |              |                                                        |
  1318. | EVAXCFCR     | Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) repository      |
  1319. |              | table.                                                 |
  1320. |              |                                                        |
  1321. | EVAXCFGC     | GCCST table.                                           |
  1322. |              |                                                        |
  1323. | EVAXCF01 -   | Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) conversion      |
  1324. | EVAXCF40     | tables.                                                |
  1325. |              |                                                        |
  1326. #########################################################################
  1327. #                                                                       #
  1328. # Directory: \CS2\TOOLKIT\CSW                                           #
  1329. #                                                                       #
  1330. #########################################################################
  1331. |              |                                                        |
  1332. |    File      |                        Description                     |
  1333. |              |                                                        |
  1334. +==============+========================================================+
  1335. |                                                                       |
  1336. | Feature: Communications System Workbench (CSW) is a Graphical User    |
  1337. |          Interface (GUI) tool for developing panel-driven DAE         |
  1338. |          applications.  Instructions can be found in the CSW User's   |
  1339. |          Guide and Reference (CSWUGR.DOC), included in this set of    |
  1340. |          files, for use and set-up of CSW.                            |
  1341. |                                                                       |
  1342. +==============+========================================================+
  1343. |                                                                       |
  1344. | Feature: CSW runtime files - supplied with the CSW install option.    |
  1345. |                                                                       |
  1346. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1347. | CSW.DLL      | Internal CSW runtime functions.                        |
  1348. |              |                                                        |
  1349. | CSWAPI.DLL   | External CSW API functions.                            |
  1350. |              |                                                        |
  1351. | CSW.MSG      | CSW message file.                                      |
  1352. |              |                                                        |
  1353. | CSWH.MSG     | CSW help message file. Type "help cswxxxx", where      |
  1354. |              | xxxx is the CSW return code.                           |
  1355. |              |                                                        |
  1356. | CSWPNL.PDL   | CSW runtime panel library set.                         |
  1357. | CSWPNL.PML   |                                                        |
  1358. | CSWPNL.HLP   |                                                        |
  1359. |              |                                                        |
  1360. | CSWRUN.EXE   | Program for running a CSW application.  Takes the name |
  1361. |              | of an application as a parameter.                      |
  1362. |              |                                                        |
  1363. | CSW.CNF      | File that contains set-up for CSW.                     |
  1364. |              |                                                        |
  1365. +==============+========================================================+
  1366. |                                                                       |
  1367. | Feature: CSW buildtime files - supplied with the CSW runtime files,   |
  1368. |          when you choose the CSW buildtime install option.            |
  1369. |                                                                       |
  1370. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1371. |              |                                                        |
  1372. | CSWAPI.LIB   | Library for linking user application with CSWAPI.DLL.  |
  1373. |              |                                                        |
  1374. | CSWBUILD.DLL | CSW buildtime internal functions.                      |
  1375. |              |                                                        |
  1376. | CSWBDPNL.PDL | CSW buildtime panel library set.                       |
  1377. | CSWBDPNL.PML |                                                        |
  1378. | CSWDBPNL.HLP |                                                        |
  1379. |              |                                                        |
  1380. | CSWBLD.EXE   | Program that starts the panel-driven CSW buildtime     |
  1381. |              | application.                                           |
  1382. |              |                                                        |
  1383. | CSWMERGE.EXE | Program that merges two CSW application configuration  |
  1384. |              | files.                                                 |
  1385. |              |                                                        |
  1386. | CSWRESYN.EXE | Resync Facility - useful for updating a text CSW con-  |
  1387. |              | figuration file after panels are modified and rebuilt. |
  1388. |              |                                                        |
  1389. | CSWTX2BN.EXE | Conversion Facility - useful for converting a text     |
  1390. |              | CSW configuration file to the binary file format.      |
  1391. |              |                                                        |
  1392. | CSWTXTCR.EXE | Text Template Creation Facility - useful for creating  |
  1393. |              | a template of a CSW text configuration file based on   |
  1394. |              | a user's panel library.                                |
  1395. |              |                                                        |
  1396. | CSWBLD.CFG   | Binary format CSW configuration file for driving the   |
  1397. |              | CSW buildtime application.                             |
  1398. |              |                                                        |
  1399. | CSWBFORM.CMD | Set-up for building UI panels, called by CSW's         |
  1400. |              | buildtime Create Forms option.                         |
  1401. |              |                                                        |
  1402. | CSWAPI.H     | Include headers for compiling CSW applications.        |
  1403. | CSWAPMAC.H   | Macros includes.                                       |
  1404. | CSWAPSTR.H   | Structures.                                            |
  1405. | CSWAPFNC.H   | Function definitions.                                  |
  1406. |              |                                                        |
  1407. +==============+========================================================+
  1408. |                                                                       |
  1409. | Feature: CSW samples - read the CSW User's Guide and Reference        |
  1410. |          (CSWUGR.DOC) for a description and walk-through of the CSW   |
  1411. |          samples.  These files are installed with the CSW buildtime   |
  1412. |          files.                                                       |
  1413. |                                                                       |
  1414. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1415. | CSWFORM1.PDF | Panels for CSW samples.                                |
  1416. | CSWFORM2.PDF |                                                        |
  1417. |              |                                                        |
  1418. | CSWFORM1.PDL | Panel library for the CSW sample first panel.          |
  1419. | CSWFORM1.PML |                                                        |
  1420. | CSWFORM1.HLP |                                                        |
  1421. |              |                                                        |
  1422. | CSWFORM2.PDL | Panel library for the CSW sample second panel.         |
  1423. | CSWFORM2.PML |                                                        |
  1424. | CSWFORM2.HLP |                                                        |
  1425. |              |                                                        |
  1426. | CSWSAMP1.CFG | Binary CSW configuration file to drive the sample      |
  1427. |              | application.                                           |
  1428. |              |                                                        |
  1429. | CSWS2DLL.C   | Sample of a CSW user routine dll c function.           |
  1430. |              |                                                        |
  1431. | CSWS2EXE.C   | Sample of a CSW user c application.                    |
  1432. |              |                                                        |
  1433. | CSWS2DLL.DEF | Definition file for compiling the sample dll.          |
  1434. | CSWS2EXE.DEF | Definition file for compiling the sample exe.          |
  1435. |              |                                                        |
  1436. | CSWSAMP2.DLL | DLL for the sample user routine.                       |
  1437. |              |                                                        |
  1438. | CSWSAMP2.EXE | Executable for the sample application.                 |
  1439. |              |                                                        |
  1440. | CSWSAMP2.MAK | Make file for building the sample.                     |
  1441. |              |                                                        |
  1442. | CSWSAMP.CMD  | Set-up for running the CSWSAMP2.MAK make file.         |
  1443. |              |                                                        |
  1444. +==============+========================================================+
  1445. |                                                                       |
  1446. | Feature: CSW documentation - This file is installed with the CSW      |
  1447. |          buildtime option.                                            |
  1448. |                                                                       |
  1449. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
  1450. |              |                                                        |
  1451. | CSWUGR.DOC   | CSW User's Guide and Reference - Read this first.      |
  1452. |              | It can be viewed with an editor, or printed on a PC    |
  1453. |              | printer.                                               |
  1454. |              |                                                        |
  1455. +==============+========================================================+