This scenario replaces any multiplayer map. Use mixman program or shuffle
to put map and ini files into general.mix file. I recommend using mixman
as it is a great, easy to use program.
You can find programs mentioned above from here:
Basically what we have here is a danger zone. Neutral terrorists are everywhere. Highly trained assasins lurk in tree's, carrying high-velocity chain-guns. Damaged gun implacements guard hostile villages while stealthy commandos seek your untimely demise. Not to mention the player on the other side of the modem line =).
Players: 2-4
Bases: ON
Tiberium: ON
Starting Money: your choice
Crates: your choice
Units: your choice
STORY:(Twenty Years after Tiberium was discovered) After GDI destroyed the Temple of NOD, many renegade factions broke off from the NOD collective. These factions are now turning to biologic weapons. In this sector, Algernon, many renegade factions are working together to develope a new type of warrior. You and your team must stop these outlaws from finishing their project.
Establish a base and begin a reconoiter operation. Find the Bio-Chemical labs and destroy them. The anarchists have also claimed various cities in this sector. Attempt to purge any villages you encounter of enemy units. Do not attack civilians unless you are fired upon. Each Bio-Chemical lab is breeding a new type of warrior. These warriors have been classed as visceroids and are very dangerous. Approach with caution. If you can determine that these beings are dangerous eliminate them. Other enemies have been sighted in this area so keep alert.
This was made from CCMAP with the help of MixMan.
KUDOS to the makers of both.
NOTES: Made from scratch, NOT symetrical. No big advantage in starting points.