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/ MacAddict 115 / macaddict115.cdr / Software / Productivity / TextWrangler_2.1.1.dmg / TextWrangler.app / Contents / Resources / TextWrangler.rsrc / TEXT_529.txt < prev    next >
Text File  |  2005-11-17  |  268b  |  47 lines

  1. and
  2. array
  3. begin
  4. case
  5. const
  6. div
  7. do
  8. downto
  9. else
  10. end
  11. file
  12. for
  13. function
  14. goto
  15. if
  16. implementation
  17. in
  18. inherited
  19. inline
  20. interface
  21. label
  22. mod
  23. nil
  24. not
  25. object
  26. of
  27. or
  28. otherwise
  29. packed
  30. procedure
  31. program
  32. record
  33. repeat
  34. return
  35. set
  36. string
  37. then
  38. to
  39. type
  40. unit
  41. univ
  42. until
  43. uses
  44. var
  45. while
  46. with